2nd Battle of Newbury
 Goring, Charles, 2nd Earl of No ( Oct 1644 )
 Wentworth, Thomas, 1st and last ( 27 Oct 1644 ), where he was captured
 Wentworth, Thomas, 5th Lord Wen ( 27 Oct 1644 )
Count equals 3 individuals.
Batte of Edgehill
 Hastings, Henry, 1st and last B ( 1642 ), where he led his own troop of horse
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Alford
 Farquharson, William, of Invere ( 2 Jul 1645 ), leading the Strathdu men, under the Marquess of Montrose
Gordon, George, Lord Gordon ( 2 Jul 1645 )
 Lindsay, Alexander, 1st Earl of ( 2 Jul 1645 ), where he commanded a troop of horse, and was defeated
Count equals 3 individuals.
Battle of Brentford
 Ruthven, Patrick, 1st and last ( 15 Nov 1642 ), where he defeated the Parliamentarian forces
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Cheriton Down
 Bard, Henry, 1st Viscount Bello, where he lost the use of an arm while distinguishing himself in the Royalist cause
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Cropredy Bridge
Boteler, William, 1st Bt. ( 29 Jun 1644 ), where he commanded the regiment he had raised for the King
 Mordaunt, Henry, 2nd Earl of Pe
 Percy, Henry, 1st Baron Percy o ( Jun 1644 )
 Wentworth, Thomas, 1st and last ( 29 Jun 1644 )
 Wentworth, Thomas, 5th Lord Wen ( 29 Jun 1644 )
Count equals 5 individuals.
Battle of Edgehill
 Arundell, Richard, 1st Baron Ar, where he fought for the King
 Assheton, John ( Oct 1642 )
 Astley, Jacob, 1st Baron Astley, where he was wounded
 Belasyse, John, 1st Baron Belas
 Bertie, Montagu, 2nd Earl of Li ( 1642 ), where he was captured ratherthan abandon his mortally wounded father
Bertie, Robert, 1st Earl of Lin ( 23 Oct 1642 )
 Bertie, Robert, 1st Earl of Lin ( 23 Oct 1642 )
 Byron, John, 1st Baron Byron of ( 1642 ), where he commanded the Royalist reserve
 Byron, Richard, 2nd Baron Byron, as a 'Valiant Colonel'
 Compton, Charles ( 1642 )
Compton, Spencer, 2nd Earl of N ( 1642 )
 Fiennes, Nathaniel ( 1642 ), for Parliament
 Greville, Robert, 2nd Baron Bro ( 22 Oct 1642 ), for the Parliamentarians
 Howard, Henry Frederick, 22nd E ( Oct 1642 )
 Lake, Edward, 1st and last Bt. ( 1642 ), where he received 16 wounds
Lewthwaite, John ( 1642 )
 Lindsay, Ludovic, 16th Earl of ( 23 Oct 1642 )
 Long, Walter, 1st Bt. ( 23 Oct 1642 ), where he was wounded
 Russell, William, 1st Duke of B ( 23 Oct 1642 ), for the Parliamentarians
 Ruthven, Patrick, 1st and last ( Oct 1642 ), where he had the chief command
Sandys, Richard ( 23 Oct 1642 )
 Spencer, Henry, 1st Earl of Sun ( 23 Oct 1642 )
St. John, Oliver, 5th Baron Sai ( 23 Oct 1642 ), fighting for the Parliamentarians, and was taken prisoner
Stuart, George, 9th Seigneur d' ( 23 Oct 1642 )
Verney, Edmund ( 23 Oct 1642 )
 Wharton, Philip, 4th Baron Whar ( 1642 ), as a Parliamentarian
Count equals 26 individuals.
Battle of Gainsborough
 Cholmley, Hugh, 1st Bt. ( 1643 ), with the Parliamentarians
Poyntz, Newdigate, for the King
Count equals 2 individuals.
