Privy Counsellor (P.C.)
    Acland, Arthur Herbert Dyke, 9th/13th Bt.
    Addington, Henry Unwin
    Addington, John Hiley
    Ameer Ali, Syed
    Amery, Harold Julian, Baron Amery of Lustleigh
    Amery, Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett
    Anstruther, Robert
    Arnold, Nicholas
    Arnold-Forster, Hugh Oakely
    Ashley, Anthony Evelyn Melbourne
    Baggallay, Richard
    Bagot, Charles
    Bagwell, William
    Baillie, Henry James
    Baird, David, of Newbyth, 1st Bt.
    Baker, John
    Ball, J. T.
    Bankes, George
    Bankes, John
    Barbour, John Milne, 1st and last Bt.
    Barclay, Colville Adrian de Rune
    Battenberg, Henry Maurice
    Baxter, William Edward
    Beach, William Wither Bramston
    Beckett, John, 2nd Bt.
    Belasyse, Thomas, 1st Earl of Fauconberg of Newborough
    Bennett, Frederic Mackarness
    Beresford, George Thomas
    Beresford, John George de la Poer
    Beresford, John de la Poer
    Beresford-Hope, Alexander James Beresford
    Berkeley, Francis
    Berkeley, Thomas, 5th Lord Berkeley, to King Richard II and King Henry IV
    Bertie, Peregrine
    Bigge, Arthur John, 1st and last Baron Stamfordham
    Bilson-Legge, Henry
    Birch, Evelyn Nigel Chetwode, Baron Rhyl of Holywell
    Birrell, Augustine
    Blackburne, Francis
    Blair, Anthony Charles Lynton
    Blakeney, Edward
    Blennerhassett, Rowland, 4th Bt.
    Bligh, Thomas
    Boleyn, George Rochford, 1st and last Lord Rochford
    Bonham Carter, Laura Miranda
    Bourne, Robert Croft
    Bowen, George Ferguson
    Boyle, Richard
    Braddon, Edward Nicholas Coventry
    Branson, George Arthur Harwin
    Bridges, Edward Ettingdean, 1st Baron Bridges
    Bright, Jacob
    Bright, John
    Brodrick, William St. John Freemantle, 1st Earl of Midleton
    Browne, Arthur
    Browne, Denis
    Browne, Patrick Reginald Evelyn
    Browne, Ulysses Maximilian
    Browne, Valentine
    Browne, Valentine Augustus, 4th Earl of Kenmare
    Browne, William Joseph
    Brownlow, William
    Bruce, Henry Campbell, 2nd Baron Aberdare of Duffryn
    Bruce, Henry Hervey, 3rd Bt.
    Brudenell-Bruce, Charles William
    Bunsen, Maurice William Ernest, 1st and last Bt.
    Burdett-Coutts-Bartlett-Coutts, William Lehman Ashmead
    Butcher, Samuel
    Butler, Adam Courtauld
    Caird, James
    Calcraft, John
    Campbell, Charles
    Campbell, James Alexander
    Campbell, Ronald Hugh
    Carmichael, Hugh, of Carmichael
    Carrington, William Henry Peregrine
    Carter, Thomas
    Cartwright, Fairfax Leighton
    Cary, Edward
    Cary, Lucius Bentinck, 10th Viscount of Falkland
    Cassel, Ernest
    Cave, Stephen
    Cavendish, William
    Cavendish-Bentinck, George Augustus Frederick
    Cecil, Brownlow Henry George, 4th Marquess of Exeter
    Cecil, William Alleyne, 3rd Marquess of Exeter
    Chamberlain, Arthur Neville
    Chamberlain, Joseph
    Channell, Arthur Moseley
    Chenevix Trench, Richard
    Cheyne, John, 1st and last Lord Cheyne
    Chicheley, Thomas
    Childers, Hugh Culling Eardley
    Chitty, Joseph
    Clementi-Smith, Cecil
    Clements, Henry Theophilius
    Clements, Nathaniel
    Clements, Theophilus
    Cochrane, William, Lord Cochrane
    Codrington, William, 2nd Bt.
    Coghill, Marmaduke
    Coleridge, John Taylor
    Collins, Godfrey Pattison
    Colomb, John Charles Ready
    Colt, Thomas
    Colvile, James William
    Conolly, William
    Cooper, Edward Henry
    Cornewall, Charles Wolfran
    Cotton, George
    Courtenay, Richard
    Courtenay, Thomas, 5th Earl of Devon
    Cowell, John
    Cowper, Francis Thomas de Grey, 7th Earl Cowper
    Cowper-Temple, William Francis, 1st and last Baron Mount Temple of Mount Temple
    Craig, Charles Curtis
    Craigie, Robert Leslie
    Crichton, John Henry, 4th Earl Erne of Crom Castle
    Croft, James
    Cross, Richard Assheton, 1st Viscount Cross
    Curzon, John
    Cusack-Smith, Thomas Berry
    Dalrymple-Hay, John Charles, of Park Place, 3rd Bt.
    Daly, Denis
    Daly, Denis
    Daly, Denis Bowes
    Daly, St. George
    Darcy, Conyers
    Darcy, Thomas, 1st Lord Darcy
    Dashwood, Francis, 11th Lord le Despenser
    Dawson, Bertrand Edward, 1st and last Viscount Dawson of Penn
    Dawson-Damer, George Lionel
    Deane, James Parker
    Dennis, James, 1st and last Baron Tracton
    Denny, Anthony
    Dewdney, Edgar
    Dick, William Wentworth Fitzwilliam
    Dimsdale, Joseph Cockfield, 1st Bt.
    Dobell, Richard Reid
    Dodson, John
    Domvile, Thomas Compton, 2nd Bt.
    Domvile, William
    Donovan, Terence Norbert, Baron Donovan
    Douglas, Archibald, 5th Earl of Angus
    Douglas, Robert, 1st and last Viscount Belhaven
    Dowdeswell, William
    Dowse, Richard
    Drayton, Henry Lumley
    Drummond-Hay, John
    Duff, Robert William, 4th of Fetteresso
    Duncan Smith, George Iain
    Dundas, Robert, of Arniston
    Dundas, William
    Edge, John
    Edwards, Lewis John
    Elliot, Walter
    Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Henry George
    Ellis, John Edward
    Ernle, John
    Ernle, John
    Erskine, William Augustus Forbes
    Esmonde, Laurence, 3rd Bt.
    Esmonde, Thomas, 9th Bt.
    Evans, George Hampden
    Eyre, John
    Farquharson, Robert, of Finzean
    Fergusson, James, of Kilkerran, 6th Bt.
    Finch, George Henry
    Finch, William
    FitzGerald, Otho Augustus
    FitzGibbon, Gerald
    FitzRoy, Henry
    Fitzalan-Howard, Edward George, 1st Baron Howard of Glossop
    Fitzgerald, James
    Fitzpatrick, Charles
    Fitzroy, Charles
    Flanagan, Stephen Woulfe
    Flood, Henry
    Foley, Thomas Henry, 4th Baron Foley of Kidderminster
    Foley, Thomas, 3rd Baron Foley of Kidderminster
    Foljambe, Francis John Savile
    Forbes, William, 12th Lord Forbes
    Ford, Francis Clare
    Forde, William Brownlow
    Forrest, John
    Forster, William Edward
    Forwood, Arthur Bower, 1st Bt.
    Foster, Augustus John, 1st Bt.
    Foster-Vesey-Fitzgerald, John Fitzgerald
    Fox, Stephen
    Fremantle, William Henry
    Fremantle, William Henry
    Fry, Edward
    Fry, Lewis
    Fry, Lewis
    Gardiner, Charles
    Gardiner, Gerald Austin, Baron Gardiner
    Gardiner, Luke
    Gascoyne-Cecil, James Edward Hubert, 4th Marquess of Salisbury
    Gates, John
    George, John
    Gibson-Craig, William, of Riccarton, 2nd Bt.
    Gladstone, William Ewart
    Goldsmid, Julian, 3rd Bt.
    Goodlad, Alastair Robertson, Baron Goodlad
    Gordon-Lennox, Henry Charles George
    Gordon-Lennox, Walter Charles
    Gordon-Walker, Patrick Christian, Baron Gordon-Walker
    Gore, Ralph, 4th Bt.
    Gore, William, 3rd Bt.
    Gorst, John Eldon
    Graham, James Robert George, 2nd Bt.
    Graham, Ronald William
    Grant Duff, Mountstuart
    Greene, Richard Wilson
    Greenwood, Arthur
    Grenville, James
    Grey, George, 2nd Bt.
    Grimond, Joseph, Baron Grimond
    Grimston, Edward
    Grosvenor, Gerald Hugh, 4th Duke of Westminster
    Grosvenor, Richard de Aquila, 1st Baron Stalbridge
    Grosvenor, Robert, 1st Baron Ebury of Ebury Manor
    Gummer, John Selwyn, Baron Deben
    Gurdon, William Brampton
    Hales, Edward, 3rd Bt.
    Hall, George Henry, 1st Viscount Hall
    Halsey, Thomas Frederick, 1st Bt.
    Hamilton, Edward Walter
    Hamilton, Frederick
    Hamilton, George Alexander
    Hamilton, Hans, 1st and last Bt.
    Hamilton, Sackville
    Hanley, Jeremy James
    Harbord, William
    Hardy, Laurence
    Harley, Thomas
    Harman, Charles Eustace
    Hart Dyke, William, 7th Bt.
    Hastings, George, 1st Earl of Huntingdon
    Hatton, Christopher, 1st Baron Hatton
    Havers, Robert Michael Oldfield, Baron Havers
    Head, Francis Bond, 1st Bt.
    Heathcote, William, 5th Bt.
    Hedges, Charles
    Hely Hutchinson, Walter Francis
    Heneage, Thomas
    Henry, Denis Stanislaus, 1st Bt.
    Herbert, Michael Henry
    Herschell, Farrar, 1st Baron Herschell of the City of Durban
    Hill, Arthur
    Hill, Arthur William
    Hill, George Fitzgerald, 2nd Bt.
    Hill, Michael
    Hill, Richard
    Hill, William, during the reign of King Charles II and King James II
    Hirst, David Cozens-Hardy
    Hobart, James
    Hobhouse, Arthur, 1st and last Baron Hobhouse
    Hobhouse, Charles Edward Henry, 4th Bt.
    Hobhouse, Henry
    Hobhouse, Henry
    Hobson, John Gardiner Summer
    Holles, Denzil, 1st Baron Holles
    Hopkins, Richard Valentine Nind
    Howard, Michael, Baron Howard of Lympne
    Howe, John Grubham
    Hulse, Samuel
    Hunt, George Ward
    Huskisson, William
    Hussey Burgh, Walter
    Huxley, Thomas Henry
    Illingworth, Percy Holden
    Jackson, Frederick Huth
    Jackson, Richard
    James, William Milbourne
    Jameson, Andrew
    Jameson, Leander Starr, 1st and last Bt.
    Jeffreys, Arthur Frederick
    Jerningham, Henry
    Jessel, George
    Jolliffe, William George Hylton, 1st Baron Hylton of Hylton
    Jones, David Brynmor
    Jones, Theophilus
    Joyce, Matthew Ingle
    Kay, Edward Ebenezer
    Kennedy, Thomas Francis
    Kenny, William
    Kenyon-Slaney, William Slaney
    Kerr, Andrew, Master of Jedburgh
    Kindersley, Richard Torin
    King, John, 3rd Baron Kingston, to King James II
    King-Harman, Edward Robert
    Kinnaird, George, 1st Lord Kinnaird
    Knight-Bruce, James Lewis
    Knox, Adrian
    Knox, George
    Knox, Thomas
    La Touche, David
    Lalor, Richard
    Langrishe, Hercules, 1st Bt.
    Lascelles, Frank Cavendish
    Lascelles, William Saunders Sebright
    Law, Andrew Bonar
    Lawley, Beilby, 3rd Baron Wenlock
    Lees-Smith, Hastings Bertrand
    Leeson, Edward Nugent, 6th Earl of Milltown
    Legge, George, 1st Baron Dartmouth
    Legge, William, 2nd Earl of Dartmouth
    Leigh-Pemberton, Edward Douglas
    Lentaigne, John Francis O'Neill
    Levinge, Richard, 1st Bt.
    Ligonier, Jean Louis, 1st Earl Ligonier
    Lindley, Francis Oswald
    Lindsay, Ronald Charles
    Lindsay-Crawford, John, 1st Viscount Garnock
    Littleton, Edward John, 1st Baron Hatherton
    Litton, Edward
    Loch, Henry Brougham, 1st Baron Loch
    Locker-Lampson, Frederick
    Locker-Lampson, Godfrey Lampson Tennyson
    Loftus, Augustus William Frederick Spencer
    Loftus, Charles, 1st Marquess of Ely
    Lopes, Massey, 3rd Bt.
    Loraine, Percy Lytham, 12th Bt.
    Lowry-Corry, Henry Thomas
    Lowry-Corry, Montagu William, 1st and last Baron Rowton
    Lowther, James
    Lucas, Edward
    Lugard, Edward
    Lush, Charles Montague
    Lyttelton, Alfred
    Lytton, Robert
    Mac Donnell, Alexander, 5th Earl of Antrim
    MacDermott, John Clarke
    MacLean, Charles Hector Fitzroy, Baron Maclean
    Mackintosh, James, Bt.
    Macleod, Iain Norman
    Mahon, Bryan Thomas
    Maitland, Thomas
    Malet, Edward Baldwin, 4th Bt.
    Mallet, Louis
    Malone, Anthony
    Mansel, John
    March Phillipps, Samuel
    Marjoribanks, Edward, 2nd Baron Tweedmouth of Edington
    Marten, Harry Neil
    Masterman, Charles Frederick Gurney
    Max-Muller, Friedrich
    Maxwell, John Maxwell Barry, 5th Baron Farnham
    May, George Augustus Chichester
    May, William Morrison
    McCausland, Maurice Marcus
    McCullagh, Crawford, 1st Bt.
    McEwan, William
    McKenna, Reginald
    McMahon, William, 1st Bt.
    McNeill, John
    Methuen, John
    Michel, John
    Mildmay, Walter
    Milnes Gaskell, Charles George
    Monckton-Arundell, Robert, 4th Viscount Galway
    Monroe, John
    Montagu Douglas Scott, Walter John, 8th Duke of Buccleuch
    Montagu, Edward
    Montagu, Edwin Samuel
    Montagu, Robert
    Montagu, William Angus Drogo, 9th Duke of Manchester
    Montgomery Campbell, Henry Colville
    More O'Ferrall, Richard
    Morgan, Charles, 1st Bt.
    Morier, Robert Burnett David
    Morley, Arnold
    Morris, Martin Henry FitzPatrick, 2nd Baron Killanin
    Mowbray, John Robert, 1st Bt.
    Mulholland, Henry George Hill, 1st Bt.
    Muller, Friedrich Max
    Murray, Charles Augustus
    Murray, George
    Murray, George Herbert
    Myddelton-Biddulph, Thomas
    Naish, John Joseph
    Nepean, Evan, 1st Bt.
    Neville, Thomas
    Nicholas, John
    Nicholl, John
    Nield, Herbert
    Nisbet Hamilton, Robert Adam
    Noel, Berkeley Plantagenet Guilford Charles
    Noel, Gerard James
    Norris, John
    Nugent, Roland Thomas, 1st and last Bt.
    O'Brien, Donough, 1st Bt.
    O'Brien, Lucius, 3rd Bt.
    O'Brien, William, 3rd Earl of Inchiquin
    O'Connor, Charles Andrew
    O'Donnell, Joseph, Graf O'Donell von Tyrconell
    Ogilvy, James, 2nd Earl of Airlie
    Ormsby, Henry Wilmot
    Page, Richard
    Paget, Arthur
    Paget, Augustus Berkeley
    Paget, Clarence Edward
    Paget, Reginald Thomas Guy Des Voeux, Baron Paget of Northampton
    Pakington, John
    Palmer, Tessa Jane Helen Douglas, Baroness Jowell
    Parker, Thomas
    Parker, William
    Pauncefote, Julian, 1st and last Baron Pauncefote
    Peckham, Edmund
    Peel, Frederick
    Peel, Jonathan
    Peel, Robert, 3rd Bt.
    Peel, William Yates
    Perceval, John, 2nd Earl of Egmont
    Perceval, Spencer
    Percy, Hugh Algernon, 10th Duke of Northumberland
    Phelip, William, 1st Lord Bardolf
    Phipps, Eric Clare Edmund
    Pigott, Thomas
    Playfair, Lyon, 1st Baron Playfair
    Pleydell-Bouverie, Edward
    Plunkett, Arthur James Francis, 11th Earl of Fingall
    Plunkett, Arthur, 9th Earl of Fingall
    Plunkett, Francis Richard
    Plunkett, Matthew, 7th Baron Louth, during the reign of King James I
    Pole-Carew, Reginald
    Pollock, Frederick, 1st Bt.
    Pollock, Frederick, 3rd Bt.
    Pomerey, John
    Ponsonby, Henry Frederick
    Ponsonby, John
    Ponsonby-Fane, Spencer Cecil
    Pretyman, Ernest George
    Primrose, Archibald Philip, 5th Earl of Rosebery
    Primrose, Henry William
    Raikes, Henry Cecil
    Raison, Timothy Hugh Francis
    Ramsay-Steel-Maitland, Arthur Herbert Drummond, 1st Bt.
    Rea, Russell
    Rice, George
    Rice, Stephen
    Ridgeway, Joseph West
    Ridley, Edward
    Ridley, Matthew White, 1st Viscount Ridley
    Rigby, John
    Ritchie, Charles Thomson, 1st Baron Ritchie of Dundee
    Robinson, Thomas, 1st Baron Grantham
    Ros, William, 6th Lord de Ros of Helmsley
    Rose, George Henry
    Rose, Henry
    Round, James
    Ruish, Francis
    Rumbold, Horace, 8th Bt.
    Russell, Henry, 1st Bt.
    Ryan, Edward
    Rycaut, Paul
    Ryder, Richard
    Sackville, Richard
    Samuelson, Bernhard, 1st Bt.
    Sandford, Francis, 1st and last Baron Sandford
    Sandys, Edwin Duncan, Baron Duncan-Sandys
    Saunderson, Edward James
    Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Alfred Ernest Albert, 1st and last Duke of Edinburgh
    Scarlett, James, 1st Baron Abinger
    Scott, John
    Scott, Nicholas Paul
    Seale, Charles Hayne
    Selwyn, Charles Jasper
    Seymour, Edward Hobart
    Seymour, George Hamilton
    Shaw, Frederick, 3rd Bt.
    Shelley, John, 5th Bt.
    Shepherd, Malcolm Newton, Baron Shepherd of Spalding
    Sinclair, John, of Ulbster, 1st Bt.
    Sinclair, Robert, of Stevenson, 3rd Bt.
    Sinclair, Thomas
    Sinclair, Thomas
    Singer, Joseph Henderson
    Slade, Christopher John
    Smith, Archibald
    Smith, Christopher Robert, Baron Smith of Finsbury
    Smyth, John
    Soames, Arthur Christopher John, Baron Soames
    Solomon, William Henry
    Somerset, Granville Charles Henry
    Somerset, Henry Richard Charles
    Somervell, Donald Bradley, Baron Somervell of Harrow
    Spearman, Alexander Young, 1st Bt.
    Spencer-Churchill, Randolph Henry
    St. George, Oliver
    St. Leger, William
    Stanley, Edward Montagu Cavendish, Lord Stanley
    Stanley, George Frederick
    Stanley, George, Baron Strange (of Knokyn)
    Stephen, James
    Stephenson, John Frederick Eustace
    Steuart, William
    Stewart, Alexander, 1st Earl of Galloway
    Stewart, Archibald, of Blackhall
    Stewart, George Francis
    Stewart, James, 1st Lord Doune
    Stewart, William, 5th of Traquair
    Stirling, Grote
    Stonhouse, John, 1st/3rd Bt.
    Stonore, John
    Stuart, James
    Stuart-Mackenzie, James
    Sutton, Robert
    Swire, Hugo George William, Baron Swire
    Sykes, Frederick Hugh
    Tait, Archibald Campbell
    Talbot, Gilbert
    Talbot, John Gilbert
    Taylour, Thomas Edward
    Tennyson-d'Eyncourt, Charles
    Thomas, Peter John Mitchell, Baron Thomas of Gwydir
    Thomson, Priscilla Jean Fortescue, Baroness Tweedsmuir of Belhelvie
    Thomson, William
    Thorpe, John Jeremy
    Thynne, Henry Frederick
    Tighe, William Frederick Fownes
    Tomkinson, James
    Townshend, Charles
    Townshend, George, 1st Marquess Townshend of Raynham
    Townshend, John
    Trevelyan, George Otto, 2nd Bt.
    Trevor, John
    Tufnell, Henry
    Turnour, Edward, 5th Earl Winterton
    Vaughan, John
    Verney, Harry, 2nd Bt.
    Vernon, Henry
    Vernon-Harcourt, Edward
    Vesey, John
    Vesey-FitzGerald, William Robert Seymour
    Villiers, Charles Pelham
    Villiers, Francis Hyde
    Wallace, David Euan
    Walpole, Spencer Horatio
    Walrond, William Hood, 1st Baron Waleran
    Warren, John Borlase, 1st and last Bt.
    Warren, Robert Richard
    Wason, Eugene
    Waterhouse, Charles
    Wavell, Archibald Percival, 1st Earl Wavell
    Weld Forester, John George, 2nd Baron Forester of Willey Park
    West, Algernon
    West, Algernon Edward
    White, William Arthur
    Whiteside, James
    Wickham, William
    Wigram, James
    William-Hume-Williams, Ellis, 1st Bt.
    Williams-Wynn, Charles Watkin
    Willmer, Henry Gordon
    Wilmot-Horton, Robert, 3rd Bt.
    Winfield-Bonser, John
    Wingfield, John
    Winnington, Thomas
    Wolff, Henry Drummond
    Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, 1st Viscount Wolseley
    Wood, Thomas McKinnon
    Workman-Macnaghten, Francis Edmund, of Dundarave, 3rd Bt.
    Worms, Henry, 1st and last Baron Pirbright
    Wrench, Frederick Stringer
    Wright, Robert Alderson, Baron Wright
    Wyndham, George
    Wyse, Thomas
    Yonge, William, 4th Bt.
