• [S290] Honeycutt. The Ones Who Came Before. N.n.: n.n., n.d.
  • [S346] Whitaker, Bill. Whitakers 1086-1990. N.n.: n.p., 1990.
  • [S347] Whitaker, James. A Short Memoir of the Life of James Whitaker. N.n.: n.n., n.d.
  • [S369] Lamb, Martha J.. History of the City of New York. N.p.: Burton Harrison, 2005.
  • [S376] Stultz. Ingram Family History. N.n.: Privately published, n.d.
  • [S4287] Unknown author. Kentucky Birth Records - 1852-1858. N.p.: n.pub.
  • [S4289] Abstracted by Bork. Will of Samuel Allen written 9 Jan 1864 and proved 22 Jun 1868 - Pg 71New will book A.. N.p.: n.pub.
  • [S4290] Copied 15 Apr 1975 by Mr. & Mrs. T. B. Cawyer of Stephenville, TX.. Rising Star Cemetery Records, Rising Star, Eastland County, TX. N.p.: n.pub.
  • [S4291] Unknown author. Letter from Mary Maxwell dated 10 Mar 1999. N.p.: n.pub.
  • [S4296] Unknown author. The Heritage of Rowan Co., North Carolina Vol 1. Salisbury, North Carolina: Genealogical Society of Rowan County, Inc.,Salisbury, North Carolina., 1991.
  • [S4301] Unknown author. Schedule of Distribution - James Collett Jr. 28 Oct 1811 in RandolphCo., North Carolina.. N.p.: n.pub.
  • [S4302] Unknown author. Letter from Kate Barnes Leary dated 5/17/99. N.p.: n.pub.
  • [S4303] Unknown author. Letter from Suie Owens. N.p.: n.pub.
  • [S4304] J.B. Bork. Wayne Co., KY Marriage & Vital Records - 1801-1860. N.p.: n.pub.
  • [S4305] Unknown author. Will of George Frederick Cooper - New Will Book A pg 76-78. N.p.: n.pub.
  • [S4306] Unknown author. Gann Registry. N.p.: Gann Historical Society and Library.
  • [S4307] Unknown author. Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin & Kniffin, 7thedition - Pendleton County - 1887. N.p.: n.pub.
  • [S4308] Unknown author. Will of James H. West. Page 155, written 12 Oct 1859 & proved 22 Oct1859.. N.p.: n.pub.
  • [S4309] Unknown author. Chesters of Chicheley RJCW Ref 175c/d. N.p.: n.pub.
  • [S4310] Unknown author. The Earls of Essex, their wives and children at Cassiobury House. N.p.: Cassiobury Collection, Watford Museum.
  • [S4312] Unknown author. Manors and mansions of Herefordshire by Robinson. N.p.: n.pub.
  • [S4313] WJhonson Royals. Online http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~wjhonson/Royals/GED2WEB/people/p000007a.htm
  • [S4516] Wilkins, Belinda. "Re: Heygate Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 12 February 2010.
  • [S4713] Mar, Paul. "Re: Wolkonsky Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 13 July 2010.
  • [S4880] Robinson, Sarah. "Re: Fowke Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 6 September 2010.
  • [S4887] Mogendorff, Andrew, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.. "Re: Mogendorff Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 9 September 2010.
  • [S5616] Perry, Malcolm, in U.K.. "Re: Foley Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 15 September 2011.
  • [S5660] Graham, Malcolm. "Re: Graham Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 17 October 2011.
  • [S5662] Guast, John. "Re: Foely Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 18 October 2011.
  • [S5750] Haslett, Chris, in Canada. "Re: Haslett Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 5 December 2011.
  • [S6085] Toronto Globe and Mail, Toronto, Canada.
  • [S6331] Kendrick, Victor. "Re: Fitzherbert Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 24 August 2012.
  • [S6455] Bell, Richard, in Oxford, U.K.. "Re: Bell Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 4 December 2012.
  • [S6624] Haslett, Beth, in Canada. "Re: Haslett Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 30 March 2013.
  • [S6712] Naismith Family. Online http://www.stepaside.net/naismith/dat3.htm#12
  • [S6943] Goodall, Richard. "Re: Wright Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 24 December 2013.
  • [S6969] Oxley, Valerie, in U.K.. "Re: Knight Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 8 January 2014.
  • [S7493] Buswell, Patricia, in Canada. "Re: Chamberland Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 18 March 2015.
  • [S7536] Woodley, Karin, in London, U.K.. "Re: Woodley Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 15 April 2015.
  • [S7831] Turner, Kathleen. "Re: Rowley Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 14 December 2015.
  • [S7880] Bowers, Anitra. "Re: Hume-Wright Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053).
  • [S7946] Fisher, Edwin. The Reverend T R Fisher Story. N.d.: n.d., n.d.
  • [S7962] Gwyn, Chris. "Re: Gwyn Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 10 April 2016.
  • [S8160] Brereton istory. Online http://breretonhistory.ca/Breretons%20of%20Bedford%20and%20Halmingham.pdf
  • [S8279] Hamilton-Baillie, Elisa. "Re: Hamilton-Baillie Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 4 April 2017.
  • [S8852] Stamps, Rollie. "Re: Fisher Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 11 Nov 2019.
  • [S8973] Price, Lisa, in Auckland, New Zealand. "Re: Land Family." E-mail message to Lundy, Darryl Roger. 14 April 2020.
  • [S9621] Holden, Ken. "Re: Dawson Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 22 June 2022.
  • [S9732] Haslett, Robert. "Re: Haslett Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 7 Jan 2023.
  • [S9776] Wright, Henry. "Re: Anton Family." E-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053). 5 April 2023.