Battle of Highnam
 Somerset, Edward, 2nd Marquess ( 24 Mar 1643 ), where he was defeated by Waller, after an unsuccesful siege of Gloucester
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Malton
 Cholmley, Hugh, 1st Bt. ( 1643 ), with the Parliamentarians
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Nantwich
 Aston, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 28 Jan 1642 ), where he was defeated by the Parliamentary General, Sir William Brereton, and was captured
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Naseby
 Belasyse, John, 1st Baron Belas
 Bertie, Montagu, 2nd Earl of Li ( 1645 ), where he was wounded
Browne, Peter ( 14 Jun 1645 ), in the service of King Charles I
Bruce, Robert, 2nd of Kinnaird ( 14 Jun 1645 )
Cave, Richard ( 1645 )
 Chester, Anthony, 2nd Bt., commanding a troop of horse for the Royalists
 Dalzell, Robert, 1st Earl of Ca ( 14 Jun 1645 )
 Fairfax, Thomas, 3rd Lord Fairf ( 14 Jun 1645 )
 Fiennes, John ( 1645 )
 Gurdon, Brampton ( 14 Jun 1645 )
 Lockwood, John, for King Charles I, where he was wounded
 Maunsell, John, where he was severely wounded
 O'Neale, Daniel
 Osborne, Henry ( 1645 )
 Portman, William, 5th Bt. ( 1645 ), where he was taken prisoner by the Parliamentarians
 Rich, Nathaniel, for the Parliamentarians
 Rumbould, Thomas ( 1645 ), where he was captured
 Rumbould, William ( 1645 )
 Stuart, James, 4th Duke of Lenn ( 1645 )
 Windsor, Thomas Windsor, 1st Ea ( 1645 )
Count equals 20 individuals.
Battle of Newbury
 Belasyse, John, 1st Baron Belas
Brooke, William ( 20 Sep 1643 )
Cary, Lucius, 2nd Viscount of F ( 20 Sep 1643 )
 Dormer, Robert, 1st Earl of Car ( 20 Sep 1643 )
FitzMaurice, Richard ( 1644 )
 Lindsay, Ludovic, 16th Earl of ( 20 Sep 1643 )
 Mordaunt, Henry, 2nd Earl of Pe, where he was wounded
 Russell, William, 1st Duke of B ( 20 Sep 1643 ), for the Royalists
 Spencer, Henry, 1st Earl of Sun ( 20 Sep 1643 )
St. Leger, William ( 1644 )
Count equals 10 individuals.
Battle of Oswestry
 Newport, Francis, 1st Earl of B ( 29 Jun 1644 ), where he fought on the King's side, and was taken prisoner
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Philiphaugh
 Agnew, James ( 1645 ), for which he was thanked by Parliament
 Drummond, James, 3rd Earl of Pe ( 1645 ), where he fought for the Royalists, and was captured
 Erskine, John, 21st/4th Earl of ( 1645 )
 Johnstone, James, 1st Earl of H ( 1645 )
 Macdonald, Donald ( 1645 ), (royalist defeat in Civil War)
 Murray, William ( 13 Sep 1645 )
 Ogilvy, Alexander ( 13 Sep 1645 ), where he was captured
 Ogilvy, James, 2nd Earl of Airl ( 13 Sep 1645 ), where he served under Montrose, and was defeated and captured
 Rollo, William ( 13 Sep 1645 ), where he was captured
 Seton, George, Lord Seton ( 1645 ), where he was captured by the Parliamentarians
Count equals 10 individuals.