    Yorke, Charles Philip
    Yorke, Charles Philip, 4th Earl of Hardwicke
    Yorke, Charles Philip, 5th Earl of Hardwicke
    Yorke, Philip, 2nd Earl of Hardwicke
    ŕ Court, William, 1st Baron Heytesbury of Heytesbury
     Richard, 1st Earl of Cornwall ( 1253 )
    Beaumont, Henry, 1st Earl of Buchan ( 1322 )
    Vere, Aubrey, 10th Earl of Oxford ( 1378 )
    Beaumont, John, 4th Baron Beaumont ( 1389 )
    Langley, Edmund, 1st Duke of York ( 1399 )
    Neville, Ralph, 1st Earl of Westmorland ( 1399 )
    Percy, Thomas, 1st and last Earl of Worcester ( 1399 )
    York, Edward, 2nd Duke of York ( 1399 ), to King Henry IV
    Poynings, Robert, 4th Lord Poynings ( 1411 )
    Cromwell, Ralph, 3rd Lord Cromwell ( 1422 )
    Stafford, Humphrey, 1st Duke of Buckingham ( 1424 )
    Ros, Thomas, 8th Lord de Ros of Helmsley ( 1429 )
    Vere, John, 12th Earl of Oxford ( 1431 )
    Beaumont, John, 1st Viscount Beaumont ( 1434 )
    Neville, Richard, 5th Earl of Salisbury ( 1437 )
    Stourton, John, 1st Baron Stourton ( 1437 )
    Neville, George, 1st Lord Latymer ( 1439 )
    Fiennes, James, 1st Lord Saye and Sele ( 1447 )
    Butler, James, 5th Earl of Ormonde ( 1453 )
    Neville, Richard, 1st Earl of Warwick ( 1453 )
    Talbot, John, 1st Viscount Lisle ( 1453 )
    Talbot, John, 2nd Earl of Shrewsbury ( 1453 )
    Tiptoft, John, 1st Earl of Worcester ( 1453 )
    Fiennes, William, 2nd Lord Saye and Sele ( 1454 )
    Neville, John, 1st and last Marquess of Montagu ( 1461 )
    Stanley, Thomas, 1st Earl of Derby ( 1471 )
    Tuchet, John, 6th Baron Audley (of Heleigh) ( 1471 )
    Percy, Henry, 3rd Earl of Northumberland ( 1474 )
    Berkeley, William, 1st and last Marquess of Berkeley ( 1483 )
    Howard, John, 1st Duke of Norfolk ( 1483 )
    Howard, Thomas, 2nd Duke of Norfolk ( 1483 )
    Tudor, Jasper, 1st and last Duke of Bedford ( 1485 )
    Butler, Thomas, 7th Earl of Ormonde ( 1486 )
    Hungerford, Walter ( 1486 )
    Vere, John, 13th Earl of Oxford ( 1486 )
    Somerset, Charles, 1st Earl of Worcester ( 1498 )
    Howard, Thomas, 2nd Duke of Norfolk ( 1501 )
    Stafford, Edward, 3rd Duke of Buckingham ( 1509 )
    Talbot, George, 4th Earl of Shrewsbury ( 1512 )
    Howard, Thomas, 3rd Duke of Norfolk ( 1516 )
    Neville, George, 3rd Lord Abergavenny ( 1516 )
    Boleyn, Thomas, 1st and last Earl of Wiltshire ( 1518 )
    Bourchier, John, 1st Earl of Bath ( 1520 )
    Courtenay, Henry, 1st and last Marquess of Exeter ( 1520 )
    Stafford, Henry, 1st Earl of Wiltshire ( 1520 )
    Stanley, Thomas, 2nd Earl of Derby ( 1520 )
    Wingfield, Robert ( 1521 )
    FitzWilliam, William, 1st and last Earl of Southampton ( 1522 )
    Gage, John ( 1522 )
    Neville, Ralph, 4th Earl of Westmorland ( 1526 )
    Radcliffe, Robert, 1st Earl of Sussex ( 1526 )
    Windsor, Andrews, 1st Baron Windsor ( 1526 )
    Douglas, Archibald, 6th Earl of Angus ( 1528 )
    Vere, John, 15th Earl of Oxford ( 1531 )
    Manners, Thomas, 1st Earl of Rutland ( 1536 )
    Seymour, Edward, 1st Duke of Somerset ( 1537 )
    Russell, John, 1st Earl of Bedford ( 1538 )
    Wingfield, Anthony ( 1539 )
    Paulet, William, 1st Marquess of Winchester ( 1542 )
    Paget, William, 1st Lord Paget (of Beaudesert) ( 1543 )
    Hay, John, 4th Lord Hay of Yester ( 1545 )
    Fitzalan, Henry, 12th/19th Earl of Arundel ( 1546 )
    North, Edward, 1st Baron North ( 1546 )
    Seymour, Thomas, 1st Baron Seymour of Sudeley ( 1547 )
    Talbot, Francis, 5th Earl of Shrewsbury ( 1549 )
    Wentworth, Thomas, 1st Lord Wentworth ( 1549 )
    Brooke, George, 9th Lord Cobham (of Kent) ( 1550 )
    Cecil, William, 1st Baron of Burghley ( 1550 )
    Clinton, Edward, 1st Earl of Lincoln ( 1550 )
    Devereux, Walter, 1st Viscount Hereford ( 1550 )
    Hastings, Francis, 2nd Earl of Huntingdon ( 1550 )
    Neville, Henry, 5th Earl of Westmorland ( 1551 )
    Bedingfeld, Henry ( 1553 )
    Bourchier, John, 2nd Earl of Bath ( 1553 )
    Herbert, William, 1st Earl of Pembroke ( 1553 )
    Mordaunt, John, 2nd Lord Mordaunt ( 1553 )
    Peckham, Robert ( 1553 )
    Radcliffe, Henry, 2nd Earl of Sussex ( 1553 )
    Stanley, Edward, 3rd Earl of Derby ( 1553 )
    Vere, John, 16th Earl of Oxford ( 1553 )
    Waldegrave, Edward ( 1553 )
    Wentworth, Thomas, 2nd Lord Wentworth ( 1553 )
    West, Thomas, 9th Lord la Warre ( 1553 )
    Wharton, Thomas, 2nd Baron Wharton ( 1553 )
    Cornwallis, Thomas ( 1554 )
    Bacon, Nicholas ( 1558 )
    Cave, Ambrose ( 1558 )
    Russell, Francis, 2nd Earl of Bedford ( 1558 )
    Stanley, Edward, 3rd Earl of Derby ( 1558 )
    Howard, Thomas, 4th Duke of Norfolk ( 1562 )
    Barnewall, Robert, 5th Baron Trimlestown ( 1564 )
    Boyd, Robert, 5th Lord Boyd of Kilmarnock ( 1567 )
    Radcliffe, Thomas, 3rd Earl of Sussex ( 1570 )
    Talbot, George, 6th Earl of Shrewsbury ( 1571 )
    Carey, Henry, 1st Baron Hunsdon of Hunsdon ( 1577 )
    Sackville, Thomas, 1st Earl of Dorset ( 1582 )
    Paulet, Amyas ( 1585 )
    Stanley, Henry, 4th Earl of Derby ( 1585 )
    Brooke, William, 10th Lord Cobham (of Kent) ( 1586 )
    Cecil, Robert, 1st Earl of Salisbury ( 1591 )
    Devereux, Robert, 2nd Earl of Essex ( 1593 )
    Egerton, Thomas, 1st Viscount Brackley ( 1596 )
    Knollys, William, 1st Earl of Banbury ( 1596 )
    North, Roger, 2nd Baron North ( 1596 )
    Carey, George, 2nd Baron Hunsdon of Hunsdon ( 1597 )
    Murray, David, 1st Viscount of Stormont ( 1599 )
    Wingfield, Richard, 1st Viscount Powerscourt ( 1600 )
    Somerset, Edward, 4th Earl of Worcester ( 1601 )
    Talbot, Gilbert, 7th Earl of Shrewsbury ( 1601 )
    Pelham, Edmund ( 1602 )
    Bruce, Edward, 1st Baron Bruce of Kinlosse ( 1603 )
    Clifford, George, 3rd Earl of Cumberland ( 1603 )
    Elphinstone, James, 1st Lord Balmerinoch ( 1603 )
    Erskine, John, 19th/2nd Earl of Mar ( 1603 )
    Home, George, 1st and last Earl of Dunbar ( 1603 )
    Howard, Henry, 1st Earl of Northampton ( 1603 )
    Howard, Thomas, 1st Earl of Suffolk ( 1603 )
    Percy, Henry, 3rd Earl of Northumberland ( 1603 )
    Vere, Edward, 17th Earl of Oxford ( 1603 )
    Zouche, Edward, 11th Baron Zouche (of Haryngworth) ( 1603 )
    Ridgeway, Thomas, 1st Earl of Londonderry ( 1606 )
    Seton, Alexander, 1st Earl of Dunfermline ( 1609 )
    Drummond, James, 1st Earl of Perth ( 1610 )
    Erskine, Thomas, 1st Earl of Kellie ( 1610 )
    Herbert, William, 3rd Earl of Pembroke ( 1611 )
    Carr, Robert, 1st and last Earl of Somerset ( 1612 )
    Greville, Fulke, 1st Baron Brooke of Beauchamps Court ( 1614 )
    Bacon, Francis, 1st and last Viscount Saint Alban ( 1616 )
    Digby, John, 1st Earl of Bristol ( 1616 )
    Howard, Thomas, 21st Earl of Arundel ( 1616 )
    Hamilton, James, 2nd Marquess of Hamilton ( 1617 )
    Hay, James, 1st Earl of Carlisle ( 1617 )
    Manners, Francis, 6th Earl of Rutland ( 1617 )
    Villiers, George, 1st Duke of Buckingham ( 1617 )
    Blundell, Francis, 1st Bt. ( 1619 )
    Calvert, George, 1st Baron Baltimore ( 1619 )
    Coote, Charles, 1st Bt. ( 1620 )
    Mac Donnell, Randal Mac Sorley, 1st Earl of Antrim ( 1620 )
    Montagu, Henry, 1st Earl of Manchester ( 1620 )
    Coke, Edward ( 1621 )
    Chichester, Arthur, 1st and last Baron Chichester of Belfast ( 1622 )
    St. John, Oliver, 1st Viscount Grandison of Limerick ( 1622 )
    Ussher, James ( 1623 )
    Herbert, Philip, 4th Earl of Pembroke ( 1624 )
    Ley, James, 1st Earl of Marlborough ( 1624 )
    Coventry, Thomas, 1st Baron Coventry of Aylesborough ( 1625 )
    Cecil, William, 2nd Earl of Exeter ( 1626 )
    Cecil, William, 2nd Earl of Salisbury ( 1626 )
    Egerton, John, 1st Earl of Bridgwater ( 1626 )
    Sackville, Edward, 4th Earl of Dorset ( 1626 )
    Savile, John, 1st Baron Savile of Pomfret ( 1626 )
    Douglas, William, 7th Earl of Morton ( 1627 )
    Barrett, Edward, 1st and last Lord Barrett of Newburgh ( 1628 )
    Bertie, Robert, 1st Earl of Lindsey ( 1628 )
    Campbell, Archibald, 1st Marquess of Argyll ( 1628 )
    Danvers, Henry, 1st and last Earl of Danby ( 1628 )
    Howard, Theophilus, 2nd Earl of Suffolk ( 1628 )
    Graham, William, 7th Earl of Menteith ( 1630 )
    Vane, Henry, the Elder ( 1630 )
    Hamilton, James, 1st Duke of Hamilton ( 1633 )
    Stuart, James, 4th Duke of Lennox ( 1633 )
    Percy, Algernon, 4th Earl of Northumberland ( 1636 )
    Stuart, James, 4th Earl of Moray ( 1638 )
    Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle-upon-Tyne ( 1639 )
    Goring, George, 1st Earl of Norwich ( 1639 )
    Howard, Thomas, 1st Earl of Berkshire ( 1639 )
    Sydney, Robert, 2nd Earl of Leicester ( 1639 )
    Boyle, Richard, 1st Earl of Cork ( 1640 )
    Hamilton, William, 2nd Duke of Hamilton ( 1640 )
    Montagu, Edward, 2nd Earl of Manchester ( 1640 )
    Bourchier, Henry, 5th Earl of Bath ( 1641 )
    Devereux, Robert, 3rd Earl of Essex ( 1641 )
    Fiennes, William, 1st Viscount Saye and Sele ( 1641 )
    Innes, Robert, of that Ilk, 1st Bt. ( 1641 )
    Kerr, William, 1st Earl of Lothian ( 1641 )
    Leigh, Francis, 1st Earl of Chichester ( 1641 )
    Russell, Francis, 4th Earl of Bedford ( 1641 )
    Savile, Thomas, 1st Earl of Sussex ( 1641 )
    Seymour, Francis, 1st Baron Seymour of Trowbridge ( 1641 )
    Seymour, William, 2nd Duke of Somerset ( 1641 )
    Cary, Lucius, 2nd Viscount of Falkland ( 1642 )
    Bertie, Montagu, 2nd Earl of Lindsey ( 1643 )
    Digby, George, 2nd Earl of Bristol ( 1643 )
    Hyde, Edward, 1st Earl of Clarendon ( 1643 )
    Capell, Arthur, 1st Baron Capell of Hadham ( 1645 )
    Ruthven, Patrick, 1st and last Earl of Brentford ( 1645 )
    Long, Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1649 )
    Stuart, James II, King of Great Britain ( 1649 )
    Villiers, George, 2nd Duke of Buckingham ( 1650 )
    Butler, James, 1st Duke of Ormonde ( 1651 )
    Wentworth, Thomas, 5th Lord Wentworth ( 1654 )
    Montagu, Edward, 1st Earl of Sandwich ( 1657 )
    Annesley, Arthur, 1st Earl of Anglesey ( 1660 )
    Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury ( 1660 )
    Bertie, Montagu, 2nd Earl of Lindsey ( 1660 )
    Carteret, George, 1st Bt. ( 1660 )
    Fiennes, William, 1st Viscount Saye and Sele ( 1660 )
    Goring, George, 1st Earl of Norwich ( 1660 )
    Grimston, Harbottle, 2nd Bt. ( 1660 )
    Howard, Charles, 1st Earl of Carlisle ( 1660 )
    Howard, Thomas, 1st Earl of Berkshire ( 1660 )
    Monck, George, 1st Duke of Albemarle ( 1660 )
    Percy, Algernon, 4th Earl of Northumberland ( 1660 )
    Sydney, Robert, 2nd Earl of Leicester ( 1660 )
    Robartes, John, 1st Earl of Radnor ( 1661 )
    Stuart, Alexander, 5th Earl of Moray ( 1661 )
    Vaughan, Richard, 2nd Earl of Carbery ( 1661 )
    Bennet, Henry, 1st Earl of Arlington ( 1662 )
    Weston, Jerome, 2nd Earl of Portland ( 1662 )
    Berkeley, John, 1st Baron Berkeley of Stratton ( 1663 )
    Granville, John, 1st Earl of Bath ( 1663 )
    Leslie, John, 1st Duke of Rothes ( 1663 )
    Boyle, Roger, 1st Earl of Orrery ( 1665 )
    Bertie, Robert, 3rd Earl of Lindsey ( 1666 )
    Butler, Thomas, 6th Earl of Ossory ( 1666 )
    Clifford, Thomas, 1st Baron Clifford of Chudleigh ( 1666 )
    Craven, William, 1st and last Earl of Craven ( 1666 )
    Egerton, John, 2nd Earl of Bridgwater ( 1667 )
    Villiers, George, 2nd Duke of Buckingham ( 1667 )
    Newport, Francis, 1st Earl of Bradford ( 1668 )
    Hay, John, 1st Marquess of Tweeddale ( 1669 )
    Cavendish, Henry, 2nd Duke of Newcastle-upon-Tyne ( 1670 )
    Vere, Aubrey, 20th Earl of Oxford ( 1670 )
    Capell, Arthur, 1st Earl of Essex ( 1672 )
    Carr, Robert, 3rd Bt. ( 1672 )
    Long, Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1672 )
    Montagu, Ralph, 1st Duke of Montagu ( 1672 )
    Saville, George, 1st Marquess of Halifax ( 1672 )
    Somerset, Henry, 1st Duke of Beaufort ( 1672 )
    Compton, James, 3rd Earl of Northampton ( 1673 )
    Finch, Heneage, 1st Earl of Nottingham ( 1673 )
    Seymour, Edward, 4th Bt. ( 1673 )
    Bruce, Alexander, 2nd Earl of Kincardine ( 1674 )
    Mordaunt, Henry, 2nd Earl of Peterborough ( 1674 )
    Spencer, Robert, 2nd Earl of Sunderland ( 1674 )
    Monck, Christopher, 2nd Duke of Albemarle ( 1675 )
    Berkeley, George, 1st Earl of Berkeley ( 1678 )
    Bruce, Robert, 2nd Earl of Elgin ( 1678 )
    Gordon, George, of Haddo, 1st Earl of Aberdeen ( 1678 )
    Capell, Henry, 1st and last Baron Capell of Tewkesbury ( 1679 )
    Cecil, James, 3rd Earl of Salisbury ( 1679 )
    Hyde, Henry, 2nd Earl of Clarendon ( 1679 )
    Maitland, John, 1st and last Duke of Lauderdale ( 1679 )
    North, Francis, 1st Baron Guilford ( 1679 )
    Powlett, Charles, 1st Duke of Bolton ( 1679 )
    Russell, William, Lord Russell ( 1679 )
    Temple, William, 1st and last Bt. ( 1679 )
    Finch, Daniel, 7th Earl of Winchilsea ( 1680 )
    Lindsay, Colin, 3rd Earl of Balcarres ( 1680 )
    Craven, William, 1st and last Earl of Craven ( 1681 )
    Stanhope, Philip, 2nd Earl of Chesterfield ( 1681 )
    Bertie, Robert, 3rd Earl of Lindsey ( 1682 )
    Erskine, Charles, 22nd/5th Earl of Mar ( 1682 )
    Hastings, Theophilus, 7th Earl of Huntingdon ( 1683 )
    Jeffreys, George, 1st Baron Jeffreys of Wem ( 1683 )
    Lauder, John, of Fountainhall, 2nd Bt. ( 1683 )
    Mordaunt, Henry, 2nd Earl of Peterborough ( 1683 )
    Douglas, William, 1st Duke of Queensberry ( 1685 )
    Drummond, James, 4th Earl of Perth ( 1685 )
    Drummond, John, 1st Earl of Melfort ( 1685 )
    Graham, Richard, 1st Viscount Preston ( 1685 )
    Herbert, Edward ( 1685 )
    Sheffield, John, 1st Duke of the County of Buckingham and of Normanby ( 1685 )
    Windsor, Thomas Windsor, 1st Earl of Plymouth ( 1685 )
    Arundell, Henry, 3rd Baron Arundell of Wardour ( 1686 )
    Belasyse, John, 1st Baron Belasyse of Worlaby ( 1686 )
    Butler, Pierce, 2nd Viscount of Ikerrin ( 1686 )
    Jermyn, Henry, 3rd Baron Jermyn ( 1686 )
    Kerr, Robert, 1st Marquess of Lothian ( 1686 )
    Mac Donnell, Alexander, 3rd Earl of Antrim ( 1686 )
    Stewart, Charles, 4th Earl of Traquair ( 1686 )
    Talbot, Richard, 1st Duke of Tyrconnell ( 1686 )
    Douglas-Hamilton, William, 1st Earl of Selkirk ( 1687 )
    Palmer, Roger, 1st Earl of Castlemaine ( 1687 )
    Evans, George ( 1688 )
    Vane, Christopher, 1st Baron Barnard of Barnard's Castle ( 1688 )
    Bentinck, Hans William, 1st Earl of Portland ( 1689 )
    Campbell, Archibald, 1st Duke of Argyll ( 1689 )
    Capell, Henry, 1st and last Baron Capell of Tewkesbury ( 1689 )
    Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Devonshire ( 1689 )
    Churchill, John, 1st Duke of Marlborough ( 1689 )
    Hampden, Richard ( 1689 )
    Herbert, Arthur, 1st Earl of Torrington ( 1689 )
    Herbert, Thomas, 8th Earl of Pembroke ( 1689 )
    Howard, Henry, 7th Duke of Norfolk ( 1689 )
    Kerr, Robert, 1st Marquess of Lothian ( 1689 )
    Lowther, John, 1st Viscount Lonsdale ( 1689 )
    Lumley, Richard, 1st Earl of Scarbrough ( 1689 )
    Montagu, Ralph, 1st Duke of Montagu ( 1689 )
    Mordaunt, Charles, 3rd Earl of Peterborough ( 1689 )
    Newport, Francis, 1st Earl of Bradford ( 1689 )
    Russell, Edward, 1st Earl of Orford ( 1689 )
    Russell, William, 1st Duke of Bedford ( 1689 )
    Sackville, Charles, 6th Earl of Dorset ( 1689 )
    Sydney, Henry, 1st and last Earl of Romney ( 1689 )
    Talbot, Charles, 1st and last Duke of Shrewsbury ( 1689 )
    Wharton, Philip, 4th Baron Wharton ( 1689 )
    Wharton, Thomas, 1st Marquess of Wharton ( 1689 )
    Powlett, Charles, 2nd Duke of Bolton ( 1690 )
    Egerton, John, 3rd Earl of Bridgwater ( 1691 )
    Cornwallis, Charles, 3rd Baron Cornwallis of Eye ( 1692 )
    Jones, Richard, 1st and last Earl of Ranelagh ( 1692 )
    Sutton, Robert, 2nd Baron Lexinton of Aram ( 1692 )
    Berkeley, Charles, 2nd Earl of Berkeley ( 1694 )
    Montagu, Charles, 1st and last Earl of Halifax ( 1694 )
    Trumbull, William ( 1695 )
    Butler, James, 2nd Duke of Ormonde ( 1696 )
    Erskine, David, 9th Earl of Buchan ( 1697 )
    Villiers, Edward, 1st Earl of the Island of Jersey ( 1697 )
    Montagu, Charles, 1st Duke of Manchester ( 1698 )
    Shirley, Robert, 1st Earl Ferrers ( 1699 )
    Bertie, Robert, 1st Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven ( 1701 )
    Boyle, Henry, 1st and last Baron Carleton ( 1701 )
    Howard, Charles, 3rd Earl of Carlisle ( 1701 )
    Seymour, Charles, 6th Duke of Somerset ( 1701 )
    Boyle, Charles, 3rd Earl of Cork ( 1702 )
    Carnegie, David, 4th Earl of Northesk ( 1702 )
    Compton, George, 4th Earl of Northampton ( 1702 )
    Coote, Charles, 3rd Earl of Mountrath ( 1702 )
    Finch, Daniel, 7th Earl of Winchilsea ( 1702 )
    Foulis, James, Lord Retford ( 1702 )
    Leveson-Gower, John, 1st Baron Gower of Stittenham ( 1702 )
    Montagu, Charles, 1st Duke of Manchester ( 1702 )
    Poulett, John, 1st Earl Poulett ( 1702 )
    Sydney, Henry, 1st and last Earl of Romney ( 1702 )
    Thynne, Thomas, 1st Viscount Weymouth ( 1702 )
    Venables-Bertie, Montagu, 2nd Earl of Abingdon ( 1702 ), to Queen Anne
    Willoughby, Thomas, 1st Baron Middleton of Middleton ( 1702 )
    Finch, Heneage, 1st Earl of Aylesford ( 1703 )
    Murray, Charles, 1st Earl of Dunmore ( 1703 )
    Primrose, Archibald, 1st Earl of Rosebery ( 1703 )
    Tufton, Thomas, 6th Earl of Thanet ( 1703 )
    Mansell, Thomas, 1st Baron Mansell of Margam ( 1704 )
    Perceval, John, 1st Earl of Egmont ( 1704 )
    Cholmondeley, Hugh, 1st Earl of Cholmondeley ( 1705 )
    Holles, John, 1st and last Duke of Newcastle-upon-Tyne ( 1705 )
    Mordaunt, Charles, 3rd Earl of Peterborough ( 1705 )
    Cholmondeley, George, 2nd Earl of Cholmondeley ( 1706 )
    Spencer, Charles, 3rd Earl of Sunderland ( 1706 )
    Stanley, James, 10th Earl of Deby ( 1706 )
    Campbell, Hugh, 3rd Earl of Loudoun ( 1707 )
    Douglas, James, 2nd Duke of Queensberry ( 1707 )
    Erskine, John, 23rd/6th Earl of Mar ( 1707 )
    Ogilvy, James, 4th Earl of Findlater ( 1707 )
    Townshend, Charles, 2nd Viscount Townshend of Raynham ( 1707 )
    Bertie, Peregrine, 2nd Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven ( 1708 )
    Bertie, Robert, 1st Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven ( 1708 )
    Capell, Algernon, 2nd Earl of Essex ( 1708 )
    Howard, Henry, 6th Earl of Suffolk ( 1708 )
    Campbell, John, 2nd Duke of Argyll ( 1709 )
    Ker, John, 1st Duke of Roxburghe ( 1709 )
    Annesley, Arthur, 5th Earl of Anglesey ( 1710 )
    Annesley, John, 4th Earl of Anglesey ( 1710 )
    Berkeley, William, 4th Baron Berkeley of Stratton ( 1710 )
    Hamilton, James, 4th Duke of Hamilton ( 1710 )
    Harcourt, Simon, 1st Viscount Harcourt of Stanton Harcourt ( 1710 )
    Hyde, Henry, 4th Earl of Clarendon ( 1710 )
    Newport, Richard, 2nd Earl of Bradford ( 1710 )
    Onslow, Richard, 1st Baron Onslow ( 1710 )
    Parker, Thomas, 1st Earl of Macclesfield ( 1710 )
    Somerset, Henry, 2nd Duke of Beaufort ( 1710 )
    St. John, Henry, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke ( 1710 )
    Talbot, Charles, 1st and last Duke of Shrewsbury ( 1710 )
    Benson, Robert, 1st and last Baron of Bingley ( 1711 )
    Boyle, Charles, 4th Earl of Orrery ( 1711 )
    Bromley, William ( 1711 )
    Campbell, Archibald, 3rd Duke of Argyll ( 1711 )
    Finch, Charles, 4th Earl of Winchilsea ( 1711 )
    Hyde, Edward, 3rd Earl of Clarendon ( 1711 )
    Johnstone, William, 1st Marquess of Annandale ( 1711 )
    Mansell, Thomas, 1st Baron Mansell of Margam ( 1711 )
    North, William, 6th Baron North ( 1711 )
    Paget, Henry, 1st Earl of Uxbridge ( 1711 )
    Tufton, Thomas, 6th Earl of Thanet ( 1711 )
    Murray, John, 1st Duke of Atholl ( 1712 )
    North, Francis, 2nd Baron Guilford ( 1712 )
    Thynne, Thomas, 1st Viscount Weymouth ( 1712 )
    Stonhouse, John, 3rd Bt. ( 1713 )
    Wyndham, William, 3rd Bt. ( 1713 )
    Bertie, Robert, 1st Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven ( 1714 )
    Brodrick, Thomas ( 1714 )
    Crofton, Edward, 2nd Bt. ( 1714 )
    Finch, Daniel, 7th Earl of Winchilsea ( 1714 )
    Finch, Heneage, 1st Earl of Aylesford ( 1714 )
    Howard, Henry, 6th Earl of Suffolk ( 1714 )
    Methuen, Paul ( 1714 )
    Montagu, Charles, 1st Duke of Manchester ( 1714 )
    Montagu, Charles, 1st and last Earl of Halifax ( 1714 )
    Onslow, Richard, 1st Baron Onslow ( 1714 )
    Paget, Henry, 1st Earl of Uxbridge ( 1714 )
    Robinson, John ( 1714 )
    Sackville, Lionel Cranfield, 1st Duke of Dorset ( 1714 )
    Talbot, Charles, 1st and last Duke of Shrewsbury ( 1714 )
    Venables-Bertie, Montagu, 2nd Earl of Abingdon ( 1714 )
    Walpole, Robert, 1st Earl of Orford ( 1714 )
    Willoughby, Thomas, 1st Baron Middleton of Middleton ( 1714 )
    Clinton, Henry, 7th Earl of Lincoln ( 1715 )
    Fitzroy, Charles, 2nd Duke of Grafton ( 1715 )
    Bennet, Charles, 1st Earl of Tankerville ( 1716 )
    Compton, Spencer, 1st Earl of Wilmington ( 1716 )
