• [S7956] Teale-Jones, Craig. "Re: Teale-Jones Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 4 April 2016.
  • [S8036] Lear, David. The Lear Baronets of Lindridge and London: With additional information on the Leirs of Charlton Musgrove, and Tobias Lear, George Washington's Secretary. N.p.: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.
  • [S8066] Money, Katharine. "Re: Money Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 20 August 2016.
  • [S8068] Gree, Daniel. A Plantation Family. N.p.: n.pub.
  • [S8190] The local history of Burton upon Trent. Online http://www.burton-on-trent.org.uk/category/burtonians/thornewill
  • [S8234] Landed Estates Database. Online http://landedestates.nuigalway.ie/LandedEstates/jsp/estate-show.jsp?id=2241
  • [S8253] Harvey-Kelly, Shaunagh. "Re: Harvey-Kelly Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 13 March 2017.
  • [S8257] Harvey-Kelly, Myles. "Re: Harvey-Kelly Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 14 March 2017.
  • [S8314] Lloyd's List. Online https://www.lloydslist.com
  • [S8316] Russell, Imogene. "Re: Russell Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 16 May 2017.
  • [S8350] Schalburg, Inga. "Re: Schalburg Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 29 June 2017.
  • [S8382] Melanie, Kilsby, in Canada. "Re: Melanie Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 20 Aug 2017.
  • [S8412] Zangenberg, Claes. "Re: Zangenberg Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 24 September 2017.
  • [S8437] Candela de Prat, Alexandra, COuntess de Pac. "Re: Candela Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 21 Nov 2017.
  • [S8484] Van der Lande, Joanna, in UK. "Re: Price Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 13 February 2018.
  • [S8490] Russell, Matt. "Re: Russell Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 22 February 2018.
  • [S8504] William-Ellis, Chris, in Wales. "Re: William-Ellis Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 7 March 2018.
  • [S8519] Egan, Jeanette. "Re: Chapman Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 31 March 2018.
  • [S8585] Williams-Ellis, Joanthan, in U.K.. "Re: William-Ellis Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 21 July 2018.
  • [S8602] Barrow, Rupert. "Re: Barrow Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 15 August 2018.
  • [S8607] Sherborne Mercury, Sherborne, UK.
  • [S8611] Lancet, London, England.
  • [S8615] More Than Nelson. Online https://morethannelson.com/officer/samuel-pitchford-cornish/
  • [S8665] Mariner, Ruth, in U.K.. "Re: Russ Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 7 November 2018.
  • [S8717] Ponting, Jaime. "Re: Ponting Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 21 Feb 2019.
  • [S8878] Savory, Sir Michael. "Re: Savory Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 18 Dec 2019.
  • [S8919] Johnstone, Jody, in Swanville, ME, USA. "Re: Johnstone Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 31 Jan 2020.
  • [S8999] Romilly, Sarah. "Re: Romilly Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 6 May 2020.
  • [S9124] Keijsers, Joshua. "Re: Keijsers Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 29 August 2020.
  • [S9141] Diacre, Piers. "Re: Diacre Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 12 Sep 2020.
  • [S9145] Percy-Reins, Frances. "Re: Tomes Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 20 Sep 2020.
  • [S9149] Dunnage, Barry. "Re: Dunnage Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 24 Sep 2020.
  • [S9153] Griffiths, Roger. "Re: Smith Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 1 Oct 2020.
  • [S9191] Stuart, Jennifer. "Re: Pickard Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 12 Nov 2020.
  • [S9216] Brankin-Frisby, Otis. "Re: Egerton Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 21 December 2020.
  • [S9330] Lindsay, Patti. "Re: Tolstoy Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 4 April 2021.
  • [S9337] Elle Australia, unknown location.
  • [S9343] Lamplugh Brooksbank, Jack. "Re: Lamplugh Brooksbank Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 25 April 2021.
  • [S9530] Graham, Katrina. "Re: Dunlop Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 27 Jan 2022.
  • [S9560] Albery, Sebastian. "Re: Albery Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 24 Feb 2022.
  • [S9579] Frazer, Eric. "Re: Mayne Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 2 April 2022.
  • [S9632] Brotherhood, Robert. "Re: Brotherhood Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 14 July 2022.
  • [S9653] Robertson, JAne. "Re: Robertson Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 14 Aug 2022.
  • [S9687] Swerling, Joshua. "Re: Potts Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 17 Oct 2022.
  • [S9840] Brebner Family. Online http://www.brebner.com/uploads/bre09682.pdf
  • [S9854] O'Neill, Rosie. "Re: Denning Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 31 Oct 2023.
  • [S9968] Gilhooly, Ralph. "Re: Gilholly Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 23 Sep 2024.
  • [S9972] Colville, Fynn. "Re: Colville Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 4 Oct 2024.
  • [S9976] Brooks, Guy. "Re: Brooks Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 16 Oct 2024.
  • [S9994] Dale, Chris. "Re: Davis Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 9 Dec 2024.