Battle of Stratton
Arundell, Thomas, 2nd Baron Aru ( 16 May 1643 ), where he was mortally wounded
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Worcester
 Anstruther, Philip ( 1651 ), where he was captured by Cromwell's forces, fined and his estates sequestered until the restoration
 Armstrong, Edmund ( 1651 ), and taken prisoner
 Brown, John, where he was wounded, and afterwards fled to Ireland
 Campbell, Archibald, 9th Earl o ( 3 Sep 1651 ), on behalf of King Charles II
 Dalyell, Thomas, of the Binns ( 1651 ), where he was captured and imprisoned in the Tower of London
 Dalzell, Gavin, 2nd Earl of Car ( 3 Sep 1651 ), on the King's side, and was taken prisoner, being held for many years
 Dalzell, John ( 3 Sep 1651 ), where he was taken prisoner
 Dalzell, Robert, 1st Earl of Ca ( 3 Sep 1651 ), where he was taken prisoner, and committed to the Tower
 Douglas, James, 1st Lord Mordin ( 3 Sep 1651 ), where he was captured by the Parliamentarians
 Drummond, William, 1st Viscount ( 1651 ), where he was captured by the Parliamentarians and imprisoned
 Erskine, Alexander, 3rd Earl of ( 1651 ), where he was captured by Cromwell's forces
Farquharson, Finlay, 2nd of Riv ( 3 Sep 1651 )
 Fraser, Alexander, 11th Lord Sa ( 3 Sep 1651 ), for King Charles II
 Goffe, William ( 3 Sep 1651 )
Hamilton, William, 2nd Duke of ( 3 Sep 1651 ), where he was mortally wounded
 Jackson, Anthony
 Keith, George, 7th Earl Marisch ( 1651 )
 Legge, William ( 1651 ), where he was wounded and taken prisoner. He escaped from Coventry gaol in his wife's clothes
 Leslie, John, 1st Duke of Rothe ( 3 Sep 1651 ), where he was captured by the English
 Lindsay, Patrick, 3rd of Wormis ( 1651 ), where he was captured by Crowmell's troops
 Livingston, James, 1st Earl of ( 3 Sep 1651 ), following which he fled to Paris
MacLeod, Alexander, 1st of Glen ( 1651 )
 Mackenzie, Kenneth, 3rd Earl of ( 1651 ), as a Royalist
Macnab, John 'Dow' ( 1651 ), where he led 300 men
 Macneil, Neil 'Og', 16th of Bar ( 1651 ), as a ‘Colonell of Horsse' in the royalist army
 Maitland, John, 1st and last Du ( 1651 ), where he was captured by the English
 Molyneux, Richard, 2nd Viscount ( 3 Sep 1651 )
 Montgomerie, Robert ( 1651 )
Musgrave, Edward ( 3 Sep 1651 )
 Musgrave, Philip, 2nd Bt. ( 1651 )
 Ogilvy, George, 2nd Lord Banff, for King Charles II
 Pakington, John, 2nd Bt. ( 1651 ), where he was captured by Cromwellian troops), fined again, this time Ł7,670 and forced to alienate part of his Aylesbury property (later annulled at the restoration)
 Payne, Ralph ( 1651 )
 Poyntz, Hugh ( 17 Jul 1216 ), where he was captured
 Ross, David, 12th of Balnagowan ( 3 Sep 1651 ), where he was captured and imprisoned in the Tower of London
Sandys, Edwin ( Sep 1651 )
 Sinclair, John, 9th Lord Sincla ( 3 Sep 1651 ), he was captured by Cromwell’s forces and held prisoner
 Stewart, Archibald, of Burray, ( 1651 ), where he was captured
 Stewart, Charles
Swinton, James ( 1651 )
 Swinton, John, 23rd of that Ilk ( 1651 ), where he was taken prisoner
 Talbot, Francis, 11th Earl of S ( 1651 )
 Villiers, George, 2nd Duke of B ( 3 Sep 1651 )
Ward, Charles ( 1651 )
 Washbourne, John, where he was taken prisoner
 Wentworth, Thomas, 1st and last ( 1651 ), when he was again taken prisoner
 Wentworth, Thomas, 5th Lord Wen ( 1651 )
 Whitford, David ( 3 Sep 1651 ), where he was taken prisoner
Count equals 48 individuals.
Battle of the Dunes
 Stuart, James II, King of Great ( 3 Jun 1658 ), where he earned distinction by twice charging home against the Cromwellian infantry, but could not break them
Count equals 1 individual.