    Pulteney, William, 1st and last Earl of Bath ( 1716 )
    Temple, Richard, 1st Viscount Cobham ( 1716 )
    Berkeley, James, 3rd Earl of Berkeley ( 1717 )
    Cadogan, William, 1st Earl Cadogan ( 1717 )
    Fane, Thomas, 6th Earl of Westmorland ( 1717 )
    Montague, George, 1st Earl of Halifax ( 1717 )
    Newport, Thomas, 1st and last Baron Torrington ( 1717 )
    Pelham-Holles, Thomas, 1st Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne ( 1717 )
    Craggs, James ( 1718 )
    Darcy, Robert, 3rd Earl of Holderness ( 1718 )
    Lechmere, Nicholas, 1st Baron Lechmere of Evesham ( 1718 )
    Coventry, William, 5th Earl of Coventry ( 1720 )
    Brydges, James, 1st Duke of Chandos ( 1721 )
    Byng, George, 1st Viscount Torrington ( 1721 )
    Sutherland, John, 16th Earl of Sutherland ( 1721 )
    Harcourt, Simon, 1st Viscount Harcourt of Stanton Harcourt ( 1722 )
    Ogilvy, James, 4th Earl of Findlater ( 1723 )
    Bertie, Peregrine, 2nd Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven ( 1724 )
    Brodrick, St. John ( 1724 )
    Finch, Daniel, 8th Earl of Winchilsea ( 1725 )
    Pelham, Henry ( 1725 )
    Powlett, Charles, 3rd Duke of Bolton ( 1725 )
    Douglas, Charles, 3rd Duke of Queensberry ( 1726 )
    Lowther, Henry, 3rd Viscount Lonsdale ( 1726 )
    Lumley, Richard, 2nd Earl of Scarbrough ( 1727 )
    Manners, John, 3rd Duke of Rutland ( 1727 )
    Ponsonby, Brabazon, 1st Earl of Bessborough ( 1727 )
    Stanhope, William, 1st Earl of Harrington ( 1727 )
    Yelverton, Talbot, 1st Earl of Sussex ( 1727 )
    Stanhope, Philip Dormer, 4th Earl of Chesterfield ( 1728 )
    Boyle, Richard, 4th Earl of Cork ( 1729 )
    Hervey, John, 2nd Baron Hervey of Ickworth ( 1730 )
    Walpole, Horatio, 1st Baron Walpole of Wolterton ( 1730 )
    Cavendish, William, 3rd Duke of Devonshire ( 1731 )
    Sydney, John, 6th Earl of Leicester ( 1731 )
    West, John, 1st Earl De La Warr ( 1731 )
    Byng, Pattee, 2nd Viscount Torrington ( 1732 )
    Douglas, Charles, 2nd Earl of Selkirk ( 1733 )
    Talbot, Charles, 1st Baron Talbot of Hensol ( 1733 )
    Yorke, Philip, 1st Earl of Hardwicke ( 1733 )
    Murray, James, 2nd Duke of Atholl ( 1734 )
    Capell, William, 3rd Earl of Essex ( 1735 )
    Herbert, Henry, 9th Earl of Pembroke ( 1735 )
    Lennox, Charles, 2nd Duke of Richmond ( 1735 )
    Mildmay, Benjamin, 1st and last Earl FitzWalter ( 1735 )
    Poyntz, Stephen ( 1735 )
    Waldegrave, James, 1st Earl Waldegrave ( 1735 )
    Cholmondeley, George, 3rd Earl of Cholmondeley ( 1736 )
    Montagu, John, 2nd Duke of Montagu ( 1736 )
    Monson, John, 1st Baron Monson of Burton ( 1737 )
    Hamilton, James, 7th Earl of Abercorn ( 1738 )
    Verney, John ( 1738 )
    Beauclerk, Sydney ( 1740 )
    Cornwallis, Charles, 1st Earl Cornwallis ( 1740 )
    Bathurst, Allen, 1st Earl Bathurst of Bathurst ( 1742 )
    Bertie, Peregrine, 3rd Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven ( 1742 )
    Hay, John, 4th Marquess of Tweedale ( 1742 )
    Leveson-Gower, John, 1st Earl Gower ( 1742 )
    Pulteney, William, 1st and last Earl of Bath ( 1742 )
    Sandys, Samuel, 1st Lord Sandys, Baron of Ombersley ( 1742 )
    Wade, George ( 1742 )
    Russell, John, 4th Duke of Bedford ( 1744 )
    Hobart, John, 1st Earl of Buckinghamshire ( 1745 )
    Fox, Henry, 1st Baron Holland of Foxley ( 1746 )
    Pitt, William, 1st Earl of Chatham ( 1746 )
    Villiers, William, 3rd Earl of the Island of Jersey ( 1747 )
    Montagu, John, 4th Earl of Sandwich ( 1749 )
    Montague-Dunk, George, 2nd Earl of Halifax ( 1749 )
    Spencer, Charles, 3rd Duke of Marlborough ( 1749 )
    Anson, George, 1st and last Lord Anson ( 1750 )
    Carmichael, John, 3rd Earl of Hyndford ( 1750 )
    Cavendish, William, 4th Duke of Devonshire ( 1751 )
    Darcy, Robert, 4th Earl of Holderness ( 1751 )
    Keppel, William Anne, 2nd Earl of Albemarle ( 1751 )
    Berkeley, John, 5th Baron Berkeley of Stratton ( 1752 )
    Waldegrave, James, 2nd Earl Waldegrave ( 1752 )
    Hill, Wills, 1st Marquess of Downshire ( 1754 )
    Lyttelton, George, 1st Baron Lyttelton of Frankley ( 1754 )
    Barrington-Shute, William Wildman, 2nd Viscount Barrington of Ardglass ( 1755 )
    Leveson-Gower, Granville, 1st Marquess of Stafford ( 1755 )
    Powlett, Harry, 4th Duke of Bolton ( 1755 )
    Bateman, John, 2nd Viscount Bateman ( 1756 )
    Boscawen, Hugh, 2nd Viscount Falmouth ( 1756 )
    Edgcumbe, Richard, 2nd Baron Edgcumbe of Mount-Edgcumbe ( 1756 )
    Hobart, John, 2nd Earl of Buckinghamshire ( 1756 )
    Murray, William, 1st Earl of Mansfield ( 1756 )
    Grenville-Temple, Richard, 2nd Earl Temple ( 1757 )
    Wyndham-O'Brien, Percy, 1st and last Earl of Thomond ( 1757 )
    Hay, Thomas, 9th Earl of Kinnoull ( 1758 )
    Powlett, Charles, 5th Duke of Bolton ( 1758 )
    Sackville, George, 1st Viscount Sackville ( 1758 )
    Hanover, Edward Augustus, 1st Duke of York ( 1760 )
    Hastings, Francis, 10th Earl of Huntingdon ( 1760 )
    Manners, John, Marquess of Granby ( 1760 )
    Stuart, John, 3rd Earl of Bute ( 1760 )
    Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, 4th Earl of Shaftesbury ( 1761 )
    Keppel, George, 3rd Earl of Albemarle ( 1761 )
    Wyndham, Charles, 2nd Earl of Egremont ( 1761 )
    Campbell, John, 4th Duke of Argyll ( 1762 )
    Cust, John, 3rd Bt. ( 1762 )
    Elliot, Gilbert, of Minto, 3rd Bt. ( 1762 )
    Grenville, George ( 1762 )
    Hume-Campbell, Hugh, 3rd Earl of Marchmont ( 1762 )
    Percy, Hugh, 1st Duke of Northumberland ( 1762 )
    Pratt, Charles, 1st Earl Camden ( 1762 )
    Smith-Stanley, James ( 1762 )
    Spencer, George, 4th Duke of Marlborough ( 1762 )
    Fox-Strangways, Stephen, 1st Earl of Ilchester ( 1763 )
    Murray, David, 2nd Earl of Mansfield ( 1763 )
    Petty, William, 1st Marquess of Lansdowne ( 1763 )
    Philipps, John, 6th Bt. ( 1763 )
    Seymour-Conway, Francis, 1st Marquess of Hertford ( 1763 )
    Villiers, Thomas, 1st Earl of Clarendon ( 1763 )
    Ashburnham, John, 2nd Earl of Ashburnham ( 1765 )
    Cavendish-Bentinck, William Henry, 3rd Duke of Portland ( 1765 )
    Edgcumbe, George, 1st Earl of Mount Edgcumbe ( 1765 )
    Fitzroy, Augustus Henry, 3rd Duke of Grafton ( 1765 )
    Howe, Richard, 1st and last Earl Howe ( 1765 )
    Lennox, Charles, 3rd Duke of Richmond ( 1765 )
    Lumley-Saunderson, Richard, 4th Earl of Scarbrough ( 1765 )
    Pelham, Thomas, 1st Earl of Chichester ( 1765 )
    Ponsonby, William, 2nd Earl of Bessborough ( 1765 )
    Sackville, George, 1st Viscount Sackville ( 1765 )
    Thynne, Thomas, 1st Marquess of Bath ( 1765 )
    Verney, Ralph, 2nd Earl Verney ( 1765 )
    Campbell, John, 3rd Earl of Breadalbane and Holland ( 1766 )
    Hervey, George William, 2nd Earl of Bristol ( 1766 )
    North, Frederick, 2nd Earl of Guilford ( 1766 )
    Powlett, Harry, 6th Duke of Bolton ( 1766 )
    Sackville, Charles, 2nd Duke of Dorset ( 1766 )
    Cathcart, Charles Schaw, 9th Lord Cathcart ( 1768 )
    Pelham-Clinton, Henry, 2nd Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne ( 1768 )
    Yorke, Joseph, 1st and last Lord Dover, Baron of the Town and Port of Dover ( 1768 )
    Norton, Fletcher, 1st Lord Grantley, Baron of Markenfield ( 1769 )
    Carteret, Henry Frederick, 1st Baron Carteret of Hawnes ( 1770 )
    Osborne, William, 8th Bt. ( 1770 )
    Robinson, Thomas, 2nd Baron Grantham ( 1770 )
    Bathurst, Henry, 2nd Earl Bathurst of Bathurst ( 1771 )
    Dundas, Lawrence, of Kerse, 1st Bt. ( 1771 )
    Grey, William, 1st Baron Walsingham ( 1771 )
    Howard, Henry, 12th Earl of Suffolk ( 1771 )
    Montagu, John, 5th Earl of Sandwich ( 1771 )
    Amherst, Jeffrey, 1st Baron Amherst of Holmesdale ( 1772 )
    Jenkinson, Charles, 1st Earl of Liverpool ( 1773 )
    Brydges, James, 3rd Duke of Chandos ( 1775 )
    Eliott, George Augustus, 1st Baron Heathfield of Gibraltar ( 1775 )
    Lyttelton, Thomas, 2nd Baron Lyttelton of Frankley ( 1775 )
    Montagu, George, 1st Duke of Montagu ( 1776 )
    Howard, Frederick, 5th Earl of Carlisle ( 1777 )
    Markham, William ( 1777 )
    Smythe, Sidney Stafford ( 1777 )
    Townshend, Charles, 1st Baron Bayning of Foxley ( 1777 )
    Thurlow, Edward, 1st Baron Thurlow of Thurlow ( 1778 )
    Bertie, Brownlow, 5th Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven ( 1779 )
    Bertie, Robert, 4th Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven ( 1779 )
    Stuart, John, 1st Marquess of the County of Bute ( 1779 )
    Cecil, James, 1st Marquess of Salisbury ( 1780 )
    Seymour-Ingram, Francis, 2nd Marquess of Hertford ( 1780 )
    Wedderburn, Alexander, 1st Earl of Rosslyn ( 1780 )
    Bennet, Charles, 4th Earl of Tankerville ( 1782 )
    Dundas, Henry, 1st Viscount Melville of Melville ( 1782 )
    Dunning, John, 1st Baron Ashburton ( 1782 )
    Howe, William, 5th Viscount Howe ( 1782 )
    Keppel, Augustus, 1st and last Viscount Keppel of Elveden ( 1782 )
    Ludlow, Peter, 1st Earl Ludlow ( 1782 )
    Montagu, George, 4th Duke of Manchester ( 1782 )
    Sackville, John Frederick, 3rd Duke of Dorset ( 1782 )
    Waldegrave, George, 4th Earl Waldegrave ( 1782 )
    Cholmondeley, George James, 1st Marquess of Cholmondeley ( 1783 )
    Eden, William, 1st Baron Auckland ( 1783 )
    Finch, Heneage, 4th Earl of Aylesford ( 1783 )
    Grenville, James, 1st Baron Glastonbury of Butleigh ( 1783 )
    Grenville, William Wyndham, 1st Baron Grenville of Wotton-under-Bernewood ( 1783 )
    Grey, Thomas, 2nd Baron Walsingham ( 1783 )
    Manners, Charles, 4th Duke of Rutland ( 1783 )
    Smith-Stanley, Edward, 12th Earl of Derby ( 1783 )
    Harris, James, 1st Earl of Malmesbury ( 1784 )
    Herbert, George Augustus, 11th Earl of Pembroke ( 1784 )
    Kenyon, Lloyd, 1st Baron Kenyon, Baron of Gredington ( 1784 )
    Stanhope, Philip, 5th Earl of Chesterfield ( 1784 )
    Stopford, James, 2nd Earl of Courtown ( 1784 )
    Orde-Powlett, Thomas, 1st Baron Bolton of Bolton Castle ( 1785 )
    FitzHerbert, Alleyne, 1st and last Baron Saint Helens ( 1787 )
    Hely Hutchinson, John ( 1787 )
    Parnell, John, 2nd Bt. ( 1787 )
    Villiers, John Charles, 3rd Earl of Clarendon ( 1787 )
    Arden, Richard Pepper, 1st Baron Alvanley ( 1788 )
    Addington, Henry, 1st Viscount Sidmouth ( 1789 )
    Fane, John, 10th Earl of Westmorland ( 1789 )
    Graham, James, 3rd Duke of Montrose ( 1789 )
    Hanover, William IV, King of the United Kingdom ( 1789 )
    Pitt, John, 2nd Earl of Chatham ( 1789 )
    Boscawen, George Evelyn, 3rd Viscount Falmouth ( 1790 )
    FitzGibbon, John, 1st Earl of Clare ( 1790 )
    Leveson-Gower, George Granville, 1st Duke of Sutherland ( 1790 )
    Ryder, Dudley, 1st Earl of Harrowby ( 1790 )
    Hamilton, William ( 1791 )
    Parker, George, 4th Earl of Macclesfield ( 1791 )
    Steele, Thomas ( 1791 )
    Bathurst, Henry, 3rd Earl Bathurst of Bathurst ( 1793 )
    Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Gilbert, 1st Earl of Minto ( 1793 )
    Grosvenor, Robert, 1st Marquess of Westminster ( 1793 )
    Hobart, Robert, 4th Earl of Buckinghamshire ( 1793 )
    Pratt, John Jeffreys, 1st Marquess Camden ( 1793 )
    Stopford, James George, 3rd Earl of Courtown ( 1793 )
    Wellesley, Richard, 1st Marquess Wellesley of Norragh ( 1793 )
    Damer, George, 2nd Earl of Dorchester ( 1794 )
    Douglas, Sylvester, 1st and last Baron Glenbervie ( 1794 )
    Eden, Morton Frederick, 1st Baron Henley of Chardstock ( 1794 )
    Spencer, George John, 2nd Earl Spencer ( 1794 )
    Dillon, Robert, 1st Baron Clonbrock ( 1795 ), although he was never sworn
    Pelham, Thomas, 2nd Earl of Chichester ( 1795 )
    Ker, John, 3rd Duke of Roxburghe ( 1796 )
    Banks, Joseph, 1st and last Bt. ( 1797 )
    Murray, John, 4th Duke of Atholl ( 1797 )
    Cathcart, William Schaw, 1st Earl Cathcart ( 1798 )
    Fox, Charles James ( 1798 )
    Hay-Drummond, Robert Auriol, 10th Earl of Kinnoull ( 1798 )
    Stewart, Robert, 2nd Marquess of Londonderry ( 1798 )
    Bruce, Thomas, 11th Earl of Kincardine ( 1799 )
    Hannover, Ernst August I ( 1799 )
    Jenkinson, Robert Bankes, 2nd Earl of Liverpool ( 1799 )
    Payne, Ralph, 1st and last Baron Lavington of Lavington ( 1799 )
    Scott, John, 1st Earl of Eldon ( 1799 )
    Canning, George ( 1800 )
    Loftus, John, 2nd Marquess of Ely ( 1800 )
    Whitworth, Charles, 1st Earl of Whitworth ( 1800 )
    Bathurst, Charles ( 1801 )
    FitzGerald, Maurice, 18th Knight of Kerry ( 1801 )
    Freeman-Mitford, John, 1st Baron Redesdale ( 1801 )
    Jervis, John, 1st Earl of Saint Vincent ( 1801 )
    Perceval, Charles George, 2nd Baron Arden ( 1801 )
    Yorke, Philip, 3rd Earl of Hardwicke ( 1801 )
    Hanover, Adolphus Frederick, 1st Duke of Cambridge ( 1802 )
    Law, Edward, 1st Baron Ellenborough ( 1802 )
    Arbuthnot, Charles ( 1804 )
    Drummond, William James Charles Maria, 4th of Logie Almond ( 1804 )
    Finch, George, 9th Earl of Winchilsea ( 1804 )
    Leveson-Gower, Granville, 1st Earl Granville ( 1804 )
    Phipps, Henry, 1st Earl of Mulgrave ( 1804 )
    Thynne, George, 2nd Baron Carteret of Hawnes ( 1804 )
    Thynne, John, 3rd Baron Carteret of Hawnes ( 1804 )
    Clive, Edward, 1st Earl of Powis ( 1805 )
    Frere, John Hookham ( 1805 )
    Middleton, Charles, 1st Baron Barham ( 1805 )
    Sullivan, John ( 1805 )
    Anstruther, John, of that Ilk, 4th and 1st Bt. ( 1806 )
    Bennet, Charles Augustus, 5th Earl of Tankerville ( 1806 )
    Erskine, Thomas, 1st Baron Erskine of Restormel Castle ( 1806 )
    Grey, Charles, 2nd Earl Grey ( 1806 )
    Hamilton, Alexander, 10th Duke of Hamilton ( 1806 )
    Herbert, Henry, 1st Earl of Carnarvon ( 1806 )
    Howard, George, 6th Earl of Carlisle ( 1806 )
    Maitland, James, 8th Earl of Lauderdale ( 1806 )
    Petty-FitzMaurice, Henry, 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne ( 1806 )
    Proby, John Joshua, 1st Earl of Carysfort ( 1806 )
    Rawdon-Hastings, Francis, 1st Marquess of Hastings ( 1806 )
    Russell, John, 6th Duke of Bedford ( 1806 )
    Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville, Richard, 1st Duke of Buckingham and Chandos ( 1806 )
    Vassall Fox, Henry Richard, 3rd Baron Holland of Foxley ( 1806 )
    Dundas, Henry, 1st Viscount Melville of Melville ( 1807 )
    Le Poer Trench, Richard, 2nd Earl of Clancarty ( 1807 )
    Manners-Sutton, Thomas, 1st Baron Manners of Foston ( 1807 )
    Murray-Pulteney, James, of Dunerne, 7th Bt. ( 1807 )
    Saunders-Dundas, Robert, 2nd Viscount Melville of Melville ( 1807 )
    Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of Wellington ( 1807 )
    Edgcumbe, Richard, 2nd Earl of Mount Edgcumbe ( 1808 )
    Smythe, Percy Clinton Sydney, 6th Viscount Strangford ( 1808 )
    Baker-Holroyd, John, 1st Earl of Sheffield ( 1809 )
    Manners-Sutton, Charles, 1st Viscount Canterbury ( 1809 )
    Temple, Henry John, 3rd Viscount Palmerston ( 1809 )
    Wellesley, Henry, 1st Baron Cowley of Wesley ( 1809 )
    Wellesley-Pole, William, 3rd Earl of Mornington ( 1809 )
    Jocelyn, Robert, 3rd Earl of Roden ( 1812 )
    Paulet, Charles Ingoldsby, 13th Marquess of Winchester ( 1812 )
    Seymour-Conway, Francis Charles, 3rd Marquess of Hertford ( 1812 )
    Vesey-Fitzgerald, William, 2nd Baron Fitzgerald and Vesci ( 1812 )
    Ashley-Cooper, Cropley, 6th Earl of Shaftesbury ( 1814 )
    Hamilton, Thomas, 9th Earl of Haddington ( 1814 )
    Hamilton-Gordon, George, 4th Earl of Aberdeen ( 1814 )
    Stuart, Charles, 1st and last Baron Stuart de Rothesay ( 1814 )
    Vane, Charles William, 3rd Marquess of Londonderry ( 1814 )
    Amherst, William Pitt, 1st Earl Amherst of Arracan ( 1815 )
    Bloomfield, Benjamin, 1st Baron Bloomfield of Oakhampton and Redwood ( 1817 )
    Chetwynd-Talbot, Charles, 2nd Earl Talbot of Hensol ( 1817 )
    Grant, Charles, 1st and last Baron Gleneig ( 1819 )
    Canning, Stratford, 1st Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe ( 1820 )
    Beresford, William Carr, 1st and last Viscount Beresford of Beresford ( 1821 )
    Conyngham, Henry, 1st Marquess Conyngham ( 1821 )
    Drummond-Burrell, Peter Robert, 22nd Lord Willoughby de Eresby ( 1821 )
    Graham, James, 4th Duke of Montrose ( 1821 )
    Sackville, Charles, 5th Duke of Dorset ( 1821 )
    Hope, Charles, Lord Granton ( 1822 )
    Warrender, George, of Lochend, 4th Bt. ( 1822 )
    Best, William Draper, 1st Baron Wynford ( 1824 )
    Gifford, Robert, 1st Baron Gifford of St. Leonard's ( 1824 )
    Noel-Hill, William, 3rd Baron Berwick of Attingham ( 1824 )
    Percy, Hugh, 3rd Duke of Northumberland ( 1825 )
    Gascoyne-Cecil, James Brownlow William, 2nd Marquess of Salisbury ( 1826 )
    Maitland, James, 8th Earl of Lauderdale ( 1826 )
    Cavendish, William George Spencer, 6th Duke of Devonshire ( 1827 )
    Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck, William Henry, 4th Duke of Portland ( 1827 )
    Cockburn, George, of Langton, 10th Bt. ( 1827 )
    Osborne, George William Frederick, 6th Duke of Leeds ( 1827 )
    Paget, Henry William, 1st Marquess of Anglesey ( 1827 )
    Plunket, William Conyngham, 1st Baron Plunket of Newton ( 1827 )
    Ward, John William, 1st and last Earl of Dudley of Dudley Castle ( 1827 )
    Egerton, Francis, 1st Earl of Ellesmere ( 1828 )
    Hardinge, Henry, 1st Viscount Hardinge of Lahore and Kings Newton ( 1828 )
    Law, Edward, 1st and last Earl of Ellenborough ( 1828 )
    St. Clair-Erskine, James, 2nd Earl of Rosslyn ( 1829 )
    Agar-Ellis, George James Welbore, 1st Baron Dover ( 1830 )
    Anson, Thomas William, 1st Earl of Lichfield ( 1830 )
    Brougham, Henry, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux ( 1830 )
    Burgh, Ulick John, 1st Marquess of Clanricarde ( 1830 )
    Chichester, George Hamilton, 3rd Marquess of Donegall ( 1830 )
    Child-Villiers, George, 5th Earl of the Island of Jersey ( 1830 )
    Cholmondeley, George Horatio, 2nd Marquess of Cholmondeley ( 1830 )
    Dawson, George Robert ( 1830 )
    Devereux, Henry Fleming Lea, 14th Viscount Hereford ( 1830 )
    Eden, George, 1st and last Earl of Auckland ( 1830 )
    FitzGibbon, John, 2nd Earl of Clare ( 1830 )
    Gordon, George, 5th Duke of Gordon ( 1830 )
    Howard, Bernard Edward, 12th Duke of Norfolk ( 1830 )
    Keppel, William Charles, 4th Earl of Albemarle ( 1830 )
    Lambton, John George, 1st Earl of Durham ( 1830 )
    Rae, William, 3rd Bt. ( 1830 )
    Russell, John, 1st Earl Russell ( 1830 )
    Smith-Stanley, Edward Geoffrey, 14th Earl of Derby ( 1830 )
    Spencer, John Charles, 3rd Earl Spencer ( 1830 )
    Curzon-Howe, Richard William Penn, 1st Earl Howe ( 1831 )
    FitzGerald, Augustus Frederick, 3rd Duke of Leinster ( 1831 )
    Gregory, William ( 1831 )
    Parnell, Henry Brooke, 1st Baron Congleton ( 1831 )
    Ponsonby, John William, 4th Earl of Bessborough ( 1831 )
    Primrose, Archibald John, 4th Earl of Rosebery ( 1831 )
    Spring Rice, Thomas, 1st Baron Monteagle of Brandon ( 1831 )
    Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Gilbert, 2nd Earl of Minto ( 1832 )
    Hobhouse, John Cam, 1st and last Baron Broughton of Broughton-de-Gyfford ( 1832 )
    Campbell, George William, 6th Duke of Argyll ( 1833 )
    Fitz-Clarence, George Augustus Frederick, 1st Earl of Munster ( 1833 )
    Acheson, Archibald, 2nd Earl of Gosford ( 1834 )
    Baring, Alexander, 1st Baron Ashburton ( 1834 )
    Browne, Howe Peter, 2nd Marquess of Sligo ( 1834 )
    Jenner-Fust, Herbert ( 1834 )
    Knatchbull, Edward, 9th Bt. ( 1834 )
    Pepys, Charles Christopher, 1st Earl of Cottenham ( 1834 )
    Stanhope, George, 6th Earl of Chesterfield ( 1834 )
    Stapleton-Cotton, Stapleton, 1st Viscount Combermere of Bhurtpore ( 1834 )
    Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie, James Archibald, 1st Baron Wharncliffe of Wortley ( 1834 )
    Sugden, Edward Burtenshaw, 1st Baron St. Leonards ( 1834 )
    Vereker, Charles, 2nd Viscount Gort ( 1834 )
    Adam, Frederick ( 1835 )
    Byng, George Stevens, 2nd Earl of Strafford ( 1835 )
    Conyngham, Francis Nathaniel, 2nd Marquess Conyngham ( 1835 )
    Egerton, Thomas Grosvenor, 2nd Earl of Wilton of Wilton Castle ( 1835 )
    Grey, Henry George, 3rd Earl Grey ( 1835 )
    Howard, George William Frederick, 7th Earl of Carlisle ( 1835 )
    Stewart, Frederick William Robert, 4th Marquess of Londonderry ( 1835 )
    Elphinstone, John, 13th Lord Elphinstone ( 1836 )
    Fox-Strangways, Henry Stephen, 3rd Earl of Ilchester ( 1837 )
    Howard, Henry Charles, 13th Duke of Norfolk ( 1837 )
    Baring, Francis Thornhill, 1st Baron Northbrook ( 1839 )
    Fortescue, Hugh, 2nd Earl Fortescue ( 1839 )
    Paget, Henry, 2nd Marquess of Anglesey ( 1839 )
    Shaw-Lefevre, Charles, 1st and last Viscount Eversley of Heckfield ( 1839 )
    Kinnaird, George William Fox, 9th Lord Kinnaird ( 1840 )
    Villiers, George William, 4th Earl of Clarendon ( 1840 )
    Brudenell-Bruce, Ernest Augustus Charles, 3rd Marquess of Ailesbury ( 1841 )
    Campbell, John, 1st Baron Campbell of St. Andrews ( 1841 )
    Eliot, Edward Granville, 3rd Earl of Saint Germans ( 1841 )
    Hervey, Frederick William, 2nd Marquess of Bristol ( 1841 )
    Jenkinson, Charles Cecil Cope, 3rd Earl of Liverpool ( 1841 )
    Maule-Ramsay, Fox, 11th Earl of Dalhousie ( 1841 )
    Pelham-Clinton, Henry Pelham, 5th Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne ( 1841 )
    Sackville-West, George John, 5th Earl De La Warr ( 1841 )
    Sandys, Arthur Marcus Cecil, 3rd Lord Sandys, Baron of Ombersley ( 1841 )
    St. Clair-Erskine, James Alexander, 3rd Earl of Rosslyn ( 1841 )
    Stanley, Edward John, 2nd Baron Stanley of Alderley ( 1841 )
    Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville, Richard Plantagenet, 2nd Duke of Buckingham and Chandos ( 1841 )
    Montagu Douglas Scott, Walter Francis, 5th Duke of Buccleuch ( 1842 )
    Percy, George, 5th Duke of Northumberland ( 1842 )
    Pakenham, Richard ( 1843 )
    Pemberton-Leigh, Thomas, 1st and last Baron Kingsdown ( 1843 )
    Ramsay, James Andrew, 1st and last Marquess of Dalhousie of Dalhousie Castle ( 1843 )
    Fremantle, Thomas Francis, 1st Baron Cottesloe ( 1844 )
    Pottinger, Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1844 )
    Baring, William Bingham, 2nd Baron Ashburton ( 1845 )
    Bulwer, William Henry Lytton Earle, 1st and last Baron Dalling and Bulwer of Dalling ( 1845 )
    Clerk, George, of Penicuik, 6th Bt. ( 1845 )
    Herbert, Sidney, 1st Baron Herbert of Lea ( 1845 )
    Canning, Charles John, 1st Earl Canning ( 1846 )
    Hamilton, James, 1st Duke of Abercorn ( 1846 )
    Leveson-Gower, Granville George, 2nd Earl Granville ( 1846 )
    Russell, Francis, 7th Duke of Bedford ( 1846 )
    Spencer, Frederick, 4th Earl Spencer ( 1846 )
    Strutt, Edward, 1st Baron Belper ( 1846 )
    Stuart-Wortley, James Archibald ( 1846 )
    Wilde, Thomas, 1st Baron Truro of Bowes ( 1846 )
    Wood, Charles, 1st Viscount Halifx of Monk Bretton ( 1846 )
    Somerville, William Meredyth, 1st Baron Meredyth ( 1847 )
    Campbell, John, 2nd Marquess of Breadalbane ( 1848 )
    Hayter, William Goodenough, 1st Bt. ( 1848 )
    Ponsonby, John George Brabazon, 5th Earl of Bessborough ( 1848 )
    Dundas, David ( 1849 )
    Grosvenor, Richard, 2nd Marquess of Westminster ( 1850 )
    Rolfe, Robert Monsey, 1st and last Baron Cranworth ( 1850 )
    Phipps, George Augustus Constantine, 2nd Marquess of Normanby ( 1851 )
    Rutherfurd, Andrew, Lord Rutherfurd ( 1851 )
    St. Maur, Edward Adolphus, 12th Duke of Somerset ( 1851 )
    Abbot, Charles, 2nd Baron Colchester of Colchester ( 1852 )
    Bourke, Richard Southwell, 6th Earl of Mayo ( 1852 )
    Bridgeman, Orlando George Charles, 3rd Earl of Bradford ( 1852 )
    Cardwell, Edward, 1st and last Viscount Cardwell of Ellerbeck ( 1852 )
    Disraeli, Benjamin, 1st and last Earl of Beaconsfield ( 1852 )
    FitzGerald-de Ros, William Lennox Lascelles, 22nd Lord de Ros of Helmsley ( 1852 )
    Hamilton, Claud ( 1852 )
    Manners, John James Robert, 7th Duke of Rutland ( 1852 )
    Montagu, John William, 7th Earl of Sandwich ( 1852 )
    Montgomerie, Archibald, 13th Earl of Eglinton ( 1852 )
    Napier, Joseph, 1st Bt. ( 1852 )
    Percy, Algernon, 4th Duke of Northumberland ( 1852 )
    Sotheron-Estcourt, Thomas Henry Sutton ( 1852 )
    Trollope, John, 1st Baron Kesteven ( 1852 )
    Wellesley, Henry Richard Charles, 1st Earl Cowley ( 1852 )
    Young, John, 1st Baron Lisgar of Lisgar and Bailieborough ( 1852 )
    Campbell, George John Douglas, 8th Duke of Argyll ( 1853 )
    Douglas, Archibald William, 8th Marquess of Queensberry ( 1853 )
    Townshend, John Robert, 1st and last Earl Sydney ( 1853 )
    Wellesley, Arthur Richard, 2nd Duke of Wellington ( 1853 )
    Berkeley, Maurice Frederick FitzHardinge, 1st Baron FitzHardinge of Bristol ( 1855 )
    Lowe, Robert, 1st Viscount Sherbrooke ( 1855 )
    Monsell, William, 1st Baron Emly ( 1855 )
    Ryder, Dudley, 2nd Earl of Harrowby ( 1855 )
    Hanover, George William Frederick Charles, 2nd Duke of Cambridge ( 1856 )
    Bruce, James, 12th Earl of Kincardine ( 1857 )
    Head, Edmund Walker, 8th Bt. ( 1857 )
    Adderley, Charles Bowyer, 1st Baron Norton ( 1858 )
    Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George, 1st Baron Lytton of Knebworth ( 1858 )
    Chetwynd-Talbot, Henry John, 18th Earl of Shrewsbury ( 1858 )
    Hely Hutchinson, Richard John, 4th Earl of Donoughmore of Knocklofty ( 1858 )
    Somerset, Henry Charles FitzRoy, 8th Duke of Beaufort ( 1858 )
    Stanley, Edward Henry, 15th Earl of Derby ( 1858 )
    Thesiger, Frederick, 1st Baron Chelmsford of Chelmsford ( 1858 )
    Brudenell-Bruce, George William Frederick, 2nd Marquess of Ailesbury ( 1859 )
    Gordon-Lennox, Charles Henry, 6th Duke of Richnond ( 1859 )
    Gough, Hugh, 1st Viscount Gough of Goojerat ( 1859 )
    Keppel, William Coutts, 7th Earl of Albemarle ( 1859 )
    Lawrence, John Laird Mair, 1st Baron Lawrence of the Punjaub and of Grately ( 1859 )
    Percy, Algernon George, 6th Duke of Northumberland ( 1859 )
    Proby, Granville Leveson, 4th Earl of Carysfort ( 1859 )
    Reynolds-Moreton, Henry John, 3rd Earl of Ducie ( 1859 )
    Spencer, John Poyntz, 5th Earl Spencer ( 1859 )
    Bloomfield, John Arthur Douglas, 1st Baron Bloomfield of Ciamhaltha ( 1860 )
    Bethell, Richard, 1st Baron Westbury ( 1861 )
    Napier, Francis, 10th Lord Napier of Merchistoun ( 1861 )
    O'Hagan, Thomas, 1st Baron O'Hagan of Tullahogue ( 1861 )
    Buchanan, Andrew, 1st Bt. ( 1863 )
    Bruce, Henry Austin, 1st Baron Aberdare of Duffryn ( 1864 )
    Parkinson-Fortescue, Chichester Samuel, 1st and last Baron Carlingford ( 1864 )
    Wodehouse, John, 1st Earl of Kimberley ( 1864 )
    Goschen, George Joachim, 1st Viscount Goschen ( 1865 )
    Lyons, Richard Bickerton Pemell, 1st and last Viscount Lyons ( 1865 )
    Boyle, Richard Edmund St. Lawrence, 9th Earl of Cork ( 1866 )
    Brand, Henry Bouverie William, 1st Viscount Hampden of Glynde ( 1866 )
    Cadogan, Henry Charles, 4th Earl Cadogan ( 1866 )
    Cairns, Hugh MacCalmont, 1st Earl Cairns ( 1866 )
    Cavendish, Spencer Compton, 8th Duke of Devonshire ( 1866 )
    Colville, Charles John, 1st Viscount Colville of Culross ( 1866 )
    Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Arthur Talbot, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury ( 1866 )
    Gathorne-Hardy, Gathorne, 1st Earl of Cranbrook ( 1866 )
    Hammond, Edmund, 1st and last Baron Hammond of Kirkella ( 1866 )
    Herbert, Henry Howard Molyneux, 4th Earl of Carnarvon ( 1866 )
    Northcote, Stafford Henry, 1st Earl of Iddesleigh ( 1866 )
    Spencer-Churchill, John Winston, 7th Duke of Marlborough ( 1866 )
    Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville, Richard Plantagenet Campbell, 3rd Duke of Buckingham and Cha ( 1866 )
    Herbert, Percy Egerton ( 1867 )
    Phillimore, Robert Joseph, 1st Bt. ( 1867 )
    Wilson Patten, John, 1st and last Baron Winmarleigh ( 1867 )
    Layard, Austen Henry ( 1868 )
    O'Loghlen, Colman Michael, 2nd Bt. ( 1868 )
    Wood, William Page, 1st and last Baron Hatherley ( 1868 )
    Baring, Thomas George, 1st Earl of Northbrook ( 1869 )
    Beauclerk, William Ameleus Aubrey de Vere, 10th Duke of Saint Albans ( 1869 )
    Lyttelton, George William, 4th Lord Lyttelton, Baron of Frankley ( 1869 )
    Moncreiff, James, 1st Baron Moncreiff of Tulliebole ( 1869 )
    Warren, George Fleming, 2nd Baron de Tabley of Tabley House ( 1869 )
    Collier, Robert Porrett, 1st Baron Monkswell of Monkswell ( 1871 )
    Rogers, Frederick, 1st and last Baron Blachford ( 1871 )
    Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Arthur William Patrick Albert, 1st Duke of Connaught and Strathearn ( 1871 )
    Dodson, John George, 1st Baron Monk Bretton ( 1872 )
    Gregory, William Henry ( 1872 )
    Hannen, James, Baron Hannen ( 1872 )
    Hogg, James Weir, 1st Bt. ( 1872 )
    Knollys, William Thomas ( 1872 )
    Palmer, Roundell, 1st Earl of Selborne ( 1872 )
    Russell, Odo William Leopold, 1st Baron Ampthill ( 1872 )
    Adam, William Patrick ( 1873 )
    Coleridge, John Duke, 1st Baron Coleridge of Ottery St. Mary ( 1873 )
    Glyn, George Grenfell, 2nd Baron Wolverton ( 1873 )
    Knatchbull-Hugessen, Edward Hugessen, 1st Baron Brabourne of Brabourne ( 1873 )
    Barrington, George William, 7th Viscount Barrington of Ardglass ( 1874 )
    Bootle-Wilbraham, Edward, 1st Earl of Lathom ( 1874 )
    Gordon, Edward Strathearn, Baron Gordon of Drumearn ( 1874 )
    Hicks-Beach, Michael Edward, 1st Earl Saint Aldwyn ( 1874 )
    Hubbard, John Gellibrand, 1st Baron Addington ( 1874 )
    Lygon, Frederick, 6th Earl Beauchamp ( 1874 )
    Monson, William John, 1st and last Viscount Oxenbridge ( 1874 )
    Percy, Henry George, 7th Duke of Northumberland ( 1874 )
    Ryder, Dudley Francis Stuart, 3rd Earl of Harrowby ( 1874 )
    Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Leopold George Duncan Albert, 1st Duke of Albany ( 1874 )
    Sclater-Booth, George, 1st Baron Basing of Basin Byflete and of Hoddington ( 1874 )
    Seymour, Francis George Hugh, 5th Marquess of Hertford ( 1874 )
    Campbell, John George Edward Henry Douglas Sutherland, 9th Duke of Argyll ( 1875 )
    Chetwynd-Talbot, Charles John Chetwynd, 19th Earl of Shrewsbury ( 1875 )
    Blackburn, Colin, Baron Blackburn of Killearn ( 1876 )
    Bramwell, George William Wilshire, 1st and last Baron Bramwell of Hever ( 1876 )
    Brett, William Baliol, 1st Viscount Esher ( 1876 )
    Coventry, George William, 9th Earl of Coventry ( 1877 )
    Smith, William Henry ( 1877 )
    Thesiger, Alfred Henry ( 1877 )
    Cavendish, William, 7th Duke of Devonshire ( 1878 )
    Hamilton, George Francis ( 1878 )
    Stanley, Frederick Arthur, 16th Earl of Derby ( 1878 )
    Edgcumbe, William Henry, 4th Earl of Mount Edgcumbe ( 1879 )
    Macdonald, John Alexander ( 1879 )
    Mellor, John ( 1879 )
    Seymour, Hugh de Grey, 6th Marquess of Hertford ( 1879 )
    Bourke, Robert, 1st and last Baron Connemara ( 1880 )
    Campbell, Gavin, 1st Marquess of Breadalbane ( 1880 )
    Cubitt, George, 1st Baron Ashcombe ( 1880 )
    Duff, Alexander William George, 1st Duke of Fife ( 1880 )
    Edwardes, William, 4th Baron Kensington ( 1880 )
    Grosvenor, Hugh Lupus, 1st Duke of Westminster ( 1880 )
    Harcourt, William George Granville ( 1880 )
    Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, Gilbert Henry, 1st Earl of Ancaster ( 1880 )
    Shaw-Lefevre, George John, 1st and last Baron Eversley ( 1880 )
    Gordon, Charles, 11th Marquess of Huntly ( 1881 )
    Lindley, Nathaniel, Baron Lindley ( 1881 )
    Wynn-Carington, Charles Robert, 1st and last Marquess of Lincolnshire ( 1881 )
    Bowen, Charles Synge Christopher, Baron Bowen of Colwood ( 1882 )
    Cavendish, Frederick Charles ( 1882 )
    Dilke, Charles Wentworth, 2nd Bt. ( 1882 )
    Acland, Thomas Dyke, 7th/11th Bt. ( 1883 )
    Balfour, John Blair, 1st Baron Kinross ( 1883 )
    Robinson, Hercules George Robert, 1st Baron Rosmead ( 1883 )
    Savile, John, 1st Baron Savile of Rufford ( 1883 )
    May, Thomas Erskine, 1st and last Baron Farnborough ( 1884 )
    Peel, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Viscount Peel of Sandy ( 1884 )
    Balfour, Arthur James, 1st Earl of Balfour ( 1885 )
    Beresford, John Henry de la Poer, 5th Marquess of Waterford ( 1885 )
    Cadogan, George Henry, 5th Earl Cadogan ( 1885 )
    Chaplin, Henry, 1st Viscount Chaplin ( 1885 )
    Gibson, Edward, 1st Baron Ashbourne ( 1885 )
    Giffard, Hardinge Stanley, 1st Earl of Halsbury ( 1885 )
    Holland, Henry Thurstan, 1st Viscount Knutsford ( 1885 )
    James, Henry, 1st and last Baron James of Hereford ( 1885 )
    Legge, William Heneage, 6th Earl of Dartmouth ( 1885 )
    Lopes, Henry Charles, 1st Baron Ludlow ( 1885 )
    Marriott, William Thackeray ( 1885 )
    Pleydell-Bouverie, William, 5th Earl of Radnor ( 1885 )
    Bennet, Charles Augustus, 6th Earl of Tankerville ( 1886 )
    Bruce, Victor Alexander, 13th Earl of Kincardine ( 1886 )
    Cavendish-Bentinck, William John Arthur Charles James, 6th Duke of Portland ( 1886 )
    Fowler, Henry Hartley, 1st Viscount Wolverhampton ( 1886 )
    Hamilton-Gordon, John Campbell, 1st Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair ( 1886 )
    Hanbury-Tracy, Charles Douglas Richard, 4th Baron Sudeley of Toddington ( 1886 )
    Harbord, Charles, 5th Baron Suffield ( 1886 )
    Hovell-Thurlow-Cumming-Bruce, Thomas John, 5th Baron Thurlow of Thurlow ( 1886 )
    Kay-Shuttleworth, Ughtred James, 1st Baron Shuttleworth ( 1886 )
    Keith-Falconer, Algernon Hawkins Thomond, 9th Earl of Kintore ( 1886 )
    Kerr, Schomberg Henry, 9th Marquess of Lothian ( 1886 )
    Lambart, Frederick Edward Gould, 9th Earl of the County of Cavan ( 1886 )
    Matthews, Henry, 1st and lst Viscount Llandaff ( 1886 )
    Mellor, John William ( 1886 )
    Morley, John, 1st and last Viscount Morley of Blackburn ( 1886 )
    North, John Sydney ( 1886 )
    Parker, Albert Edmund, 3rd Earl of Morley ( 1886 )
    Ramsay, John William, 13th Earl of Dalhousie ( 1886 )
    Rose, John, 1st Bt. ( 1886 )
    St. Clair-Erskine, Robert Francis, 4th Earl of Rosslyn ( 1886 )
    Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Charles Stewart, 6th Marquess of Londonderry ( 1886 )
    Cust, Adelbert Wellington Brownlow, 3rd Earl Brownlow ( 1887 )
    Dalrymple, Charles, of Newhailes, 1st Bt. ( 1887 )
    Macnaghten, Edward, Baron Macnaghten ( 1887 )
    Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Robert, 1st Earl of Lytton ( 1888 )
    Robertson, James Patrick Bannerman, Baron Robertson ( 1888 )
    Courtney, Leonard Henry, 1st and last Baron Courtney of Penwith ( 1889 )
    Dundas, Lawrence, 1st Marquess of Zetland ( 1889 )
    Morris, Michael, Baron Morris ( 1889 )
    Pery, William Hale John Charles, 3rd Earl of Limerick ( 1889 )
    Child-Villiers, Victor Albert George, 7th Earl of Island of Jersey ( 1890 )
    Field, William Ventris, 1st and last Baron Field ( 1890 )
    Jackson, William Lawies, 1st Baron Allerton ( 1890 )
    Lubbock, John, 1st Baron Avebury ( 1890 )
    Pelham, Charles Alfred Worsley, 4th Earl of Yarborough ( 1890 )
    Shand, Alexander Burns, 1st and last Baron Shand ( 1890 )
    Akers-Douglas, Aretas, 1st Viscount Chilston ( 1891 )
    Windsor-Clive, Robert George, 1st Earl of Plymouth ( 1891 )
    Asquith, Herbert Henry, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith ( 1892 )
    Barttelot, Walter, 1st Bt. ( 1892 )
    Bruce, Alexander Hugh, 6th Lord Balfour of Burleigh ( 1892 )
    Bryce, James, 1st and last Viscount Bryce ( 1892 )
    Crewe-Milnes, Robert Offley Ashburton, 1st and last Marquess of Crewe ( 1892 )
    Gardner, Herbert Colstoun, 1st and last Baron Burghclere of Walden ( 1892 )
    Jeune, Francis Henry, 1st and last Baron St. Helier ( 1892 )
    MacDermot, Hugh Hyacinth O'Rorke, The MacDermot, Prince of Coolavin ( 1892 )
    Spencer, Charles Robert, 6th Earl Spencer ( 1892 )
    Venables-Vernon, George William Henry, 7th Lord Vernon, Baron of Kinderton ( 1892 )
    Davey, Horace, Baron Davey ( 1893 )
    Denman, George ( 1893 )
    Vivian, Hussey Crespigny, 3rd Baron Vivian of Glynn and of Truro ( 1893 )
    Gladstone, Herbert John, 1st and last Viscount Gladstone ( 1894 )
    Grey, George ( 1894 )
    Hayter, Arthur Divett, 1st and last Baron Haversham ( 1894 )
    Russell, Charles, Baron Russell of Killowen ( 1894 )
    Scudamore-Stanhope, Edwyn Francis, 10th Earl of Chesterfield ( 1894 )
    Spencer-Churchill, Charles Richard John, 9th Duke of Marlborough ( 1894 )
    Windsor, George V, King of the United Kingdom ( 1894 )
    Atkinson, John, Baron Atkinson ( 1895 )
    Curzon, George Nathaniel, 1st and last Marquess Curzon of Kedleston ( 1895 )
    Gully, William Court, 1st Viscount Selby ( 1895 )
    Herbert, Sidney, 14th Earl of Pembroke ( 1895 )
    Hope, John Adrian Louis, 1st Marquess of Linlithgow ( 1895 )
    Leigh, William Henry, 2nd Baron Leigh of Stoneleigh ( 1895 )
    Long, Walter Hume, 1st Viscount Long ( 1895 )
    Petty-FitzMaurice, Henry Charles Keith, 5th Marquess of Lansdowne ( 1895 )
    Roberts, Frederick Sleigh, 1st Earl Roberts, V.C. ( 1895 )
    Strutt, Henry, 2nd Baron Belper ( 1895 )
    Murray, Andrew Graham, 1st Viscount Dunedin ( 1896 )
    O'Conor, Nicholas Robert ( 1896 )
    Stuart-Wortley, Charles Beilby, 1st and last Baron Stuart of Wortley ( 1896 )
    Temple, Richard, 1st Bt. ( 1896 )
    Villiers, John Henry, 1st Baron de Villiers ( 1896 )
    Collins, Richard Henn, Baron Collins ( 1897 )
    Kennaway, John Henry, 3rd Bt. ( 1897 )
    Maxwell, Herbert Eustace, of Monreith, 7th Bt. ( 1897 )
    Vaughan Williams, Roland Lomax Bowdler ( 1897 )
    Waldegrave, William Frederick, 9th Earl Waldegrave ( 1897 )
    Lowther, James William, 1st Viscount Ullswater ( 1898 )
    Wodehouse, Edmond Robert ( 1898 )
    Cuffe, Hamilton John Agmondesham, 5th Earl of Desart ( 1899 )
    Hawkins, Henry, 1st and last Baron Brampton of Brampton ( 1899 )
    Romer, Robert ( 1899 )
    Balfour, Gerald William, 2nd Earl of Balfour ( 1900 )
    Baring, Evelyn, 1st Earl of Cromer ( 1900 )
    Milner, Frederick George, 7th Bt. ( 1900 )
    Palmer, William Waldegrave, 2nd Earl of Selborne ( 1900 )
    Villiers, Edward Hyde, 5th Earl of Clarendon ( 1900 )
    Webster, Richard Everard, 1st Baron Alverstone ( 1900 )
    Aubrey-Fletcher, Henry, 4th Bt. ( 1901 )
    Cavendish, Charles Compton William, 3rd Baron Chesham ( 1901 )
    Cholmondeley, George Henry Hugh, 4th Marquess of Cholmondeley ( 1901 )
    Cozens-Hardy, Herbert Hardy, 1st Baron Cozens-Hardy ( 1901 )
    Darley, Frederick Matthew ( 1901 )
    Durand, Henry Mortimer ( 1901 )
    Maclagan, William Dalrymple ( 1901 )
    Milner, Alfred, 1st and last Viscount Milner ( 1901 )
    Montagu Douglas Scott, William Henry Walter, 6th Duke of Buccleuch ( 1901 )
    Winnington-Ingram, Arthur Foley ( 1901 )
    Baring, John, 2nd Baron Revelstoke of Membland ( 1902 )
    Crossley, Savile Brinton, 1st Baron Somerleyton ( 1902 )
    Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Gilbert John, 4th Earl of Minto ( 1902 )
    Grey, Edward, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon ( 1902 )
    MacDonnell, Anthony Patrick, 1st and last Baron MacDonnell ( 1902 )
    Macdonell, Hugh Guion ( 1902 )
    Rothschild, Nathan Mayer, 1st Baron Rothschild ( 1902 )
    Thomson, William, 1st and last Baron Kelvin ( 1902 )
    Ward, William Humble, 2nd Earl of Dudley ( 1902 )
    Bertie, Francis Leveson, 1st Viscount Bertie of Thame ( 1903 )
    Onslow, William Hillier, 4th Earl of Onslow ( 1903 )
    Stanley, Edward George Villiers, 17th Earl of Derby ( 1903 )
    Booth, Charles ( 1904 )
    Fuller-Acland-Hood, Alexander, 1st Baron St. Audries ( 1904 )
    Hardinge, Charles, 1st Baron Hardinge of Penhurst ( 1904 )
    Barnes, John Gorell, 1st Baron Gorell ( 1905 )
    Buxton, Sydney Charles, 1st and last Earl Buxton ( 1905 )
    Campbell, Frederick Archibald Vaughan, of Cawdor, 3rd Earl Cawdor of Castlemartin ( 1905 )
    Carson, Edward Henry, Baron Carson ( 1905 )
    Cavendish, Victor Christian William, 9th Duke of Devonshire ( 1905 )
    Cohen, Arthur ( 1905 )
    Fellowes, Ailwyn Edward, 1st Baron Ailwyn ( 1905 )
    Finlay, Robert Bannatyne, 1st Viscount Finlay ( 1905 )
    Goschen, William Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1905 )
    Harcourt, Lewis, 1st Viscount Harcourt ( 1905 )
    Lloyd George, David, 1st Earl Lloyd George of Dwyfor ( 1905 )
    Lockwood, Amelius Richard Mark, 1st and last Baron Lambourne ( 1905 )
    Murray, William David, 4th/5th Earl of Mansfield ( 1905 )
    Nicolson, Arthur, 1st Baron Carnock ( 1905 )
    Reid, Robert Threshie, 1st and last Baron Loreburn ( 1905 )
    Sinclair, John, 1st Baron Pentland ( 1905 )
    Strutt, John William, 3rd Baron Rayleigh of Terling Place ( 1905 )
    Tennyson, Hallam, 2nd Baron Tennyson of Aldworth ( 1905 )
    Brunner, John Tomlinson, 1st Bt. ( 1906 )
    Causton, Richard Knight, 1st and last Baron Southwark ( 1906 )
    Foljambe, Cecil George Saville, 1st Earl of Liverpool ( 1906 )
    Foster, Balthazar Walter, 1st Baron Ilkeston ( 1906 )
    Kekewich, Arthur ( 1906 )
    Kitson, James, 1st Baron Airedale ( 1906 )
    Lygon, William, 7th Earl Beauchamp ( 1906 )
    Mackay, Donald James, 11th Lord Reay ( 1906 )
    Molyneux, Osbert Cecil, 6th Earl of Sefton ( 1906 )
    Moulton, John Fletcher, Baron Moulton ( 1906 )
    Shaw, Thomas, 1st Baron Craigmyle ( 1906 )
    Beaumont, Wentworth Canning Blackett, 1st Viscount Allendale ( 1907 )
    Denman, Thomas, 3rd Baron Denman of Dovedale ( 1907 )
    Farquhar, Horace Brand, 1st and last Earl Farquhar ( 1907 )