English Civil War
Bagenal, George
 Bagenal, Henry
 Bagenal, Thomas
 Bagenal, Walter
Bowyer, Henry, as a Royalist
 Brabazon, Edward, 2nd Earl of M, as a Royalist
 Bradshaigh, Roger, 1st Bt., for the King
 Bright, John, 1st and last Bt., against the King
 Bulkeley, Richard ( 1646 ), where he held Beaumaris Castle for the king
 Burton, Thomas, 2nd Bt., where he distinguished himself on the part of the King
Byron, Philip
 Byron, Robert
 Cadogan, William, defending Trim Castle, County Meath
 Cameron, Ewen, of Lochiel, 17th, as a Royalist
 Capell, Arthur, 1st Baron Capel, in the Royal cause, especially against Sir William Brereton
 Cave, Richard, as a Royalist
 Cave, Thomas, 1st Bt., as a Royalist
Cavendish, Charles, as a Royalist
 Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of, as a Royalist Commander
 Chichester, John
 Cochrane, Alexander, as a Royalist
 Cochrane, Hugh, as a Royalist
 Cochrane, John, as a Royalist
 Cust, Samuel, against King Charles I
 Damer, Joseph
 Davenly, William, as a Royalist
 Dolben, John
 Drummond, John, 2nd Lord Madert, as a Royalist
 Drummond, William, 1st Viscount, as a Royalist
 Dundas, George ( 1649 ), as a Parliamentarian
 Edgcumbe, Piers ( 1645 ), where he capitulated his garrsion at Mount Edgcumbe
 Esmond, Laurence, 1st and last ( 1644 ), with the Parliamentarians, handing over Duncannon but subsequently being besieged there by forces representing the Confederacy of Kilkenny, to whom he surrendered in March 1644/5
 Feilding, Basil, 2nd Earl of De, as a Parliamentarian
Feilding, William, 1st Earl of, as a Royalist
 Fergusson, James, as a royalist Captain
 Fergusson, John, as a royalist Captain
FitzHerbert, Ralph
Fitzgerald, Edward
Fitzgerald, John
Fitzgerald, unknown son
 Forbes, Arthur, 1st Earl of Gra, in Scotland, as a Royalist
 Forbes, William, of Craigievar, , commander of a troop of Parliamentary Horse
 Fortescue, Faithful
 Gage, Henry, as a Royalist
Haggerston, John
 Haggerston, Thomas, 1st Bt.
 Hamilton, James, as a Royalist
 Hay, George, 3rd Earl of Kinnou, as a Royalist
 Hay, William, 4th Earl of Kinno, as a Royalist
 Hill, Arthur
 Howard, Francis
 Howard, Thomas
 Jones, Philip
 Kaye, John, 1st Bt.
 King, John, 1st Baron Kingston ( 1641 ), in the King's Army
 Lambert, John, as a Parliamentarian
 Lambton, William, as a Royalist
 Lechmere, Edmund
 Legge, William, as a Royalist
 Legh, Henry, helping defend Chester and Worcester against Pariamentary forces
 Lockhart, Robert
 Lucy, Spencer
 Mahon, Nicholas
 Molesworth, Guy
 Montagu, Edward, 1st Baron Mont, as a Royalist
 Montagu, Edward, 2nd Baron Mont, as a Parliamentarian
 O'Neill, Turlough, Lord of the
 Ogilvy, Alexander, as a Royalist
 Onslow, Richard
 Osborne, Charles, as a Royalist
 Parker, William
 Payne, Ralph, as a Royalist
 Pole, Courtenay, 2nd Bt., for the Royalists
 Pole, John, 1st Bt., for the Parliamentarians
 Ramsden, John
 Robertson, Donald
 Sclater, William, as a Royalist, and was imprisoned
 Seton, Alexander, 1st Viscount, as a Royalist
 Spencer, Henry, 1st Earl of Sun ( 1642-1643 ), with the Royal Army
 St. John, unknown son, on the Royalist side
St. John, unknown son, on the Royalist side
 St. John, unknown son, on the Royalist side
 Stonor, William, as a Royalist
 Vaughan, Richard, 2nd Earl of C, on the Royalist side
 Villiers, George, 2nd Bt., as a Royalist
 Villiers, William, 2nd Viscount, as a Royalist
 Waldegrave, Edward, 1st Bt.
 Winnington, Francis
 Wittewronge, John, 1st Bt., for the Parliamentarians
 Wolseley, Devereux
Count equals 90 individuals.
First Battle of Newbury
 Brydges, George, 6th Baron Chan ( 20 Sep 1643 ), he had 3 horses shot out from under him, and was instrumental in breaking the enemy's cavalry
 Percy, Henry, 1st Baron Percy o ( Sep 1643 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Second Battle of Newbury
Mansel, Anthony ( 27 Oct 1644 ), on the Royalist side
Count equals 1 individual.
Siege of St. Chad's Church
Greville, Robert, 2nd Baron Bro ( 2 Mar 1643 )
Count equals 1 individuals.
Total count equals 230 individuals.
=killed in action or mortally wounded during this battle/war