    Forbes, Bernard Arthur William Patrick Hastings, 8th Earl of Granard ( 1907 )
    Mansfield, William, 1st and last Viscount Sandhurst ( 1907 )
    Spencer-Churchill, Winston Leonard ( 1907 )
    Tupper, Charles, 1st Bt. ( 1907 )
    Ward, Joseph George, 1st Bt. ( 1907 )
    Whiteley, George Whiteley, 1st Baron Marchamley ( 1907 )
    Emmott, Alfred, 1st and last Baron Emmott ( 1908 )
    Grey, Albert Henry George, 4th Earl Grey ( 1908 )
    Lowther, Gerald Augustus, 1st and last Bt. ( 1908 )
    Lyttelton, Neville Gerald ( 1908 )
    McLaren, Charles Benjamin Bright, 1st Baron Aberconway ( 1908 )
    Pease, Joseph Albert, 1st Baron Gainford ( 1908 )
    Rodd, James Rennell, 1st Baron Rennell ( 1908 )
    Runciman, Walter, 1st Viscount Runciman of Doxford ( 1908 )
    Samuel, Herbert Louis, 1st Viscount Samuel ( 1908 )
    Bigham, John Charles, 1st Viscount Mersey ( 1909 )
    Kearley, Hudson Ewbanke, 1st Viscount Devonport ( 1909 )
    Lang, Cosmo Gordon, 1st and last Baron Lang of Lambeth ( 1909 )
    Northcote, Henry Stafford, 1st and last Baron Northcote ( 1909 )
    Seely, John Edward Bernard, 1st Baron Mottistone ( 1909 )
    Ure, Alexander, 1st and last Baron Strathclyde ( 1909 )
    Buchanan, George William ( 1910 )
    Guest, Ivor Churchill, 1st Viscount Wimborne ( 1910 )
    Knollys, Francis, 1st Viscount Knollys ( 1910 )
    Munro-Ferguson, Ronald Crauford, 1st and last Viscount Novar ( 1910 )
    Robson, William Snowdon, Baron Robson ( 1910 )
    Stanley, Edward Lyulph, 4th Baron Sheffield ( 1910 )
    Anson, William Reynell, 3rd Bt. ( 1911 )
    Dickson-Poynder, John Poynder, 1st and last Baron Islington ( 1911 )
    Fisher, William Hayes, 1st and last Baron Downham ( 1911 )
    Haldane, Richard Burdon, 1st and last Viscount Haldane of Cloan ( 1911 )
    Isaacs, Rufus Daniel, 1st Marquess of Reading ( 1911 )
    Kinnear, Alexander Smith, 1st and last Baron Kinnear ( 1911 )
    Lambton, John George, 3rd Earl of Durham ( 1911 )
    Morris, Edward Patrick, 1st Baron Morris ( 1911 )
    Murray, Alexander William Charles Oliphant, 1st and last Baron Murray of Elibank ( 1911 )
    Smith, Frederick Edwin, 1st Earl of Birkenhead ( 1911 )
    Swann, Charles Ernest, 1st Bt. ( 1911 )
    Cavendish, Richard Frederick ( 1912 )
    Greene, William Conyngham ( 1912 )
    Hamilton, John Andrew, 1st and last Viscount Sumner ( 1912 )
    Herbert, Auberon Thomas, 9th Baron Lucas of Crudwell ( 1912 )
    Hopwood, Francis John Stephens, 1st Baron Southborough ( 1912 )
    Lambert, George, 1st Viscount Lambert ( 1912 )
    O'Brien, Ignatius John, 1st and last Baron Shandon ( 1912 )
    Spicer, Albert, 1st Bt. ( 1912 )
    Strachey, Edward, 1st Baron Strachie ( 1912 )
    Eady, Charles Swinfen, 1st Baron Swinfen ( 1913 )
    Hardinge, Arthur Henry ( 1913 )
    Mond, Alfred Moritz, 1st Baron Melchett ( 1913 )
    Munro, Robert, 1st and last Baron Alness ( 1913 )
    Parker, Robert John, Baron Parker of Waddington ( 1913 )
    Phillimore, Walter George Francis, 1st Baron Phillimore ( 1913 )
    Simon, John Allsebrook, 1st Viscount Simon ( 1913 )
    Spring Rice, Cecil Arthur ( 1913 )
    Welby, Reginald Earle, 1st and last Baron Welby ( 1913 )
    Colebrooke, Edward Arthur, 1st and last Baron Colebrooke ( 1914 )
    Dickinson, Willoughby Hyett, 1st Baron Dickinson ( 1914 )
    Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and of Broome ( 1914 )
    Macgregor, William ( 1914 )
    Mountbatten, Louis Alexander, 1st Marquess of Milford Haven ( 1914 )
    Philipps, John Wynford, 1st Viscount Saint Davids ( 1914 )
    Pickford, William, 1st and last Baron Sterndale ( 1914 )
    Ponsonby, Frederick Edward Grey, 1st Baron Sysonby ( 1914 )
    Tennant, Harold John ( 1914 )
    Acland, Francis Dyke, 10th/14th Bt. ( 1915 )
    Buckmaster, Stanley Owen, 1st Viscount Buckmaster ( 1915 )
    Cave, George, 1st and last Viscount Cave ( 1915 )
    Duke, Henry Edward, 1st Baron Merrivale ( 1915 )
    Gascoyne-Cecil, Edgar Algernon Robert, 1st and last Viscount Cecil of Chelwood ( 1915 )
    Henderson, Arthur ( 1915 )
    Addison, Christopher, 1st Viscount Addison ( 1916 )
    Cawley, Frederick, 1st Baron Cawley ( 1916 )
    Fisher, Herbert Albert Laurens ( 1916 )
    Illingworth, Albert Holden, 1st and last Baron Illingworth ( 1916 )
    Lindsay, David Alexander Edward, 27th Earl of Crawford ( 1916 )
    Maclay, Joseph Paton, 1st Baron Maclay ( 1916 )
    Mildmay, Francis Bingham, 1st Baron Mildmay of Flete ( 1916 )
    Stanley, Albert Henry, 1st and last Baron Ashfield ( 1916 )
    Thesiger, Frederick John Napier, 1st Viscount Chelmsford ( 1916 )
    Thomas, David Alfred, 1st Viscount Rhondda ( 1916 )
    Cecil, Evelyn, 1st Baron Rockley ( 1917 )
    Darling, Charles John, 1st Baron Darling ( 1917 )
    Forster, Henry William, 1st and last Baron Forster ( 1917 )
    Geddes, Auckland Campbell, 1st Baron Geddes ( 1917 )
    Geddes, Eric Campbell ( 1917 )
    Goulding, William Joshua, 1st Bt. ( 1917 )
    Hamilton, Claud John ( 1917 )
    Harmsworth, Harold Sidney, 1st Viscount Rothermere ( 1917 )
    Leif-Jones, Leifchild Stratten, 1st and last Baron Rhayader ( 1917 )
    Pearson, Weetman Dickinson, 1st Viscount Cowdray ( 1917 )
    Pease, Herbert Pike, 1st Baron Daryngton ( 1917 )
    Primrose, Neil James Archibald ( 1917 )
    Aitken, William Maxwell, 1st Baron Beaverbrook ( 1918 )
    Beresford, John Graham Hope de la Poer, 5th Baron Decies ( 1918 )
    Bull, William James, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
    Fitzalan-Howard, Edmund Bernard, 1st Viscount FitzAlan of Derwent ( 1918 )
    French, John Denton Pinkstone, 1st Earl of Ypres ( 1918 )
    Gascoyne-Cecil, Hugh Richard Heathcote, 1st and last Baron Quickswood ( 1918 )
    Goulding, Edward Alfred, 1st and last Baron Wargrave ( 1918 )
    Hely Hutchinson, Richard Walter John, 6th Earl of Donoughmore of Knocklofty ( 1918 )
    Hewart, Gordon, 1st Viscount Hewart ( 1918 )
    Macpherson, James Ian, 1st Baron Strathcarron ( 1918 )
    Norman, Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
    Pirrie, William James, 1st and last Viscount Pirrie ( 1918 )
    Weir, William, 1st Viscount Weir ( 1918 )
    Williamson, Archibald, 1st Baron Forres ( 1918 )
    Worthington Evans, Worthington Laming, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
    Atkin, James Richard, Baron Atkin ( 1919 )
    Bulwer-Lytton, Victor Alexander George Robert, 2nd Earl of Lytton ( 1919 )
    Horne, Robert Stevenson, 1st Viscount Horne of Slamannan ( 1919 )
    Howard, Esme William, 1st Baron Howard of Penrith ( 1919 )
    Lee, Arthur Hamilton, 1st and last Viscount Lee of Fareham ( 1919 )
    Marshall, Horace Brooks, 1st and last Baron Marshall of Chipstead ( 1919 )
    Paget, Ralph Spencer ( 1919 )
    Peel, William Robert Wellesley, 1st Earl Peel ( 1919 )
    Sinha, Satyendra Prasanna, 1st Baron Sinha ( 1919 )
    Weir, Andrew, 1st Baron Inverforth ( 1919 )
    Younger, Robert, Baron Blanesburgh ( 1919 )
    Baldwin, Stanley, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley ( 1920 )
    Bridgeman, William Clive, 1st Viscount Bridgeman ( 1920 )
    Greenwood, Thomas Hamar, 1st Viscount Greenwood ( 1920 )
    Griffith-Boscawen, Arthur Sackville Trevor ( 1920 )
    Guest, Frederick Edward ( 1920 )
    Lugard, Frederick John Dealtry, 1st and last Baron Lugard ( 1920 )
    Morison, Thomas Brash, Lord Morison ( 1920 )
    Rumbold, Horace George Montagu, 9th Bt. ( 1920 )
    Tilley, John Anthony Cecil ( 1920 )
    Vincent, Edgar, 1st and last Viscount D'Abernon ( 1920 )
    Windsor, Edward VIII, King of the United Kingdom ( 1920 )
    Lawrence, Alfred Tristram, 1st Baron Trevethin ( 1921 )
    Stewart-Murray, John George, 8th Duke of Atholl ( 1921 )
    Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, 9th Earl of Shaftesbury ( 1922 )
    Baird, John Lawrence, of Ury, 1st Viscount Stonehaven ( 1922 )
    Baring, Rowland Thomas, 2nd Earl of Cromer ( 1922 )
    Brett, Reginald Baliol, 2nd Viscount Esher ( 1922 )
    Cunliffe-Lister, Philip, 1st Earl of Swinton ( 1922 )
    Dundas, Lawrence John Lumley, 2nd Marquess of Zetland ( 1922 )
    Gilmour, John, of Lundin and Montrave, 2nd Bt. ( 1922 )
    Hogg, Douglas McGarel, 1st Viscount Hailsham ( 1922 )
    Murray, Charles David, Lord Murray ( 1922 )
    Pollock, Ernest Murray, 1st Viscount Hanworth ( 1922 )
    Roberts, Samuel, 1st Bt. ( 1922 )
    Sanders, Robert Arthur, 1st and last Baron Bayford ( 1922 )
    Thynne, Thomas Henry, 5th Marquess of Bath ( 1922 )
    Tryon, George Clement, 1st Baron Tryon ( 1922 )
    Ward, William Dudley ( 1922 )
    Watson, William, Baron Thankerton ( 1922 )
    Watson, William, Baron Thankerton ( 1922 )
    Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley, 1st Earl of Halifax ( 1922 )
    Young, Edward Hilton, 1st Baron Kennet ( 1922 )
    Bruce, Stanley Melbourne, 1st and last Viscount Bruce of Melbourne ( 1923 )
    Eyres Monsell, Bolton Meredith, 1st Viscount Monsell ( 1923 )
    Gibbs, George Abraham, 1st Baron Wraxall ( 1923 )
    Joynson-Hicks, William, 1st Viscount Brentford ( 1923 )
    Norman, Montagu Collet, 1st and last Baron Norman ( 1923 )
    Ashley, Wilfred William, 1st and last Baron Mount Temple ( 1924 )
    Carnegie, Lancelot Douglas ( 1924 )
    FitzRoy, Edward Algernon ( 1924 )
    Guinness, Walter Edward, 1st Baron Moyne ( 1924 )
    Lloyd, George Ambrose, 1st Baron Lloyd ( 1924 )
    Macmillan, Hugh Pattison, Baron Macmillan ( 1924 )
    Mitchell-Thomson, William, 1st Baron Selsdon ( 1924 )
    Muir Mackenzie, Kenneth Augustus, 1st and last Baron Muir Mackenzie ( 1924 )
    Noel-Buxton, Noel Edward, 1st Baron Noel-Buxton ( 1924 )
    Olivier, Sydney Haldane, 1st and last Baron Olivier ( 1924 )
    Percy, Eustace Sutherland Campbell, 1st and last Baron Percy of Newcastle ( 1924 )
    Smith, Frederick Henry, 1st Baron Colwyn ( 1924 )
    Snowden, Philip, 1st and last Viscount Snowden ( 1924 )
    Thomson, Christopher Birdwood, Baron Thomson ( 1924 )
    Trevelyan, Charles Philips, 3rd Bt. ( 1924 )
    Turnour, Edward, 6th Earl Winterton ( 1924 )
    Webb, Sidney James, 1st and last Baron Passfield ( 1924 )
    Wedgwood, Josiah Clement, 1st Baron Wedgwood ( 1924 )
    Nicholson, William Graham ( 1925 )
    Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Charles Stewart Henry, 7th Marquess of Londonderry ( 1925 )
    Windsor, George VI, King of the United Kingdom ( 1925 )
    Windsor, Henry William Frederick Albert, 1st Duke of Gloucester ( 1925 )
    Gretton, John, 1st Baron Gretton ( 1926 )
    Hepburn-Stuart-Forbes-Trefusis, Charles John Robert, 21st Lord Clinton ( 1926 )
    Jackson, Francis Stanley ( 1926 )
    Lane-Fox, George Richard, 1st and last Baron Bingley ( 1926 )
    Onslow, Richard William Alan, 5th Earl of Onslow ( 1926 )
    Beatty, David, 1st Earl Beatty ( 1927 )
    Greer, Frederick Arthur, 1st and last Baron Fairfield ( 1927 )
    McNeill, Ronald John, 1st and last Baron Cushendun ( 1927 )
    Ormsby-Gore, William George Arthur, 4th Baron Harlech ( 1927 )
    Davidson, John Colin Campbell, 1st Viscount Davidson ( 1928 )
    Leveson-Gower, Granville George, 3rd Earl Granville ( 1928 )
    Russell, Francis Xavier Joseph, Baron Russell of Killowen ( 1928 )
    Sankey, John, 1st and last Viscount Sankey ( 1928 )
    Tyrrell, William George, 1st and last Baron Tyrrell of Avon ( 1928 )
    Alexander, Albert Victor, 1st and last Earl Alexander of Hillsborough ( 1929 )
    Benn, William Wedgwood, 1st Viscount Stansgate ( 1929 )
    Curzon, Francis Richard Henry Penn, 5th Earl Howe ( 1929 )
    Hacking, Douglas Hewitt, 1st Baron Hacking ( 1929 )
    Lowe, Francis William, 1st Bt. ( 1929 )
    Palmer, Roundell Cecil, 3rd Earl of Selborne ( 1929 )
    Romer, Mark Lemon, Baron Romer ( 1929 )
    Spender Clay, Herbert Henry ( 1929 )
    Stanhope, James Richard, 7th Earl Stanhope ( 1929 )
    Windsor-Clive, Ivor Miles, 2nd Earl of Plymouth ( 1929 )
    Bennett, Richard Bedford, 1st and last Viscount Bennett ( 1930 )
    Goschen, George Joachim, 2nd Viscount Goschen ( 1930 )
    Mackenzie, William Warrender, 1st Baron Amulree ( 1930 )
    Betterton, Henry Bucknall, 1st and last Baron Rushcliffe ( 1931 )
    Cambridge, Alexander Augustus Frederick William Alfred George, 1st Earl of Athlone ( 1931 )
    Freeman-Thomas, Freeman, 1st Marquess of Willingdon ( 1931 )
    Jowitt, William Allen, 1st and last Earl Jowitt ( 1931 )
    Morrison, Herbert Stanley, Baron Morrison of Lambeth ( 1931 )
    Ponsonby, Vere Brabazon, 9th Earl of Bessborough ( 1931 )
    Sinclair, Archibald Henry Macdonald, 1st Viscount Thurso ( 1931 )
    Villiers, George Herbert Hyde, 6th Earl of Clarendon ( 1931 )
    Gavan Duffy, Frank ( 1932 )
    Hamilton-Gordon, George Arthur Maurice, 2nd Baron Stanmore ( 1932 )
    Inskip, Thomas Walker Hobart, 1st Viscount Caldecote ( 1932 )
    Drummond, James Eric, 16th Earl of Perth ( 1933 )
    Herbert, Dennis Henry, 1st Baron Hemingford ( 1933 )
    Margesson, Henry David Reginald, 1st Viscount Margesson ( 1933 )
    Merriman, Frank Boyd, 1st and last Baron Merriman ( 1933 )
    Normand, Wilfred Guild, Baron Normand ( 1933 )
    Clive, Robert Henry ( 1934 )
    Eden, Robert Anthony, 1st Earl of Avon ( 1934 )
    Maugham, Frederick Herbert, 1st Viscount Maugham ( 1934 )
    Roche, Alexander Adair, Baron Roche ( 1934 )
    Shah, Mohamed, Aga Khan III ( 1934 )
    Stanley, Oliver Frederick George ( 1934 )
    Attlee, Clement Richard, 1st Earl Attlee ( 1935 )
    Cooper, Alfred Duff, 1st Viscount Norwich ( 1935 )
    Cooper, Thomas Mackay, 1st and last Baron Cooper of Culross ( 1935 )
    Hope, Victor Alexander John, 2nd Marquess of Linlithgow ( 1935 )
    Hore-Belisha, Leslie, 1st and last Baron Hore-Belisha ( 1935 )
    Colville, David John, 1st Baron Clydesmuir ( 1936 )
    Fitzalan-Howard, Bernard Marmaduke, 16th Duke of Norfolk ( 1936 )
    Hardinge, Alexander Henry Louis, 2nd Baron Hardinge of Penhurst ( 1936 )
    Morrison, William Shepherd, 1st Viscount Dunrossil ( 1936 )
    Needham, Francis Charles Adelbert Henry, 4th Earl of Kilmorey ( 1936 )
    Sackville, Herbrand Edward Dundonald Brassey, 9th Earl De La Warr ( 1936 )
    Somerset, Henry Hugh Arthur FitzRoy, 10th Duke of Beaufort ( 1936 )
    Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, George Granville, 5th Duke of Sutherland ( 1936 )
    Buchan, John, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir ( 1937 )
    Courthope, George Loyd, 1st and last Baron Courthope ( 1937 )
    Foot, Isaac ( 1937 )
    Hore-Ruthven, Alexander Gore Arkwright, 1st Earl of Gowrie ( 1937 )
    Monckton-Arundell, George Vere Arundell, 8th Viscount Galway ( 1937 )
    Pethick-Lawrence, Frederick William, 1st and last Baron Pethick-Lawrence ( 1937 )
    Snell, Henry, 1st and last Baron Snell ( 1937 )
    Talbot, George John ( 1937 )
    Windsor, George Edward Alexander Edmund, 1st Duke of Kent ( 1937 )
    Bingham, George Charles, 5th Earl of Lucan ( 1938 )
    Clauson, Albert Charles, 1st and last Baron Clauson ( 1938 )
    Goddard, Raynor, Baron Goddard ( 1938 )
    Hudson, Robert Spear, 1st Viscount Hudson ( 1938 )
    Parcq, Herbert, Baron du Parcq ( 1938 )
    Porter, Samuel Lowry, Baron Porter ( 1938 )
    Akers-Douglas, Aretas, 2nd Viscount Chilston ( 1939 )
    Butler, Richard Austen, Baron Butler of Saffron Walden ( 1939 )
    Casey, Richard Gardiner, Baron Casey ( 1939 )
    Chatfield, Alfred Ernle Montacute, 1st Baron Chatfield ( 1939 )
    Crookshank, Harry Frederick Comfort, 1st and last Viscount Crookshank ( 1939 )
    Fisher, Geoffrey Francis, Baron Fisher of Lambeth ( 1939 )
    Hankey, Maurice Pascal Alers, 1st Baron Hankey ( 1939 )
    Kerr, Philip Henry, 11th Marquess of Lothian ( 1939 )
    Ramsbotham, Herwald, 1st Viscount Soulbury ( 1939 )
    Stuart, James Gray, 1st Viscount Stuart of Findhorn ( 1939 )
    Bracken, Brendan Rendall, 1st and last Viscount Bracken ( 1940 )
    Citrine, Walter McLennan, 1st Baron Citrine ( 1940 )
    Cross, Ronald Hibbert, 1st and last Bt. ( 1940 )
    Dalton, Edward Hugh John Neale, Baron Dalton ( 1940 )
    Douglas-Hamilton, Douglas, 14th Duke of Hamilton ( 1940 )
    Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Arthur James, 5th Marquess of Salisbury ( 1940 )
    Harris, Percy Alfred, 1st Bt. ( 1940 )
    Lyttelton, Oliver, 1st Viscount Chandos ( 1940 )
    Marquis, Frederick James, 1st Earl of Woolton ( 1940 )
    Moore-Brabazon, John Theodore Cuthbert, 1st Baron Brabazon of Tara ( 1940 )
    Reith, John Charles Walsham, 1st Baron Reith ( 1940 )
    Brown, Douglas Clifton, 1st and last Viscount Ruffside ( 1941 )
    Cripps, Richard Stafford ( 1941 )
    Leathers, Frederick James, 1st Viscount Leathers ( 1941 )
    Llewellin, John Jestyn, 1st Baron Llewellin ( 1941 )
    Lloyd George, Gwilym, 1st Viscount Tenby ( 1941 )
    Reid, James Scott Cumberland, Baron Reid ( 1941 )
    Salter, James Arthur, 1st Baron Salter ( 1941 )
    Williams, Thomas, Baron Williams of Barnburgh ( 1941 )
    Womersley, Walter James, 1st Bt. ( 1941 )
    Hall, George Henry, 1st Viscount Hall ( 1942 )
    Macmillan, Maurice Harold, 1st Earl of Stockton ( 1942 )
    Portal, Wyndham Raymond, 1st and last Viscount Portal ( 1942 )
    Chichester, Arthur Claud Spencer, 4th Baron Templemore ( 1943 )
    Lascelles, Alan Frederick ( 1943 )
    Law, Richard Kidston, 1st Baron Coleraine ( 1943 )
    Lindemann, Frederick Alexander, 1st and last Viscount Cherwell ( 1943 )
    Willink, Henry Urmston, 1st Bt. ( 1943 )
    Assheton, Ralph, 1st Baron Clitheroe ( 1944 )
    Chuter-Ede, James, Baron Chuter-Ede ( 1944 )
    Clark Kerr, Archibald John Kerr, 1st and last Baron Inverchapel ( 1944 )
    Grigg, Edward William MacLeay, 1st Baron Altrincham ( 1944 )
    Lawrence, Geoffrey Lawrence, 3rd Baron Trevethin ( 1944 )
    Morton, Fergus Dunlop, Baron Morton of Henryton ( 1944 )
    Simonds, Gavin Turnbull, 1st and last Viscount Simonds ( 1944 )
    Ammon, Charles George, 1st and last Baron Ammon ( 1945 )
    Croft, Henry Page, 1st Baron Croft ( 1945 )
    Fletcher, Reginald Thomas Herbert, 1st and last Baron Winster ( 1945 )
    Fyfe, David Patrick Maxwell, 1st and last Earl of Kilmuir ( 1945 )
    Hamilton, James Albert Edward, 3rd Duke of Abercorn ( 1945 )
    Headlam, Cuthbert Morley, 1st Bt. ( 1945 )
    Horsburgh, Florence Gertrude, Baroness Horsburgh ( 1945 )
    Lawson, John James, 1st and last Baron Lawson ( 1945 )
    Milner, James, 1st Baron Milner of Leeds ( 1945 )
    Primrose, Albert Edward Harry Mayer Archibald, 6th Earl of Rosebery ( 1945 )
    Shakespeare, Geoffrey Hithersay, 1st Bt. ( 1945 )
    Silkin, Lewis, 1st Baron Silkin ( 1945 )
    Tucker, Frederick James, Baron Tucker ( 1945 )
    Wilmot, John, 1st Baron Wilmot of Selmeston ( 1945 )
    Asquith, Cyril, Baron Asquith of Bishopstone ( 1946 )
    Bigham, Charles Clive, 2nd Viscount Mersey ( 1946 )
    Cadogan, Alexander George Montagu ( 1946 )
    Cohen, Lionel Leonard, Baron Cohen ( 1946 )
    Nathan, Harry Louis, 1st Baron Nathan ( 1946 )
    Shawcross, Hartley William, Baron Shawcross ( 1946 )
    Strachey, Evelyn St. John Loe ( 1946 )
    Uthwatt, Augustus Andrewes, Baron Uthwatt ( 1946 )
    Birkett, William Norman, 1st Baron Birkett ( 1947 )
    Catto, Thomas Sivewright, 1st Baron Catto ( 1947 )
    Evershed, Francis Raymond, 1st and last Baron Evershed ( 1947 )
    Henderson, Arthur, Baron Rowley ( 1947 )
    Huggins, Godfrey Martin, 1st Viscount Malvern ( 1947 )
    Inman, Philip Albert, 1st Baron Inman ( 1947 )
    MacDermott, John Clarke, Baron MacDermott ( 1947 )
    Mathers, George, 1st and last Baron Mathers ( 1947 )
    Mountbatten, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma ( 1947 )
    Wrottesley, Frederic John ( 1947 )
    Denning, Alfred Thomas, Baron Denning ( 1948 )
    Kirkwood, David, 1st Baron Kirkwood ( 1948 )
    Lampson, Miles Wedderburn, 1st Baron Killearn ( 1948 )
    Macnaghten, Malcolm Martin ( 1948 )
    Pakenham, Francis Aungier, 7th Earl of Longford ( 1948 )
    Soskice, Frank, Baron Stow Hill ( 1948 )
    Franks, Oliver Shewell, Baron Franks ( 1949 )
    Hailey, William Malcolm, 1st and last Baron Hailey ( 1949 )
    Jenkins, David Llewelyn, Baron Jenkins ( 1949 )
    Morrison, Robert Craigmyle, 1st Baron Morrison ( 1949 )
    Summerskill, Edith Clara, Baroness Summerskill ( 1949 )
    Campbell, Ronald Ian ( 1950 )
    Henderson, William Watson, 1st and last Baron Henderson ( 1950 )
    Buchan-Hepburn, Patrick George Thomas, 1st and last Baron Hailes ( 1951 )
    Douglas-Home, Alexander Frederick, Baron Home of the Hirsel ( 1951 )
    Dugdale, Thomas Lionel, 1st Baron Crathorne ( 1951 )
    Eccles, David McAdam, 1st Viscount Eccles ( 1951 )
    Head, Antony Henry, 1st Viscount Head ( 1951 )
    Hodson, Francis Lord Charlton, Baron Hodson ( 1951 )
    Ismay, Hastings Lionel, 1st and last Baron Ismay ( 1951 )
    Jay, Douglas Patrick Thomas, Baron Jay ( 1951 )
    Lennox-Boyd, Alan Tindal, 1st Viscount Boyd of Merton ( 1951 )
    Macdonald, Gordon, 1st Baron Macdonald of Gwaenysor ( 1951 )
    Monckton, Walter Turner, 1st Viscount Monckton of Brenchley ( 1951 )
    Mountbatten, Philip, 1st Duke of Edinburgh ( 1951 )
    Rees-Williams, David, 1st Baron Ogmore ( 1951 )
    Robens, Alfred, Baron Robens of Woldingham ( 1951 )
    Shepherd, George, 1st Baron Shepherd ( 1951 )
    Thomas, James Purdon Lewes, 1st and last Viscount Cilcennin ( 1951 )
    Thorneycroft, George Edward Peter, Baron Thorneycroft ( 1951 )
    Younger, Kenneth Gilmour ( 1951 )
    Alexander, Harold Rupert Leofic George, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis ( 1952 )
    Bottomley, Arthur George, Baron Bottomley ( 1952 )
    Fortescue, Hugh William, 5th Earl Fortescue ( 1952 )
    Hopkinson, Henry Lennox D'Aubigne, 1st Baron Colyton ( 1952 )
    Lumley, Lawrence Roger, 11th Earl of Scarbrough ( 1952 )
    MacAndrew, Charles Glen, 1st Baron MacAndrew ( 1952 )
    Maclay, John Scott, 1st Viscount Muirshiel ( 1952 )
    Sidney, William Philip, 1st Viscount De L'Isle, V.C. ( 1952 )
    Adeane, Michael Edward, Baron Adeane ( 1953 )
    Brook, Norman Craven, 1st and last Baron Normanbrook ( 1953 )
    Galbraith, Thomas Dunlop, 1st Baron Strathclyde ( 1953 )
    Heathcoat-Amory, Derick, 1st and last Viscount Amory ( 1953 )
    Isaacs, Gerald Rufus, 2nd Marquess of Reading ( 1953 )
    Keith, James, Baron Keith of Avonholm ( 1953 )
    Spens, William Patrick, 1st Baron Spens ( 1953 )
    Boyd-Carpenter, John Archibald, Baron Boyd-Carpenter ( 1954 )
    Fitz-Clarence, Geoffrey William Richard Hugh, 5th Earl of Munster ( 1954 )
    Heald, Lionel Frederick ( 1954 )
    Low, Toby Austin Richard William, 1st Baron Aldington ( 1954 )
    Manningham-Buller, Reginald Edward, 1st Viscount Dilhorne ( 1954 )
    Nutting, Harold Anthony, 3rd Bt. ( 1954 )
    Parker, Hubert Lister, Baron Parker of Waddington ( 1954 )
    Brooke, Henry, Baron Brooke of Cumnor ( 1955 )
    Douglas-Hamilton, George Nigel, 10th Earl of Selkirk ( 1955 )
    Hare, John Hugh, 1st Viscount Blakenham ( 1955 )
    Heath, Edward Richard George ( 1955 )
    Hill, Charles, Baron Hill of Luton ( 1955 )
    Turton, Robert Hugh, Baron Tranmire ( 1955 )
    Watkinson, Harold Arthur, 1st Viscount Watkinson ( 1955 )
    Hogg, Quintin McGarel, Baron Hailsham of St. Marylebone ( 1956 )
    Molson, Arthur Hugh Elsdale, Baron Molson ( 1956 )
    Drummond, John David, 17th Earl of Perth ( 1957 )
    Mills, Percy Herbert, 1st Viscount Mills ( 1957 )
    Ormsby-Gore, William David, 5th Baron Harlech ( 1957 )
    Pearce, Edward Holroyd, Baron Pearce ( 1957 )
    Vosper, Dennis Forwood, Baron Runcorn ( 1957 )
    Walker-Smith, Derek Colclough, Baron Broxbourne ( 1957 )
    Thomas, Godfrey John Vignoles, 10th Bt. ( 1958 )
    Carington, Peter Alexander Rupert, 6th Baron Carrington of Upton ( 1959 )
    Cobbold, Cameron Fromanteel, 1st Baron Cobbold ( 1959 )
    Hicks-Beach, Michael John, 2nd Earl Saint Aldwyn ( 1959 )
    Hope, John Adrian, 1st Baron Glendevon ( 1959 )
    Redmayne, Martin, Baron Redmayne ( 1959 )
    Scrymgeour, Henry James, of Dundee, 11th Earl of Dundee ( 1959 )
    Touche, Gordon Cosmo, 1st Bt. ( 1959 )
    Wood, Richard Frederick, Baron Holderness ( 1959 )
    Alport, Cuthbert James McCall, Baron Alport ( 1960 )
    Devlin, Patrick Arthur, Baron Devlin ( 1960 )
    Erroll, Frederick James, 1st and last Baron Erroll of Hale ( 1960 )
    Lewis, David Vivian Penrose, 1st and last Baron Brecon ( 1960 )
    Upjohn, Gerald Ritchie, Baron Upjohn ( 1960 )
    Browne, Jack Nixon, Baron Craigton ( 1961 )
    Coggan, Frederick Donald, Baron Coggan ( 1961 )
    Diplock, William John Kenneth, Baron Diplock ( 1961 )
    Guest, Christopher William Graham, Baron Guest ( 1961 )
    Pearson, Colin Hargreaves, Baron Pearson ( 1961 )
    Simon, Jocelyn Edward Salis, Baron Simon of Glaisdale ( 1961 )
    Vaughan-Morgan, John Kenyon, Baron Reigate ( 1961 )
    Anstruther-Gray, William John St. Clair, Baron Kilmany ( 1962 )
    Bowden, Herbert William, Baron Aylestone ( 1962 )
    Boyle, Edward Charles Gurney, Baron Boyle of Handsworth ( 1962 )
    Deedes, William Francis, Baron Deedes ( 1962 )
    Fraser, Hugh Charles Patrick Joseph ( 1962 )
    Macpherson, Niall Malcolm Stewart, 1st and last Baron Drumalbyn ( 1962 )
    Noble, Michael Anthony Cristobal, Baron Glenkinglas ( 1962 )
    Nugent, George Richard Hodges, Baron Nugent of Guildford ( 1962 )
    Rea, Philip Russell, 2nd Baron Rea ( 1962 )
    Renton, David Lockhart-Mure, Baron Renton ( 1962 )
    Rippon, Aubrey Geoffrey Frederick, Baron Rippon of Hexham ( 1962 )
    Robinson, John Roland, 1st Baron Martonmere ( 1962 )
    Russell, Charles Ritchie, Baron Russell of Killowen ( 1962 )
    Smyth, John George, 1st Bt., V.C. ( 1962 )
    Barber, Anthony Perrinott Lysberg, Baron Barber ( 1963 )
    Carr, Leonard Robert, Baron Carr of Hadley ( 1963 )
    Jellicoe, George Patrick John Rushworth, 2nd Earl Jellicoe ( 1963 )
    Poole, Oliver Brian Sanderson, 1st Baron Poole ( 1963 )
    Ramsden, James Edward ( 1963 )
    Benn, Anthony Neil Wedgwood ( 1964 )
    Betts, Barbara Anne, Baroness Castle of Blackburn ( 1964 )
    Callaghan, Leonard James, Baron Callaghan of Cardiff ( 1964 )
    Cavendish, Andrew Robert Buxton, 11th Duke of Devonshire ( 1964 )
    Cavendish, John Charles Compton, 5th Baron Chesham ( 1964 )
    Elwyn-Jones, Frederick Elwyn, Baron Elwyn-Jones ( 1964 )
    Healey, Denis Winston, Baron Healey ( 1964 )
    Jenkins, Roy Harris, Baron Jenkins of Hillhead ( 1964 )
    Jones, Alun Arthur Gwynne, Baron Chalfont ( 1964 )
    Lewis, William Brereton Couchman, 3rd Baron Merthyr ( 1964 )
    Mercer Nairne Petty-FitzMaurice, George John Charles, 8th Marquess of Lansdowne ( 1964 )
    Mulley, Frederick William, Baron Mulley ( 1964 )
    Pickthorn, Kenneth William Murray, 1st Bt. ( 1964 )
    Rawlinson, Peter Anthony Grayson, Baron Rawlinson of Ewell ( 1964 )
    Salmon, Cyril Barnet, Baron Salmon ( 1964 )
    Short, Edward Watson, Baron Glenamara ( 1964 )
    Wigg, George Edward Cecil, Baron Wigg ( 1964 )
    Wilberforce, Richard Orme, Baron Wilberforce ( 1964 )
    Diamond, John, Baron Diamond ( 1965 )
    Ritchie, John Kenneth, 3rd Baron Ritchie of Dundee ( 1965 )
    Bacon, Alice Martha, Baroness Bacon ( 1966 )
    Baring, George Rowland Stanley, 3rd Earl of Cromer ( 1966 )
    Edmund-Davies, Herbert Edmund, Baron Edmund-Davies ( 1966 )
    Hughes, Cledwyn, Baron Cledwyn of Penrhos ( 1966 )
    Prentice, Reginald Ernest, Baron Prentice ( 1966 )
    Shackleton, Edward Arthur Alexander, Baron Shackleton ( 1966 )
    Silkin, John ( 1966 )
    Champion, Arthur John, Baron Champion ( 1967 )
    Chichester-Clark, James Dawson, Baron Moyola ( 1967 )
    Lyttelton, Charles John, 10th Viscount Cobham ( 1967 )
    Mellish, Robert Joseph, Baron Mellish ( 1967 )
    Shore, Peter David, Baron Shore of Stepney ( 1967 )
    Thorpe, John Jeremy ( 1967 )
    Whitelaw, William Stephen Ian, 1st and last Viscount Whitelaw ( 1967 )
    Foot, Hugh Mackintosh, Baron Caradon ( 1968 )
    Mason, Roy, Baron Mason of Barnsley ( 1968 )
    Phillimore, Henry Josceline ( 1968 )
    Colins, Victor John, Baron Stonham ( 1969 )
    Cross, Arthur Geoffrey Neale, Baron Cross of Chelsea ( 1969 )
    Delacourt-Smith, Charles George Percy, Baron Delacourt-Smith ( 1969 )
    Gibbs, Humphrey Vicary ( 1969 )
    Lever, Norman Harold, Baron Lever of Manchester ( 1969 )
    Rhodes, Hervey, Baron Rhodes ( 1969 )
    Buckley, Denys Burton ( 1970 )
    Campbell, Gordon Thomas Calthrop, Baron Campbell of Croy ( 1970 )
    Ennals, David Hedley, Baron Ennals ( 1970 )
    Hughes, William, Baron Hughes ( 1970 )
    Morris, John, Baron Morris of Aberavon ( 1970 )
    O'Brien, Leslie Kenneth, Baron O'Brien of Lothbury ( 1970 )
    Prior, James Michael Leathes, Baron Prior ( 1970 )
    Pym, Francis Leslie, Baron Pym ( 1970 )
    Roberts, Margaret Hilda, Baroness Thatcher ( 1970 )
    Grant-Ferris, Robert Grant, Baron Harvington ( 1971 )
    Roskill, Eustace Wentworth, Baron Roskill ( 1971 )
    Charteris, Martin Michael Charles, Baron Charteris of Amisfield ( 1972 )
    Eden, John Benedict, Baron Eden of Winton ( 1972 )
    Emslie, George Carlyle, Baron Emslie ( 1972 )
    Lindsay, Robert Alexander, 29th Earl of Crawford ( 1972 )
    Macmillan, Maurice Victor, Viscount Macmillan of Ovenden ( 1972 )
    Scarman, Leslie George, Baron Scarman ( 1972 )
    Armstrong, William, Baron Armstrong of Sanderstead ( 1973 )
    Atkins, Humphrey Edward Gregory, Baron Colnbrook ( 1973 )
    Ellison, Gerald Alexander ( 1973 )
    Gilmour, Ian Hedworth John Little, Baron Gilmour of Craigmillar ( 1973 )
    Hennessy, David James George, 3rd Baron Windlesham ( 1973 )
    Jenkin, Charles Patrick Fleming, Baron Jenkin of Roding ( 1973 )
    Bruce, Morys George Lyndhurst, 4th Baron Aberdare of Duffryn ( 1974 )
    Foot, Michael Mackintosh ( 1974 )
    Fraser, Walter Ian Reid, Baron Fraser of Tullybelton ( 1974 )
    Lane, Geoffrey Dawson, Baron Lane ( 1974 )
    Merlyn-Rees, Merlyn, Baron Merlyn-Rees ( 1974 )
    Orme, Stanley, Baron Orme ( 1974 )
    Silkin, Samuel Charles, Baron Silkin of Dulwich ( 1974 )
    Stodart, James Anthony, Baron Stodart of Leaston ( 1974 )
    Varley, Eric Graham, Baron Varley ( 1974 )
    Barnett, Joel, Baron Barnett ( 1975 )
    Blanch, Stuart Yarworth, Baron Blanch ( 1975 )
    Bridge, Nigel Cyprian, Baron Bridge of Harwich ( 1975 )
    Rodgers, William Thomas, Baron Rodgers of Quarry Bank ( 1975 )
    Cocks, Michael Francis Lovell, Baron Cocks of Hartcliffe ( 1976 )
    Keith, Henry Shanks, Baron Keith of Kinkel ( 1976 )
    Murray, Lionel, Baron Murray of Epping Forest ( 1976 )
    Murton, Henry Oscar, Baron Murton of Lindisfarne ( 1976 )
    Richardson, Gordon William Humphrey, Baron Richardson of Duntisbourne ( 1976 )
    Waller, George Stanley ( 1976 )
    Archer, Peter Kingsley, Baron Archer of Sandwell ( 1977 )
    Bishop, Edward Stanley, Baron Bishopston ( 1977 )
    Cooke, Robin Brunskill, Baron Cooke of Thorndon ( 1977 )
    Hovell-Thurlow-Cumming-Bruce, James Roualeyn ( 1977 )
    Moore, Philip Brian Cecil, Baron Moore of Wolvercote ( 1977 )
    Mountbatten-Windsor, Charles Philip Arthur George, King of the United Kingdom ( 1977 )
    Sheldon, Robert Edward, Baron Sheldon ( 1977 )
    Steel, David Martin Scott, Baron Steel of Aikwood ( 1977 )
    Templeman, Sydney William, Baron Templeman ( 1978 )
    Ashley, Jack, Baron Ashley of Stoke ( 1979 )
    Biffen, William John, Baron Biffen ( 1979 )
    Brightman, John Anson, Baron Brightman ( 1979 )
    Carlisle, Mark, Baron Carlisle of Bucklow ( 1979 )
    Donaldson, John Francis, Baron Donaldson of Lymington ( 1979 )
    Edwards, Roger Nicholas, Baron Crickhowell ( 1979 )
    Fowler, Peter Norman, Baron Fowler ( 1979 )
    Heseltine, Michael Ray Dibdin, Baron Heseltine ( 1979 )
    Higgins, Terence Langley, Baron Higgins ( 1979 )
    Howell, David Arthur Russell, Baron Howell of Guildford ( 1979 )
    Jopling, Thomas Michael, Baron Jopling ( 1979 )
    King, Thomas Jeremy, Baron King of Bridgwater ( 1979 )
    Mackay, James Peter Hymers, Baron Mackay of Clashfern ( 1979 )
    Maude, Angus Edmund Upton, Baron Maude of Stratford-upon-Avon ( 1979 )
    Morris, Alfred, Baron Morris of Manchester ( 1979 )
    St. John-Stevas, Norman Antony Francis, Baron St. John of Fawsley ( 1979 )
    Walker, Harold, Baron Walker of Doncaster ( 1979 )
    Younger, George Kenneth Hotson, 4th Viscount Younger of Leckie ( 1979 )
    Ackner, Desmond James Conrad, Baron Ackner ( 1980 )
    Bowyer, Bertram Stanley Mitford, 2nd Baron Denham ( 1980 )
    Griffiths, William Hugh, Baron Griffiths ( 1980 )
    Nicholls, Donald James, Baron Nicholls of Birkenhead ( 1980 )
    Oliver, Peter Raymond, Baron Oliver of Aylmerton ( 1980 )
    Runcie, Robert Alexander Kennedy, Baron Runcie ( 1980 )
    Weatherill, Bruce Bernard, Baron Weatherill ( 1980 )
    Baker, Janet Mary, Baroness Young ( 1981 )
    Brittan, Leon, Baron Brittan of Spennithorne ( 1981 )
    Lawson, Nigel, Baron Lawson of Blaby ( 1981 )
    Tebbit, Norman Beresford, Baron Tebbit ( 1981 )
    Goff, Robert Lionel Archibald, Baron Goff of Chieveley ( 1982 )
    Gray, Hamish James Hector Northey, Baron Gray of Contin ( 1982 )
    Nairne, Patrick Dalmahoy ( 1982 )
    Shirley, Robert Washington, 13th Earl Ferrers ( 1982 )
    Blaker, Peter Allan Renshaw, Baron Blaker ( 1983 )
    Browne-Wilkinson, Nicolas Christopher Henry, Baron Browne-Wilkinson ( 1983 )
    Cockfield, Francis Arthur, Baron Cockfield ( 1983 )
    Foster, Derek, Baron Foster of Bishop Auckland ( 1983 )
    Ganzoni, John Julian, 2nd Baron Belstead ( 1983 )
    Hore-Ruthven, Alexander Patrick Greysteil, 2nd Earl of Gowrie ( 1983 )
    Molyneaux, James Henry, Baron Molyneaux of Killead ( 1983 )
    Rees, Peter Wynford Innes, Baron Rees ( 1983 )
    Ridley, Nicholas, Baron Ridley of Liddesdale ( 1983 )
    Baker, Kenneth Wilfred, Baron Baker of Dorking ( 1984 )
    Buchanan-Smith, Alick Laidlaw ( 1984 )
    Cameron, Kenneth John, Baron Cameron of Lochbroom ( 1984 )
    Croom-Johnson, David Powell ( 1984 )
    Lloyd, Anthony John Leslie, Baron Lloyd of Berwick ( 1984 )
    Ogilvy, David George Patrick Coke, 12th Earl of Airlie ( 1984 )
    Young, David Ivor, Baron Young of Graffham ( 1984 )
    Hayhoe, Bernard John, Baron Hayhoe ( 1985 )
    MacGregor, John Roddick Russell, Baron MacGregor of Pulham Market ( 1985 )
    Mustill, Michael John, Baron Mustill ( 1985 )
    Neill, Brian Thomas ( 1985 )
    Seear, Beatrice Nancy, Baroness Seear ( 1985 )
    Bingham, Thomas Henry, Baron Bingham of Cornhill ( 1986 )
    Luce, Richard Napier, Baron Luce ( 1986 )
    Mayhew, Patrick Barnabas Burke, Baron Mayhew of Twysden ( 1986 )
    Moore, John Edward Michael, Baron Moore of Lower Marsh ( 1986 )
    Woolf, Harry Kenneth, Baron Woolf ( 1986 )
    Bates, Lynda, Baroness Chalker of Wallasey ( 1987 )
    Leigh-Pemberton, Robert Robin, Baron Kingsdown ( 1987 )
    Major, John ( 1987 )
    Pattie, Geoffrey Edwin ( 1987 )
    Waddington, David Charles, Baron Waddington ( 1987 )
    Brooke, Peter Leonard, Baron Brooke of Sutton Mandeville ( 1988 )
    Cope, John Ambrose, Baron Cope of Berkeley ( 1988 )
    Hutton, James Brian Edward, Baron Hutton ( 1988 )
    Jauncey, Charles Eliot, Baron Jauncey of Tullichettle ( 1988 )
    Morrison, Peter Hugh ( 1988 )
    Newton, Antony Harold, Baron Newton of Braintree ( 1988 )
    Onslow, Cranley Gordon Douglas, Baron Onslow of Woking ( 1988 )
    Stuart-Smith, Murray ( 1988 )
    Ashdown, Jeremy John Durham, Baron Ashdown of Norton-sub-Hamdon ( 1989 )
    Fraser, Peter Lovat, Baron Fraser of Carmyllie ( 1989 )
    Hope, James Arthur David, Baron Hope of Craighead ( 1989 )
    Renton, Ronald Timothy, Baron Renton of Mount Harry ( 1989 )
    Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley, Baron Stewartby ( 1989 )
    Trefgarne, David Garro, 2nd Baron Trefgarne ( 1989 )
    Clark, William Gibson Haig, Baron Clark of Kempston ( 1990 )
    Fellowes, Robert, Baron Fellowes ( 1990 )
    Hunt, David James Fletcher, Baron Hunt of Wirral ( 1990 )
    Lyell, Nicholas Walter, Baron Lyell of Markyate ( 1990 )
    Ryder, Richard, Baron Ryder of Wensum ( 1990 )
    Sinclair, Malcolm Ian, 20th Earl of Caithness ( 1990 )
    Carey, George Leonard, Baron Carey of Clifton ( 1991 )
    Dean, Arthur Paul, Baron Dean of Harptree ( 1991 )
    Nolan, Michael Patrick, Baron Nolan ( 1991 )
    Roberts, Ieuan Wyn Pritchard, Baron Roberts of Conwy ( 1991 )
    Scott, Richard Rashleigh Folliott, Baron Scott of Foscote ( 1991 )
    Boscawen, Robert Thomas ( 1992 )
    Brown, Simon Denis, Baron Brown of Eaton under Heywood ( 1992 )
    Campbell-Harris, Jean Alys, Baroness Trumpington ( 1992 )
    Evans, Anthony Adney, 2nd Bt. ( 1992 )
    Garnett, Virginia Hilda Brunette Maxwell, Baroness Bottomley of Nettlestone ( 1992 )
    Hoffmann, Leonard Hubert, Baron Hoffmann ( 1992 )
    Hogg, Douglas Martin, Baron Hailsham of Kettlethorpe ( 1992 )
    Kennedy, Paul Joseph Morrow ( 1992 )
    McIntosh, Andrew Robert, Baron McIntosh of Haringey ( 1992 )
    Rodger, Alan Ferguson, Baron Rodger of Earlsferry ( 1992 )
    Sainsbury, Timothy Alan Davan ( 1992 )
    Slynn, Gordon, Baron Slynn of Hadley ( 1992 )
    Steyn, Johan van Zyl, Baron Steyn ( 1992 )
    Thomas, Swinton Barclay ( 1992 )
    Watts, Gillian Patricia, Baroness Shephard of Northwold ( 1992 )
    Boothroyd, Betty, Baroness Boothroyd ( 1993 )
    Carswell, Robert Douglas, Baron Carswell ( 1993 )
    Cunningham, John Anderson, Baron Cunningham of Felling ( 1993 )
    Fermor-Hesketh, Thomas Alexander, 3rd Baron Hesketh ( 1993 )
    Freeman, Roger Norman, Baron Freeman ( 1993 )
    Hobhouse, John Stewart, Baron Hobhouse of Woodborough ( 1993 )
    Hordern, Peter Maudslay ( 1993 )
    McAvoy, Thomas McLaughlin, Baron McAvoy ( 1993 )
    Richard, Ivor Seward, Baron Richard ( 1993 )
    Young, George Samuel Knatchbull, Baron Young of Cookham ( 1993 )
    Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Michael James, 7th Marquess of Salisbury ( 1994 )
    Lowther, Nicholas James Christopher, 2nd Viscount Ullswater ( 1994 )
    Mawhinney, Brian Stanley, Baron Mawhinney ( 1994 )
    Millett, Peter Julian, Baron Millett ( 1994 )
    Needham, Richard Francis ( 1994 )
    Proust, Christopher James, Baron Kingsland ( 1994 )
    Saville, Mark Oliver, Baron Saville of Newdigate ( 1994 )
    Triggs, Emily May, Baroness Blatch ( 1994 )
    Aldous, William ( 1995 )
    Chartres, Richard John Carew, Baron Chartres ( 1995 )
    Forsyth, Michael Bruce, Baron Forsyth of Drumlean ( 1995 )
    Galbraith, Thomas Galloway Dunop du Royal de Blicquy, 2nd Baron Strathclyde ( 1995 )
    Monro, Hector Seymour Peter, Baron Monro of Langholm ( 1995 )
    Phillips, Nicholas Addison, Baron Phillips of Worth Matravers ( 1995 )
    Russell, Geoffrey Denis Erskine, 4th Baron Ampthill ( 1995 )
    Clyde, James John, Baron Clyde ( 1996 )
    Dixon, Donald, Baron Dixon ( 1996 )
    Douglas-Hamilton, James Alexander, Baron Selkirk of Douglas ( 1996 )
    Heathcoat-Amory, David Philip ( 1996 )
    Kerr, Michael Andrew Foster Jude, 13th Marquess of Lothian ( 1996 )
    Mackay, Donald Sage, Baron Mackay of Drumadoon ( 1996 )
    Mackay, John Jackson, Baron Mackay of Ardbrecknish ( 1996 )
    Thomson, George Morgan, Baron Thomson of Monifieth ( 1996 )
    Waller, George Mark ( 1996 )
    Carter, Denis Victor, Baron Carter ( 1997 )
    Hardie, Andrew Rutherford, Baron Hardie ( 1997 )
    MacLennan, Robert Adam Ross, Baron MacLennan of Rogart ( 1997 )
    Ogilvy, Angus James Robert Bruce ( 1997 )
    Robertson, George Islay MacNeill, Baron Robertson of Port Ellen ( 1997 )
    Stonor, Ralph Thomas Campion George Sherman, 7th Lord Camoys ( 1997 )
    Walker, Robert, Baron Walker of Gestingthorpe ( 1997 )
    Arbuthnot, James Norwich, Baron Arbuthnot of Edrom ( 1998 )
    Callaghan, Margaret Ann, Baroness Jay of Paddington ( 1998 )
    Dean, Brenda, Baroness Dean of Thornton-le-Fylde ( 1998 )
    Harris, John Henry, Baron Harris of Greenwich ( 1998 )
    Janvrin, Robin Berry, Baron Janvrin ( 1998 )
    Mandelson, Peter Benjamin, Baron Mandelson ( 1998 )
    Quin, Joyce Gwendolen, Baroness Quin ( 1998 )
    Trimble, William David, Baron Trimble ( 1998 )
    Armstrong, Hilary Jane, Baroness Armstrong of Hill Top ( 1999 )
    Hale, Brenda Marjorie, Baroness Hale of Richmond ( 1999 )
    Haselhurst, Alan Gordon Barraclough, Baron Haselhurst ( 1999 )
    Macdonald, Angus John, Baron Macdonald of Tradeston ( 1999 )
    Mance, Jonathan Hugh, Baron Mance ( 1999 )
    Rooker, Jeffrey William, Baron Rooker ( 1999 )
    Wells, Patricia Lesley, Baroness Hollis of Heigham ( 1999 )
    Williams, Gareth Wyn, Baron Williams of Mostyn ( 1999 )
    Arden, Mary Howarth ( 2000 )
    Boyd, Colin David, Baron Boyd of Duncansby ( 2000 )
    Holme, Richard Gordon, Baron Holme of Cheltenham ( 2000 )
    Howarth, Alan Thomas, Baron Howarth of Newport ( 2000 )
    Middleweek, Helene Valerie, Baroness Hayman ( 2000 )
    Pendry, Thomas, Baron Pendry ( 2000 )
    Symons, Elizabeth Conway, Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean ( 2000 )
    Anderson, Donald, Baron Anderson of Swansea ( 2001 )
    Bradley, Keith John Charles, Baron Bradley ( 2001 )
    Goldsmith, Peter Henry, Baron Goldsmith ( 2001 )
    Hutton, John Matthew Patrick, Baron Hutton of Furness ( 2001 )
    Foulkes, George, Baron Foulkes of Cumnock ( 2002 )
    McFall, John Francis, Baron McFall of Alcluith ( 2004 )
    Paisley, Ian Richard Kyle, Baron Bannside ( 2005 )
    Roper, John Francis Hodgess, Baron Roper ( 2005 )
    Knight, James Philip, Baron Knight of Weymouth ( 2008 )
    Osborne, George Gideon Oliver ( 2010 )
    Mountbatten-Windsor, William Arthur Philip Louis, The Prince of Wales ( 2016 )
    Shand, Camilla Rosemary ( 2016 )
    Count equals 2397 individuals.

Privy Counsellor (P.C.) [Ireland]
    Blennerhassett, John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Privy Counsellor (P.C.) (Ireland)
    Bagenal, Nicholas
    Bagnall, Ralph ( 1550 )
    Andrews, William Drennan ( 1897 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Privy Counsellor (P.C.) (Scotland and Great Britain)
    Hume-Campbell, Alexander, 2nd Earl of Marchmont ( 1726 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Privy Counsellor (P.C.) (Scotland)
    Hume, Patrick, 1st Earl of Marchmont ( 1690 )
    Hume, Patrick, Lord Polwarth ( 1698 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Privy Counsellor (P.C.) (and member of the Judicial committee)
    Cripps, Charles Alfred, 1st Baron Parmoor ( 1914 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Privy Counsellor (P.C.) [Canada]
    Tupper, Charles Hibbert
    Tupper, Charles, 1st Bt. ( 1870 )
    Smith, Donald Alexander, 1st Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal ( 1896 )
    Baldwin, Stanley, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley ( 1927 )
    Bennett, Richard Bedford, 1st and last Viscount Bennett ( 1930 )
    Alexander, Harold Rupert Leofic George, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis ( 1952 )
    Black, Conrad Moffat, Baron Black of Crossharbour ( 1992 )
    Count equals 7 individuals.

Privy Counsellor (P.C.) [Denmark]
    Carstensen, J. A.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Privy Counsellor (P.C.) [Indian]
    Rose, Hugh Henry, 1st and last Baron Strathnairn of Strathnairn ( 1865 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Privy Counsellor (P.C.) [Ireland]
    Annesley, Arthur, 5th Earl of Anglesey
    Bellew, John, 1st Baron Bellew of Duleek
    Beresford, John de la Poer
    Bermingham, Thomas, 1st Earl of Louth, but was turned out of the council by Lord Townshend
    Bourchier, George
    Boyle, Francis, 1st Viscount Shannon
    Boyle, Roger, 1st Earl of Orrery
    Brereton, William
    Browne, Geoffrey Henry, 1st Baron Mereworth
    Browne, Valentine, 2nd Earl of Kenmare
    Browne, Valentine, 3rd Bt., to King James II
    Burton, Benjamin
    Burton, Francis
    Butler, William
    Chatterton, Hedges Eyre
    Colley, Henry
    Conyngham, William
    Cooper, Joshua
    Crosbie, John, 2nd Earl of Glandore
    Deane, Robert, 5th Bt.
    Deasy, Rickard Morgan
    Feilding, Charles
    FitzMaurice, Thomas, 14th Baron of Kerry and Lixnaw
    French, Fitzstephen Patrick
    Hamilton, Claud, 4th Earl of Abercorn
    Hamilton, Francis, 1st Bt., as one of the Council of Munster to King James I
    Hamilton, James, 6th Earl of Abercorn
    Kavanagh, Walter MacMorrough, The MacMorrough
    King, Robert, 1st Bt.
    Lambart, Charles, 1st Earl of the County of Cavan
    Lucas, Edward
    McMahon, John, 1st Bt.
    Medows, William
    O'Brien, Henry, 4th Earl of Thomond
    O'Brien, Morrogh, 1st Earl of Inchiquin
    O'Conor, Denis Charles Joseph, O'Conor Don
    Robinson, Henry Augustus, 1st Bt.
    Roper, Thomas, 1st Viscount Baltinglass
    Rowley, Hercules Langford
    Skeffington, John, 2nd Viscount Massereene
    St. Leger, Warham
    Staples, John
    Stewart, William, 1st Bt.
    Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, 1st Viscount Wolseley
    Wolseley, William
    Rawson, John, 1st and last Viscount Clontarff ( 1511 )
    Barnewall, John, 3rd Baron Trimlestown ( 1521 )
    Butler, James, 9th Earl of Ormonde ( 1535 )
    Barnewall, Patrick, 4th Baron Trimlestown ( 1539 )
    O'Brien, Murrough, 1st Earl of Thomond ( 1543 )
    O'Neill, Con 'Baccach', 1st Earl of Tyrone ( 1543 )
    Radcliffe, Henry, 4th Earl of Sussex ( 1557 )
    Butler, Thomas, 10th Earl of Ormonde ( 1558 )
    FitzGerald, Gerald, 1st/11th Earl of Kildare ( 1558 )
    Brabazon, Edward, 1st Lord Brabazon, Baron of Ardee ( 1584 )
    Chichester, Arthur, 1st and last Baron Chichester of Belfast ( 1603 )
    Lambart, Oliver, 1st Lord Lambart, Baron of Cavan ( 1603 )
    O'Brien, Donough, 3rd Earl of Thomond ( 1603 )
    Moore, Garret, 1st Viscount Moore of Drogheda ( 1604 )
    St. John, Oliver, 1st Viscount Grandison of Limerick ( 1605 )
    Loftus, Adam, 1st Viscount Loftus of Ely ( 1608 )
    Boyle, Richard, 1st Earl of Cork ( 1613 )
    Caulfeild, Toby, 1st Lord Caulfeild, Baron of Charlemont ( 1613 )
    Blayney, Edward, 1st Lord Blayney, Baron of Monaghan ( 1615 )
    Annesley, Francis, 1st Viscount of Valentia ( 1616 )
    Jones, Roger, 1st Viscount Ranelagh ( 1620 )
    Bourke, Richard, 4th Earl of Clanricarde ( 1625 )
    Chichester, Edward, 1st Viscount Chichester of Carrickfergus ( 1625 )
    Moore, Charles, 2nd Viscount Moore of Drogheda ( 1628 )
    Hamilton, James, 1st Viscount Claneboye ( 1634 )
    Howard, Henry Frederick, 22nd Earl of Arundel ( 1634 )
    Butler, James, 1st Duke of Ormonde ( 1635 )
    O'Brien, Barnabas, 5th Earl of Thomond ( 1639 )
    Digby, Robert, 1st Baron Digby ( 1641 )
    Bourke, Ulrick, 1st Marquess of Clanricarde ( 1645 )
    Annesley, Arthur, 1st Earl of Anglesey ( 1660 )
    Barry, James, 1st Baron Barry of Santry ( 1660 )
    Boyle, Richard, 2nd Earl of Cork ( 1660 )
    Brabazon, Edward, 2nd Earl of Meath ( 1660 )
    Butler, Thomas, 6th Earl of Ossory ( 1660 )
    Caulfeild, William, 1st Viscount Charlemont ( 1660 )
    Coote, Richard, 1st Lord Coote, Baron of Coloony ( 1660 )
    Jones, Arthur, 2nd Viscount Ranelagh ( 1660 )
    King, John, 1st Baron Kingston ( 1660 )
    Monck, George, 1st Duke of Albemarle ( 1660 )
    Moore, Henry, 1st Earl of Drogheda ( 1660 )
    FitzGerald, Wentworth, 17th Earl of Kildare ( 1661 )
    Cary, Henry, 4th Viscount of Falkland ( 1662 )
    Butler, Richard, 1st and last Earl of Arran ( 1663 )
    Power, Richard, 1st Earl of Tyrone ( 1667 )
    Jones, Richard, 1st and last Earl of Ranelagh ( 1668 )
    Herbert, Edward, 3rd Baron Herbert of Chirbury ( 1669 )
    Forbes, Arthur, 1st Earl of Granard ( 1670 )
    O'Brien, Henry, 6th Earl of Thomond ( 1670 )
    Hamilton, Henry, 2nd Earl of Clanbrassill ( 1671 )
    O'Brien, William, 2nd Earl of Inchiquin ( 1671 )
    Chichester, Arthur, 2nd Earl of Donegall ( 1672 )
    Stewart, William, 1st Viscount Mountjoy ( 1672 )
    Capell, Henry, 1st and last Baron Capell of Tewkesbury ( 1673 )
    O'Brien, Henry, Lord O'Brien ( 1673 )
    Brabazon, William, 3rd Earl of Meath ( 1674 )
    Boyle, Murrough, 1st Viscount Blesington ( 1675 )
    FitzGerald, Robert ( 1678 )
    Brabazon, Edward, 4th Earl of Meath ( 1679 )
    Molesworth, Robert, 1st Viscount Molesworth of Swords ( 1679 )
    Hamilton-Moore, Henry, 3rd Earl of Drogheda ( 1680 )
    Bourke, William, 7th Earl of Clanricarde ( 1681 )
    Loftus, Adam, 1st and last Viscount Lisburne ( 1685 )
    Butler, Piers, 3rd Viscount of Galmoye ( 1686 )
    Parsons, Richard, 1st Viscount Rosse ( 1686 )
    Power, Richard, 1st Earl of Tyrone ( 1686 )
    Preston, Jenico, 7th Viscount Gormanston ( 1686 )
    Taaffe, Nicholas, 2nd Earl of Carlingford ( 1686 )
    Talbot, Richard, 1st Duke of Tyrconnell ( 1686 )
    Talbot, William, 3rd Bt. ( 1687 )
    Bourke, Richard, 8th Earl of Clanricarde ( 1689 ), to King James II after his flight from England
    O'Brien, Daniel, 3rd Viscount Clare ( 1689 )
    Butler, James, 2nd Duke of Ormonde ( 1690 )
    Capell, Henry, 1st and last Baron Capell of Tewkesbury ( 1693 )
    Boyle, Charles, 3rd Earl of Cork ( 1695 )
    Coote, Charles, 3rd Earl of Mountrath ( 1695 )
    Wandesford, Christopher, 1st Viscount Castlecomer ( 1695 )
    Berkeley, William, 4th Baron Berkeley of Stratton ( 1696 )
    Butler, James, 2nd Duke of Ormonde ( 1702 )
    Molesworth, Robert, 1st Viscount Molesworth of Swords ( 1702 )
    Wandesford, Christopher, 1st Viscount Castlecomer ( 1702 )
    Brodrick, Alan, 1st Viscount Midleton of Midleton ( 1703 )
    Brabazon, Chambre, 5th Earl of Meath ( 1710 )
    FitzGerald, Robert, 19th Earl of Kildare ( 1710 )
    Hamilton, Gustavus, 1st Viscount Boyne ( 1710 )
    Stewart, William, 2nd Viscount Mountjoy ( 1710 )
    Wandesford, Christopher, 2nd Viscount Castlecomer ( 1710 )
    Coote, Charles, 4th Earl of Mountrath ( 1711 )
    FitzMaurice, Thomas, 1st Earl of Kerry ( 1711 )
    Butler, Pierce, 4th Bt. ( 1712 )
    Allen, John, 1st Viscount Allen ( 1714 )
    Barry, Henry, 3rd Baron Barry of Santry ( 1714 )
    Barry, James, 4th Earl of Barrymore ( 1714 )
    Boyle, Richard, 4th Earl of Cork ( 1714 ), but never sworn
    Brodrick, Alan, 1st Viscount Midleton of Midleton ( 1714 )
    O'Brien, Henry, 7th Earl of Thomond ( 1714 )
    Evans, George, 1st Baron Carbery ( 1715 )
    Lennox, Charles, 1st Duke of Richmond ( 1715 )
    Molesworth, Robert, 1st Viscount Molesworth of Swords ( 1715 )
    Ponsonby, William, 1st Viscount Duncannon ( 1715 )
    St. George, George, 1st Baron Saint George of Hatley Saint George ( 1715 )
    St. Leger, Arthur, 1st Viscount Doneraile ( 1715 )
    Moreton, Matthew Ducie, 1st Lord Ducie, Baron of Moreton ( 1717 )
    Wharton, Philip, 1st Duke of Wharton ( 1717 )
    Coote, Harry, 5th Earl of Mountrath ( 1718 )
    Walpole, Horatio, 1st Baron Walpole of Wolterton ( 1720 )
    FitzGerald, John, 1st and last Earl Grandison ( 1721 )
    Forbes, George, 3rd Earl of Granard ( 1721 )
    Bourke, Michael, 10th Earl of Clanricarde ( 1726 )
    Caulfeild, William, 2nd Viscount Charlemont ( 1726 )
    Southwell, Thomas, 2nd Baron Southwell of Castle Mattress ( 1726 )
    Taylor, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1726 )
    Edgcumbe, Richard, 1st Baron Edgcumbe of Mount-Edgcumbe ( 1727 )
    Seymour-Conway, Francis, 1st Baron Conway of Ragley ( 1728 )
    King, James, 4th Baron Kingston ( 1729 )
    Lambart, Richard, 4th Earl of the County of Cavan ( 1729 )
    St. Lawrence, William, 14th Baron Howth ( 1729 )
    Boyle, Henry, 1st Earl of Shannon ( 1733 )
    King, Henry, 3rd Bt. ( 1733 )
    Molesworth, Richard, 3rd Viscount Molesworth of Swords ( 1733 )
    Prendergast, Thomas, 2nd Bt. ( 1733 )
    Byng, Pattee, 2nd Viscount Torrington ( 1734 )
    Flower, William, 1st Baron Castle Durrow ( 1735 )
    Hamilton, Gustavus, 2nd Viscount Boyne ( 1736 )
    Hamilton, James, 7th Earl of Abercorn ( 1739 )
    Jocelyn, Robert, 1st Viscount Jocelyn ( 1739 )
    Ponsonby, William, 2nd Earl of Bessborough ( 1741 )
    Bowes, John, 1st and last Baron Bowes of Clonlyon ( 1742 )
    Vane, Henry, 1st Earl of Darlington ( 1742 )
    Courcy, Gerald, 17th Lord Kingsale ( 1744 )
    FitzGerald, James, 1st Duke of Leinster ( 1745 )
    Butler, Somerset Hamilton, 1st Earl of Carrick ( 1746 )
    FitzMaurice, William, 2nd Earl of Kerry ( 1746 )
    Hamilton, James, 1st Earl of Clanbrassill ( 1746 )
    Moore, Charles, 1st and last Earl of Charleville ( 1746 )
    Skeffington, Clotworthy, 1st Earl of Massereene ( 1746 )
    Wingfield, Richard, 1st Viscount Powerscourt ( 1746 )
    Conyngham, Henry, 1st and last Earl Conynham of Mount Charles ( 1748 )
    Gore, Arthur, 1st Earl of Arran of the Arran Islands ( 1748 )
    Moore, Edward, 5th Earl of Drogheda ( 1748 )
    Stewart, William, 1st and last Earl of Blesington ( 1748 )
    Rochfort, Robert, 1st Earl of Belvidere ( 1749 )
    Hill-Trevor, Arthur, 1st Viscount of Dungannon ( 1750 )
    Seymour-Conway, Francis, 1st Marquess of Hertford ( 1750 )
    Sackville, George, 1st Viscount Sackville ( 1751 )
    St. Leger, Hayes, 4th Viscount Doneraile ( 1751 )
    Damer, Joseph, 1st Earl of Dorchester ( 1753 )
    Loftus, Nicholas, 1st Viscount Loftus of Ely ( 1753 )
    O'Brien, William, 4th Earl of Inchiquin ( 1753 )
    Taylor, Thomas, 2nd Bt. ( 1753 )
    Petty, John, 1st Earl of Shelburne ( 1754 )
    Leslie, John, 10th Earl of Rothes ( 1756 )
    Nugent, Thomas, 6th Earl of Westmeath ( 1758 )
    Proby, John, 1st Baron Carysfort ( 1758 )
    Moore, Charles, 1st Marquess of Drogheda ( 1760 )
    Burgh, John Smith, 11th Earl of Clanricarde ( 1761 ), but removed 8 days later, on 16 July 1761
    Coote, Charles Henry, 7th Earl of Mountrath ( 1761 )
    Caldwell, John, 4th Bt. ( 1762 )
    Boyle, Richard, 2nd Earl of Shannon ( 1763 )
    Gore, John, 1st and last Baron Annaly of Tenelick ( 1764 )
    Robinson, Richard, 1st Baron Rokeby ( 1765 )
    Seymour-Ingram, Francis, 2nd Marquess of Hertford ( 1765 )
    Chichester, Arthur, 1st Marquess of Donegall ( 1766 )
    Hamilton, James, 2nd Earl of Clanbrassill ( 1766 )
    Hervey, Augustus John, 3rd Earl of Bristol ( 1766 )
    Hervey, Frederick Augustus, 4th Earl of Bristol ( 1767 )
    Cavendish, Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1768 )
    Maude, Thomas, 1st and last Baron de Montalt of Hawarden ( 1768 )
    St. Lawrence, Thomas, 1st Earl of Howth ( 1768 )
    Acheson, Archibald, 1st Viscount Gosford of Market Hill ( 1770 )
    Brooke, Arthur, 1st and last Bt. ( 1770 )
    Gore, Arthur Saunders, 2nd Earl of Arran of the Arran Islands ( 1771 )
    Loftus, Henry, 1st and last Earl of Ely ( 1771 )
    Pery, Edmond Sexten, 1st and last Viscount Pery of Newtown-Pery ( 1771 )
    Blaquiere, John, 1st Baron de Blaquiere of Ardkill ( 1772 )
    Boyle, Richard, 2nd Earl of Shannon ( 1774 )
    Coote, Charles, 1st Earl of Bellomont ( 1774 )
    Nugent, Thomas, 6th Earl of Westmeath ( 1774 )
    Fortescue, William Henry, 1st Earl of Clermont ( 1775 )
    Stopford, James, 2nd Earl of Courtown ( 1775 )
    Annesley, Arthur, 1st Earl of Mountnorris ( 1776 )
    Mayne, William, 1st Baron Newhaven ( 1776 )
    Wesley, Garret, 1st Earl of Mornington ( 1776 )
    Deane, Robert Tilson, 1st Baron Muskerry ( 1777 )
    FitzGerald, William Robert, 2nd Duke of Leinster ( 1777 )
    Pakenham, Edward Michael, 2nd Baron Longford ( 1777 )
    Scott, John Henry, 1st Earl of Clonmell ( 1777 )
    Cavendish, Henry, 2nd Bt. ( 1779 )
    Eden, William, 1st Baron Auckland ( 1780 )
    Gardiner, Luke, 1st Viscount Mountjoy ( 1780 )
    O'Brien, Murrough, 1st Marquess of Thomond ( 1780 )
    O'Neill, John, 1st Viscount O'Neill ( 1780 )
    Bourke, Joseph Deane, 3rd Earl of Mayo ( 1782 )
    Cuninghame, Robert, 1st Baron Rossmore of Monaghan ( 1782 )
    Nugent-Temple-Grenville, George, 1st Marquess of Buckingham ( 1782 )
    Yelverton, Barry, 1st Viscount Avonmore ( 1782 )
    Beresford, George de la Poer, 1st Marquess of Waterford ( 1783 )
    Burgh, Henry, 1st and last Marquess of Clanricarde ( 1783 )
    Caulfeild, James, 1st Earl of Charlemont ( 1783 )
    FitzGibbon, John, 1st Earl of Clare ( 1783 )
    Pelham, Thomas, 2nd Earl of Chichester ( 1783 )
    Agar, James, 1st Viscount Clifden of Gowran ( 1784 )
    Dillon-Lee, Charles, 12th Viscount Dillon of Costello-Gallin ( 1784 )
    Orde-Powlett, Thomas, 1st Baron Bolton of Bolton Castle ( 1784 )
    Ponsonby, William Brabazon, 1st Baron Ponsonby of Imokilly ( 1784 )
    Wellesley, Richard, 1st Marquess Wellesley of Norragh ( 1784 )
    Browne, John Denis, 1st Marquess of Sligo ( 1785 )
    Mason-Villiers, George, 2nd Earl of Grandison ( 1785 )
    Smyth, Skeffington Edward, 1st and last Bt. ( 1785 )
    Taylour, Thomas, 1st Earl of Bective ( 1785 )
    Luttrell, Henry Lawes, 2nd Earl of Carhampton ( 1786 )
    Mac Donnell, Randal William, 1st and last Marquess of Antrim ( 1786 )
    Carleton, Hugh, 1st and last Viscount Carleton of Clare ( 1787 )
    FitzHerbert, Alleyne, 1st and last Baron Saint Helens ( 1787 )
    Agar, George, 1st and last Baron Callan ( 1789 )
    Hobart, Robert, 4th Earl of Buckinghamshire ( 1789 )
    Proby, John Joshua, 1st Earl of Carysfort ( 1789 )
    Acheson, Arthur, 1st Earl of Gosford ( 1793 )
    Hill, Arthur, 2nd Marquess of Downshire ( 1793 )
    Nugent, George Frederick, 7th Earl of Westmeath ( 1793 )
    Douglas, Sylvester, 1st and last Baron Glenbervie ( 1794 )
    Hamilton, John James, 1st Marquess of Abercorn ( 1794 )
    King, Edward, 1st Earl of Kingston ( 1794 )
    Damer, George, 2nd Earl of Dorchester ( 1795 )
    Maxwell, Barry, 1st Earl of Farnham ( 1796 )
    Montmorency, Lodge Evans, 1st Viscount Frankfort de Montmorency ( 1796 )
    Butler, Walter, 1st and last Marquess of Ormonde ( 1797 )
    Jocelyn, Robert, 2nd Earl of Roden ( 1797 )
    Pery, Edmond Henry, 1st Earl of Limerick ( 1797 )
    Stewart, Robert, 2nd Marquess of Londonderry ( 1797 )
    Abercromby, Ralph ( 1798 )
    Annesley, Richard, 2nd Earl Annesley ( 1798 )
    Coote, Charles Henry, 2nd Baron Castle Coote ( 1800 )
    Beresford, Henry de la Poer, 2nd Marquess of Waterford ( 1801 )
    Handcock, William, 1st and last Viscount Castlemaine ( 1801 )
    Smith, Michael, 1st Bt. ( 1801 )
    Cathcart, William Schaw, 1st Earl Cathcart ( 1803 )
    Chichester, George Augustus, 2nd Marquess of Donegall ( 1803 )
    Crichton, John, 1st Earl Erne of Crom Castle ( 1804 )
    Parsons, Laurence, 2nd Earl of Rosse ( 1805 )
    Plunket, William Conyngham, 1st Baron Plunket of Newton ( 1805 )
    Vansittart, Nicholas, 1st and last Baron Bexley ( 1805 )
    Boyle, Henry, 3rd Earl of Shannon ( 1809 )
    Browne, Howe Peter, 2nd Marquess of Sligo ( 1809 )
    Le Poer Trench, Richard, 2nd Earl of Clancarty ( 1809 )
    O'Brien, William, 2nd Marquess of Thomond ( 1809 )
    O'Neill, Charles Henry St. John, 1st Earl O'Neill ( 1809 )
    Saunders-Dundas, Robert, 2nd Viscount Melville of Melville ( 1809 )
    Vereker, Charles, 2nd Viscount Gort ( 1809 )
    Wellesley-Pole, William, 3rd Earl of Mornington ( 1809 )
    Bourke, John, 4th Earl of Mayo ( 1810 )
    Vesey-Fitzgerald, William, 2nd Baron Fitzgerald and Vesci ( 1810 )
    Hope, John, 4th Earl of Hopetoun ( 1812 )
    Byng, John, 1st Earl of Strafford ( 1828 )
    Egerton, Francis, 1st Earl of Ellesmere ( 1828 )
    Hardinge, Henry, 1st Viscount Hardinge of Lahore and Kings Newton ( 1830 )
    FitzGerald, Augustus Frederick, 3rd Duke of Leinster ( 1831 )
    Lawless, Valentine Browne, 2nd Baron Cloncurry ( 1831 )
    Smith-Stanley, Edward Geoffrey, 14th Earl of Derby ( 1831 )
    Caulfeild, Francis William, 2nd Earl of Charlemont ( 1832 )
    Brabazon, John Chambré, 10th Earl of Meath ( 1833 )
    Browne, Dominick, 1st Baron Oranmore and Browne ( 1834 )
    Hely Hutchinson, John, 3rd Earl of Donoughmore of Knocklofty ( 1834 )
    Howard, George William Frederick, 7th Earl of Carlisle ( 1835 )
    O'Callaghan, Cornelius, 1st Viscount Lismore ( 1835 )
    Taylour, Thomas, 2nd Marquess of Headfort ( 1835 )
    Talbot, Richard Wogan, 2nd Baron Talbot of Malahide ( 1836 )
    Villiers-Stuart, Henry, 1st and last Baron Stuart de Decies ( 1837 )
    Bellew, Patrick, 1st Baron Bellew of Barmeath ( 1838 )
    Campbell, John, 1st Baron Campbell of St. Andrews ( 1841 )
    Eliot, Edward Granville, 3rd Earl of Saint Germans ( 1841 )
    Fremantle, Thomas Francis, 1st Baron Cottesloe ( 1845 )
    Pelham-Clinton, Henry Pelham, 5th Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne ( 1846 )
    Plunket, Thomas Span, 2nd Baron Plunket of Newton ( 1846 )
    Fitzpatrick, John, 1st Baron Castletown of Upper Ossory ( 1848 )
    Young, John, 1st Baron Lisgar of Lisgar and Bailieborough ( 1852 )
    Moore, Henry Francis Seymour, 3rd Marquess of Drogheda ( 1858 )
    Cardwell, Edward, 1st and last Viscount Cardwell of Ellerbeck ( 1859 )
    Morris, Michael, Baron Morris ( 1866 )
    Parkinson-Fortescue, Chichester Samuel, 1st and last Baron Carlingford ( 1866 )
    Lowry-Corry, Somerset Richard, 4th Earl of Belmore ( 1867 )
    Larcom, Thomas Aiskew, 1st Bt. ( 1868 )
    Wilson Patten, John, 1st and last Baron Winmarleigh ( 1868 )
    Guthrie, Geoffrey Dominick Augustus Frederick, 2nd Baron Oranmore and Browne ( 1869 )
    Mansfield, William Rose, 1st Baron Sandhurst of Sandhurst ( 1870 )
    Cavendish, Spencer Compton, 8th Duke of Devonshire ( 1871 )
    Hicks-Beach, Michael Edward, 1st Earl Saint Aldwyn ( 1874 )
    Gibson, Edward, 1st Baron Ashbourne ( 1877 )
    Beresford, John Henry de la Poer, 5th Marquess of Waterford ( 1879 )
    FitzGerald, Charles William, 4th Duke of Leinster ( 1879 )
    Taylour, Thomas, 3rd Marquess of Headfort ( 1879 )
    Bruen, Henry ( 1880 )
    Porter, Andrew Marshall, 1st Bt. ( 1883 )
    Walker, Samuel, 1st Bt. ( 1885 )
    Kavanagh, Arthur MacMorrough, The MacMorrough ( 1886 )
    Balfour, Arthur James, 1st Earl of Balfour ( 1887 )
    Brabazon, Reginald, 12th Earl of Meath ( 1887 )
    Hamilton, Ion Trant, 1st Baron Holmpatrick ( 1887 )
    Young, John ( 1887 )
    FitzGerald, Gerald, 5th Duke of Leinster ( 1888 )
    Bourke, Dermot Robert Wyndham, 7th Earl of Mayo ( 1890 )
    Atkinson, John, Baron Atkinson ( 1892 )
    Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Charles Stewart, 6th Marquess of Londonderry ( 1892 )
    Balfour, Gerald William, 2nd Earl of Balfour ( 1895 )
    Bryce, James, 1st and last Viscount Bryce ( 1895 )
    Hemphill, Charles Hare, 1st Baron Hemphill ( 1895 )
    Carson, Edward Henry, Baron Carson ( 1896 )
    Smith-Barry, Arthur Hugh, 1st and last Baron Barrymore ( 1896 )
    Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Frederick Temple, 1st Marquess of Dufferin and Ava ( 1897 )
    Pirrie, William James, 1st and last Viscount Pirrie ( 1897 )
    Plunkett, Horace Curzon ( 1897 )
    Windsor, George V, King of the United Kingdom ( 1897 )
    Wingfield, Mervyn, 7th Viscount Powerscourt ( 1897 )
    Dillon, Luke Gerald, 4th Baron Clonbrock ( 1898 )
    Wyndham-Quin, Windham Thomas, 4th Earl of Dunraven and Mount-Earl ( 1899 )
    Bourke, Dermot Robert Wyndham, 7th Earl of Mayo ( 1900 )
    Dixon, Daniel, 1st Bt. ( 1902 )
    Hogg, Jonathan ( 1902 )
    Nugent, Anthony Francis, 11th Earl of Westmeath ( 1902 )
    Andrews, Thomas ( 1903 ), on the occasion of the Royal Visit
    MacDonnell, Anthony Patrick, 1st and last Baron MacDonnell ( 1903 )
    Grenfell, Francis Wallace, 1st Baron Grenfell ( 1904 )
    Campbell, Patrick, 1st Baron Glenavy ( 1905 )
    Knox, Uchter John Mark, 5th Earl of Ranfurly ( 1905 )
    Fitzpatrick, Bernard Edward Barnaby, 2nd Baron Castletown of Upper Ossory ( 1908 )
    Paget, Arthur Henry Fitzroy ( 1912 )
    Molony, Thomas Francis, 1st Bt. ( 1913 )
    Nixon, Christopher John, 1st Bt. ( 1914 )
    Asquith, Herbert Henry, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith ( 1916 )
    Boyd, Walter, 1st Bt. ( 1916 )
    Chalmers, Robert, 1st and last Baron Chalmers ( 1916 )
    Duke, Henry Edward, 1st Baron Merrivale ( 1916 )
    Gore, Arthur Jocelyn Charles, 6th Earl of Arran of the Arran Islands ( 1917 )
    Brooke, Francis Theophilius ( 1918 )
    Forbes, Bernard Arthur William Patrick Hastings, 8th Earl of Granard ( 1918 )
    Stafford, Thomas Joseph, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
    Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Charles Stewart Henry, 7th Marquess of Londonderry ( 1918 )
    Barton, Dunbar Plunket, 1st and last Bt. ( 1919 )
    Macpherson, James Ian, 1st Baron Strathcarron ( 1919 )
    Cunningham, Samuel ( 1920 )
    Greenwood, Thomas Hamar, 1st Viscount Greenwood ( 1920 )
    Macready, Cecil Frederick Nevil, 1st Bt. ( 1920 )
    Archdale, Edward Mervyn, 1st Bt. ( 1921 )
    Bates, Richard Dawson, 1st Bt. ( 1921 )
    Craig, James, 1st Viscount Craigavon ( 1921 )
    Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Frederick Temple, 3rd Marquess of Dufferin and Ava ( 1921 )
    Moore, William, 1st Bt. ( 1921 )
    O'Neill, Robert William Hugh, 1st Baron Rathcavan ( 1921 )
    Perceval-Maxwell, Robert David ( 1921 )
    Young, William Robert ( 1921 )
    Moore, Henry Charles Ponsonby, 10th Earl of Drogheda ( 1951 )
    Count equals 396 individuals.

Privy Counsellor (P.C.) [North Ireland]
    Chichester-Clark, James Dawson, Baron Moyola ( 1966 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Privy Counsellor (P.C.) [Northern Ireland]
    Montgomery, Hugh de Fellenberg
    O'Neill, Phelim Robert Hugh, 2nd Baron Rathcavan
    Archdale, Edward Mervyn, 1st Bt. ( 1922 )
    Bates, Richard Dawson, 1st Bt. ( 1922 )
    Craig, James, 1st Viscount Craigavon ( 1922 )
    Hamilton, James Albert Edward, 3rd Duke of Abercorn ( 1922 )
    Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Frederick Temple, 3rd Marquess of Dufferin and Ava ( 1922 )
    Moore, William, 1st Bt. ( 1922 )
    O'Neill, Robert William Hugh, 1st Baron Rathcavan ( 1922 )
    Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Charles Stewart Henry, 7th Marquess of Londonderry ( 1922 )
    Cunningham, Samuel ( 1923 )
    Knox, Uchter John Mark, 5th Earl of Ranfurly ( 1923 )
    Andrews, James, 1st and last Bt. ( 1924 )
    Andrews, John Miller ( 1924 )
    Stronge, James Henry, 5th Bt. ( 1924 )
    Babington, Anthony Brutus ( 1926 )
    Caulfeild, James Edward Geale, 8th Viscount Charlemont ( 1926 )
    Joynson-Hicks, William, 1st Viscount Brentford ( 1928 )
    Dixon, Thomas James, 2nd Bt. ( 1930 )
    Ward, Maxwell Richard Crosbie, 6th Viscount Bangor ( 1931 )
    Armstrong, Henry Bruce ( 1932 )
    Brooke, Basil Stanlake, 1st Viscount Brookeborough ( 1933 )
    MacDermott, John Clarke, Baron MacDermott ( 1940 )
    Stronge, Charles Norman Lockhart, 8th Bt. ( 1946 )
    Fisher, Dehra Ker ( 1949 )
    Gordon, Alexander Robert Gisborne ( 1951 )
    Dixon, Daniel Stewart Thomas Bingham, 2nd Baron Glentoran ( 1953 )
    O'Neill, Terence Marne, Baron O'Neill of the Maine ( 1956 )
    Andrews, John Lawson Ormrod ( 1957 )
    McConnell, Robert William Brian, Baron McConnell ( 1964 )
    Topping, Walter William Buchanan ( 1967 )
    Taylor, John David, Baron Kilclooney ( 1970 )
    Brooke, John Warden, 2nd Viscount Brookeborough ( 1971 )
    Lowry, Robert Lynd Erskine, Baron Lowry ( 1971 )
    Count equals 34 individuals.

Privy Counsellor (P.C.) [Northern ireland]
    Dixon, Herbert, 1st Baron Glentoran ( 1923 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Privy Counsellor (P.C.) [Scotland]
    Balfour, Michael, 1st Lord Balfour of Burleigh
    Balfour, Robert, Lord Balfour of Burleigh
    Campbell, Duncan, 1st Lord Campbell
    Carnegie, David, of Kinnaird
    Cuninghame, William, 12th Earl of Glencairn
    Douglas, Archibald, 1st Earl of Forfar, to King William II and to Queen Anne
    Douglas, James, 2nd Marquess of Douglas
    Erskine, Alexander, 3rd Lord Erskine
    Erskine, Henry, 3rd Lord Cardross
    Gordon, Alexander, 3rd Earl of Huntly
    Gordon, George, 4th Earl of Huntly
    Gray, Andrew, 2nd Lord Gray
    Hamilton, John, of Biel, 2nd Lord Belhaven and Stenton
    Hay, George, 2nd Earl of Kinnoull
    Hay, George, 7th Earl of Erroll
    Hay, Gilbert, 11th Earl of Erroll
    Hay, William, 10th Earl of Erroll
    Hay, William, 3rd Earl of Erroll
    Hay, William, 5th Earl of Erroll
    Keith, William, 3rd Earl Marischal
    Kennedy, David, 1st Earl of Cassillis, to King James IV
    Kennedy, Gilbert, 2nd Earl of Cassillis, to King James V
    Kennedy, John, 2nd Lord Kennedy, to King James III
    Lindsay, John, 1st Lord Lindsay of the Byres
    Maxwell, John, of Auldhouse, 1st Bt.
    Melville, James
    Montgomerie, Alexander, 1st Lord Montgomerie
    Montgomerie, Alexander, 9th Earl of Eglinton
    Montgomerie, Hugh, 1st Earl of Eglinton
    Murray, John, 1st Duke of Atholl
    Rolland, Adam
    Seton, George, 3rd Earl of Winton
    Stewart, James, 1st and last Earl of Arran
    Stuart, James, 1st Earl of Bute
    Stuart, John, 3rd Earl of Lennox
    Wedderburn, John
    Hamilton, James, 1st Lord Hamilton ( 1440 )
    Lyon, Patrick, 1st Lord Glamis ( 1445 )
    Gordon, George, 2nd Earl of Huntly ( 1450 )
    Seton, George, 1st Lord Seton ( 1458 )
    Abernethy, William, 2nd Lord Saltoun of Abernethy ( 1483 )
    Drummond, John, 1st Lord Drummond ( 1488 )
    Home, Alexander, 2nd Lord Home ( 1488 )
    Borthwick, William, 3rd Lord Borthwick ( 1489 )
    Lyon, John, 3rd Lord Glamis ( 1489 )
    Keith, William, 2nd Earl Marischal ( 1490 )
    Lindsay, David, 1st Duke of Montrose ( 1490 )
    Seton, George, 2nd Lord Seton ( 1496 )
    Hamilton, James, 1st Earl of Arran ( 1503 )
    Ruthven, William, 1st Lord Ruthven ( 1513 )
    Abernethy, Alexander, 4th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy ( 1514 )
    Sempill, William, 2nd Lord Sempill ( 1514 )
    Douglas, James, 3rd Earl of Morton ( 1526 )
    Maxwell, Robert, 4th Lord Maxwell ( 1526 )
    Leslie, George, 4th Earl of Rothes ( 1528 )
    Ruthven, William, 2nd Lord Ruthven ( 1542 )
    Seton, George, 4th Lord Seton ( 1543 )
    Lyon, John, 7th Lord Glamis ( 1544 )
    Borthwick, John, 5th Lord Borthwick ( 1545 )
    Cuninghame, William, 4th Earl of Glencairn ( 1545 )
    Graham, John, 4th Earl of Menteith ( 1545 )
    Home, George, 4th Lord Home ( 1545 )
    Leslie, Norman, Master of Rothes ( 1545 )
    Lindsay, John, 5th Lord Lindsay of the Byres ( 1545 )
    Lindsay, David, 9th Earl of Crawford ( 1546 )
    Maxwell, Robert, 5th Lord Maxwell ( 1551 )
    Douglas, James, 4th Earl of Morton ( 1552 )
    Abernethy, Alexander, 6th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy ( 1553 )
    Ruthven, Patrick, 3rd Lord Ruthven ( 1553 )
    Cuninghame, Alexander, 5th Earl of Glencairn ( 1561 )
    Erskine, John, 18th/1st Earl of Mar ( 1561 )
    Home, Alexander, 5th Lord Home ( 1561 )
    Maitland, Richard, Lord Lethington ( 1561 )
    Maitland, William, of Lethington ( 1561 )
    Makgill, James, of Rankeillour ( 1561 )
    Stewart, John, 4th Earl of Atholl ( 1561 )
    Kennedy, Gilbert, 4th Earl of Cassillis ( 1562 ), to Queen Mary
    Melville, Robert, 1st Lord Melviille of Monymaill ( 1562 )
    Hay, William, 5th Lord Hay of Yester ( 1565 )
    Lindsay, David, 10th Earl of Crawford ( 1565 )
    Lindsay, Patrick, 6th Lord Lindsay of the Byres ( 1565 )
    Lyon, John, 8th Lord Glamis ( 1567 )
    Maitland, John, 1st Lord Maitland of Thirlestane ( 1568 )
    Graham, John, 3rd Earl of Montrose ( 1569 )
    Keith, William, Master of Marischal ( 1569 )
    Boyd, Robert, 5th Lord Boyd of Kilmarnock ( 1571 )
    Campbell, Archibald, 5th Earl of Argyll ( 1571 )
    Sempill, Robert, 3rd Lord Sempill ( 1571 )
    Stewart, Henry, 2nd Lord Methven ( 1571 )
    Seton, George, 5th Lord Seton ( 1573 )
    Sinclair, Henry, 5th Lord Sinclair ( 1573 )
    Boyd, Robert, 5th Lord Boyd of Kilmarnock ( 1574 )
    Lindsay, David, 11th Earl of Crawford ( 1575 )
    Erskine, John, 19th/2nd Earl of Mar ( 1577 )
    Douglas, James, 4th Earl of Morton ( 1578 )
    Graham, John, 3rd Earl of Montrose ( 1578 )
    Graham, William, 5th Earl of Menteith ( 1578 )
    Ruthven, William, 1st Earl of Gowrie ( 1578 )
    Stewart, Walter, 1st Lord of Blantyre ( 1582 )
    Maitland, John, 1st Lord Maitland of Thirlestane ( 1583 )
    Melville, Robert, 1st Lord Melviille of Monymaill ( 1583 )
    Gray, Patrick, 6th Lord Gray ( 1585 )
    Hamilton, Claud, 1st Lord Paisley ( 1585 )
    Hamilton, John, 1st Marquess of Hamilton ( 1585 )
    Keith, George, 4th Earl Marischal ( 1585 )
    Seton, Alexander, 1st Earl of Dunfermline ( 1585 )
    Seton, Robert, 1st Earl of Winton ( 1585 )
    Abernethy, George, 7th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy ( 1589 )
    Hay, William, 6th Lord Hay of Yester ( 1589 )
    Lindsay, Alexander, 1st Lord Spynie ( 1590 )
    Stewart, John, 5th Earl of Atholl ( 1590 )
    Murray, John, 1st Earl of Tullibardine ( 1592 )
    Sinclair, James, Master of Sinclair ( 1593 )
    Borthwick, James, 7th Lord Borthwick ( 1594 )
    Forbes, John, 8th Lord Forbes ( 1594 )
    Lindsay, James, 7th Lord Lindsay of the Byres ( 1594 )
    Mackenzie, Kenneth, 1st Lord Mackenzie of Kintail ( 1596 )
    Sempill, Robert, 4th Lord Sempill ( 1597 )
    Hamilton, James, 1st Earl of Abercorn ( 1598 )
    Gordon, George, 1st Marquess of Huntly ( 1599 )
    Abernethy, John, 8th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy ( 1600 )
    Melville, Robert, 2nd Lord Melville of Monymaill ( 1600 )
    Campbell, Hugh, 1st Lord Campbell of Loudoun ( 1601 )
    Erskine, Thomas, 1st Earl of Kellie ( 1601 )
    Home, Alexander, 1st Earl of Home ( 1603 )
    Cuninghame, James, 7th Earl of Glencairn ( 1604 )
    Graham, John, 4th Earl of Montrose ( 1604 )
    Lindsay, John, 8th Lord Lindsay of the Byres ( 1605 )
    Lyon, Patrick, 1st Earl of Kinghorne ( 1606 )
    Drummond, James, 1st Earl of Perth ( 1608 )
    Lindsay, David, 12th Earl of Crawford ( 1608 )
    Lindsay, Robert, 9th Lord Lindsay of the Byres ( 1610 )
    Murray, Gideon, Lord Elibank ( 1610 )
    Scott, Walter, 1st Lord Scott of Buccleuch ( 1611 )
    Carr, Robert, 1st and last Earl of Somerset ( 1613 )
    Hamilton, James, 2nd Marquess of Hamilton ( 1613 )
    Drummond, John, 2nd Earl of Perth ( 1616 )
    Gordon, George, 2nd Marquess of Huntly ( 1616 )
    Lindsay, Robert, 9th Lord Lindsay of the Byres ( 1616 )
    Carnegie, David, 1st Earl of Southesk ( 1617 )
    Erskine, John, 20th/3rd Earl of Mar ( 1617 )
    Herbert, William, 3rd Earl of Pembroke ( 1617 )
    Murray, William, 2nd Earl of Tullibardine ( 1617 )
    Napier, Archibald, 1st Lord Napier of Merchistoun ( 1617 )
    Zouche, Edward, 11th Baron Zouche (of Haryngworth) ( 1617 )
    Maxwell, Robert, 1st Earl of Nithsdale ( 1619 )
    Douglas, William, 7th Earl of Morton ( 1621 )
    Hay, George, 1st Earl of Kinnoull ( 1622 )
    Alexander, William, 1st Earl of Stirling ( 1626 )
    Keith, William, 5th Earl Marischal ( 1626 )
    Graham, William, 7th Earl of Menteith ( 1627 )
    Mackenzie, Colin, 1st Earl of Seaforth ( 1628 )
    Stewart, John, 1st Earl of Traquair ( 1628 )
    Murray, Patrick, 1st Earl of Tullibardine ( 1630 )
    Hamilton, James, 1st Duke of Hamilton ( 1633 )
    Stuart, James, 4th Duke of Lennox ( 1633 )
    Carmichael, James, 1st Lord Carmichael ( 1634 )
    Douglas, Archibald, Earl of Angus ( 1636 )
    Mackenzie, George, 2nd Earl of Seaforth ( 1637 )
    Dalzell, Robert, 1st Earl of Carnwath ( 1638 )
    Keith, William, 6th Earl Marischal ( 1638 )
    Hamilton, William, 2nd Duke of Hamilton ( 1640 )
    Seton, Charles, 2nd Earl of Dunfermline ( 1640 )
    Cuninghame, William, 9th Earl of Glencairn ( 1641 )
    Gordon, John, 14th Earl of Sutherland ( 1641 )
    Hay, John, 1st Earl of Tweeddale ( 1641 )
    Herbert, Philip, 4th Earl of Pembroke ( 1641 )
    Leslie, Alexander, 1st Earl of Leven ( 1641 )
    Lindsay, Alexander, 1st Earl of Balcarres ( 1641 )
    Lindsay, John, 17th Earl of Crawford ( 1641 )
    Lyon, John, 2nd Earl of Kinghorne ( 1641 )
    Sinclair, John, 9th Lord Sinclair ( 1641 )
    Wemyss, John, 1st Earl of Wemyss ( 1641 )
    Ruthven, Thomas, 1st Lord Ruthven of Freeland ( 1643 )
    Arbuthnott, Robert, 1st Viscount of Arbuthnott ( 1649 )
    Wemyss, David, 2nd Earl of Wemyss ( 1650 )
    Murray, John, 1st Marquess of Athole ( 1660 )
    Sutherland, Alexander, 1st Lord Duffus ( 1660 )
    Bellenden, William, 1st Lord Bellenden of Broughton ( 1661 )
    Bruce, Alexander, 2nd Earl of Kincardine ( 1661 )
    Butler, James, 1st Duke of Ormonde ( 1661 )
    Carnegie, James, 2nd Earl of Southesk ( 1661 )
    Cuninghame, William, 9th Earl of Glencairn ( 1661 )
    Douglas, William, 9th Earl of Morton ( 1661 )
    Douglas-Hamilton, William, 1st Earl of Selkirk ( 1661 )
    Erskine, Alexander, 3rd Earl of Kellie ( 1661 )
    Erskine, John, 21st/4th Earl of Mar ( 1661 )
    Graham, James, 2nd Marquess of Montrose ( 1661 )
    Hay, John, 1st Marquess of Tweeddale ( 1661 )
    Home, James, 3rd Earl of Home ( 1661 )
    Johnstone, James, 1st Earl of Annandale and Hartfell ( 1661 )
    Kennedy, John, 6th Earl of Cassillis ( 1661 )
    Ker, William, 2nd Earl of Roxburghe ( 1661 )
    Lindsay, John, 17th Earl of Crawford ( 1661 )
    Livingston, James, 1st Earl of Callendar ( 1661 )
    Livingston, James, 1st Earl of Newburgh ( 1661 )
    Maitland, John, 1st and last Duke of Lauderdale ( 1661 )
    Montagu, Edward, 2nd Earl of Manchester ( 1661 )
    Montgomerie, Hugh, 7th Earl of Eglinton ( 1661 )
    Murray, James, 2nd Earl of Tullibardine ( 1661 )
    Seton, Charles, 2nd Earl of Dunfermline ( 1661 )
    Stuart, Charles, 6th Duke of Lennox ( 1661 )
    Drummond, James, 3rd Earl of Perth ( 1662 )
    Mackenzie, George, of Tarbat, 1st Earl of Cromarty ( 1662 )
    Hamilton, John, of Biel, 1st Lord Belhaven and Stenton ( 1663 )
    Campbell, Archibald, 9th Earl of Argyll ( 1664 )
    Drummond, William, 1st Viscount Strathallan ( 1666 )
    Dalyell, Thomas, of the Binns ( 1667 )
    Douglas, William, 1st Duke of Queensberry ( 1667 )
    Drummond, William, 1st Viscount Strathallan ( 1667 )
    Hay, John, 2nd Marquess of Tweeddale ( 1670 )
    Keith, George, 7th Earl Marischal ( 1672 )
    Ramsay, William, 3rd Earl of Dalhousie ( 1672 )
    Drummond, James, 3rd Earl of Perth ( 1674 )
    Finch, Heneage, 1st Earl of Nottingham ( 1674 )
    Lyon, Patrick, 3rd Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne ( 1674 )
    Mackenzie, Kenneth, 3rd Earl of Seaforth ( 1674 )
    Stuart, James II, King of Great Britain ( 1674 )
    Drummond, James, 4th Earl of Perth ( 1678 )
    Drummond, John, 1st Earl of Melfort ( 1678 )
    Graham, James, 3rd Marquess of Montrose ( 1678 )
    Montgomerie, Alexander, 8th Earl of Eglinton ( 1679 )
    Ker, Robert, 3rd Earl of Roxburghe ( 1680 )
    Carnegie, Robert, 3rd Earl of Southesk ( 1682 )
    Hay, John, 1st Marquess of Tweeddale ( 1682 )
    Douglas, James, 2nd Duke of Queensberry ( 1684 )
    Hay, John, 2nd Marquess of Tweeddale ( 1684 )
    Campbell, John, of Glenorchy, 1st Earl of Breadalbane and Holland ( 1685 )
    Douglas-Hamilton, William, 1st Earl of Selkirk ( 1685 )
    Murray, Patrick, 3rd Lord Elibank ( 1685 )
    Gordon, George, 1st Duke of Gordon ( 1686 )
    Mackenzie, Kenneth, 4th Earl of Seaforth ( 1686 )
    Sutherland, James, 2nd Lord Duffus ( 1686 )
    Elphinstone, John, 4th Lord Balmerinoch ( 1687 )
    Sutherland, John, 16th Earl of Sutherland ( 1687 )
    Carnegie, Charles, 4th Earl of Southesk ( 1688 )
    Carmichael, John, 1st Earl of Hyndford ( 1689 )
    Cuninghame, John, 11th Earl of Glencairn ( 1689 )
    Gordon, George, 15th Earl of Sutherland ( 1689 )
    Kennedy, John, 7th Earl of Cassillis ( 1689 ), to King William II
    Leslie, David, 5th Earl of Leven ( 1689 )
    Campbell, Colin, of Aberuchill, 1st Bt. ( 1690 )
    Douglas, James, 11th Earl of Morton ( 1690 )
    Johnstone, William, 1st Marquess of Annandale ( 1690 )
    Lindsay, William, 18th Earl of Crawford ( 1690 )
    Sutherland, John, 16th Earl of Sutherland ( 1690 )
    Cockburn, Adam, Lord Ormiston ( 1692 )
    Lyon, Patrick, 3rd Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne ( 1692 )
    Lyon, John, 4th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne ( 1695 )
    Hamilton, John, 1st Earl of Ruglen ( 1696 )
    Boyle, David, 1st Earl of Glasgow ( 1697 )
    Campbell, Hugh, 3rd Earl of Loudoun ( 1697 )
    Erskine, John, 23rd/6th Earl of Mar ( 1697 )
    Carnegie, David, 4th Earl of Northesk ( 1698 )
    Hay, Charles, 3rd Marquess of Tweeddale ( 1698 )
    Keith, William, 8th Earl Marischal ( 1701 )
    Primrose, Archibald, 1st Earl of Rosebery ( 1701 )
    Lindsay, John, 19th Earl of Crawford ( 1702 )
    Campbell, Hugh, 3rd Earl of Loudoun ( 1703 )
    Hope, Charles, 1st Earl of Hopetoun ( 1703 )
    Lyon, John, 4th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne ( 1703 )
    Sutherland, John, 16th Earl of Sutherland ( 1703 )
    Carmichael, James, 2nd Earl of Hyndford ( 1704 )
    Stewart, James, 5th Earl of Galloway ( 1706 )
    Count equals 264 individuals.

Privy Counsellor (P.C.) [ireland]
    Beresford, William, 1st Baron Decies ( 1794 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Privy Counsellor (P.C.) for Munster
    Boyle, Richard, 1st Earl of Cork ( 1606 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Privy Counsellor (P.C.) of Ireland
    Archdale, Edward ( 1913 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Privy Counsellor [Canada]
    Bostock, Hewitt
    Count equals 1 individual.

Privy Counsellor [Denmark]
    Struensee, Johann Friedrich ( 1770 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Privy Counsellor [Ireland]
    Agard, Francis
    Howard, Ralph, 1st Viscount Wicklow
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Total count equals 3117 individuals.